Lost my Pastor Today

I'd worry less about your priests and more about your Pope. He is a political hack who stands at our border and insists we remove it, announces that the Untied States should be taken over by the UN for our own good and says that good works can get you into heaven. The Bible begs to differ...
Advocating for compassion and love is so UNPOPELIKE, isn't it?

I don't see him tearing down the security at the Vatican. UNPOPELIKE is convincing Catholics that Christ isn't necessary to enter heaven. It is sacrilege. And prophesied...

Christ is necessary to enter heaven?

About two billion out of seven billion people on earth are Christian

Do you think God will keep the other 5 billion out?

Not only does God not want 5 billion out, He and His Son came up with a plan that would leave NO ONE out.
Christ paid the excruciating penalty for our sins, leaving us sinless < requirement for Heaven. God puts our sins behind him and remembers them NO MORE. Christ became us on the cross, we became Him to our Father. We qualify under Christ's record. That was the exchange that took place. His blood was shed instead of ours, because He loves us that much.
And, It is a gift. Thank Jesus, the Christ, and accept the gift and secure your eternity. It will change your life.

There is only one way to the Father, and that is through Christ's work on the cross. Works are an insult to what Christ did on our behalf unless the work is done for Christ's sake and not our own ego.
There is no judgement of sin awaiting those who accept Christ's work. Your sin was dealt with and removed 2,000 years ago. The only judgement waiting for a child in Christ is for rewards. < based on your works for Christ's sake. Mother Teresa comes to mind...

Is the gift of forgiveness and merit we don't deserve what your judging God for, Lady? Because He left no one out..

There is one way, belief. Good works do not get you into Heaven.

Keep in mind being saved does not mean you keep repeating your old sins.
There is no biblical reason for priests to be celibate. The Catholic church would be wise and scripturally correct to allow family men to be pastors.
And women

Women hold the church together

I attended a large Methodist Church that I watched grow huge. They hired a Lady Pastor. I really enjoyed her Sermons because you related to her. Same problems. They had 5 Services. 2 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday.

I was shocked to hear a middle aged man complain and leave because he refused to listen to a woman
There is no biblical reason for priests to be celibate. The Catholic church would be wise and scripturally correct to allow family men to be pastors.
And women

Women hold the church together

I attended a large Methodist Church that I watched grow huge. They hired a Lady Pastor. I really enjoyed her Sermons because you related to her. Same problems. They had 5 Services. 2 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday.

I was shocked to hear a middle aged man complain and leave because he refused to listen to a woman
His loss

Just like it is the Catholic Churches loss that they don’t allow women and insist in celibacy (which is just freaky)
There is no biblical reason for priests to be celibate. The Catholic church would be wise and scripturally correct to allow family men to be pastors.
And women

Women hold the church together

I attended a large Methodist Church that I watched grow huge. They hired a Lady Pastor. I really enjoyed her Sermons because you related to her. Same problems. They had 5 Services. 2 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday.

I was shocked to hear a middle aged man complain and leave because he refused to listen to a woman
His loss

Just like it is the Catholic Churches loss that they don’t allow women and insist in celibacy (which is just freaky)

Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.
... There is one way, belief. Good works do not get you into Heaven. ...

There is no way. Absolutely no way. Only god is the way. Everything is his decision in this case. But who believes god will accept good deeds is for sure not wrong, because evil deeds will for sure not lead to god or to the belief in god. Who is doing good deeds has a realistic chance. Or are you able to imagine a paradise full of evil deeds where you or anyone else is able to be happy?

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There is no biblical reason for priests to be celibate. The Catholic church would be wise and scripturally correct to allow family men to be pastors.
And women

Women hold the church together

I attended a large Methodist Church that I watched grow huge. They hired a Lady Pastor. I really enjoyed her Sermons because you related to her. Same problems. They had 5 Services. 2 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday.

I was shocked to hear a middle aged man complain and leave because he refused to listen to a woman
His loss

Just like it is the Catholic Churches loss that they don’t allow women and insist in celibacy (which is just freaky)

Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.

Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky. That is why they still oppose birth control which allows sex without the possibility of children
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy
... There is one way, belief. Good works do not get you into Heaven. ...

There is no way. Absolutely no way. Only god is the way. Everything is his decision in this case. But who believes god will accept good deeds is for sure not wrong, because evil deeds will for sure not lead to god or to the belief in god. Who is doing good deeds has a realistic chance. Or are you able to imagine a paradise full of evil deeds where you or anyone else is able to be happy?

Where did you get the notion that good works will get you into heaven? Can you point me to some text or something that confirms your belief?

Christ is the only way. God says so. It's all about the Son.
... There is one way, belief. Good works do not get you into Heaven. ...

There is no way. Absolutely no way. Only god is the way. Everything is his decision in this case. But who believes god will accept good deeds is for sure not wrong, because evil deeds will for sure not lead to god or to the belief in god. Who is doing good deeds has a realistic chance. Or are you able to imagine a paradise full of evil deeds where you or anyone else is able to be happy?

Where did you get the notion that good works will get you into heaven?

Let me say it this way: I am not an inhabitant of your brain.

Can you point me to some text or something that confirms your belief?

Christ is the only way. God says so. It's all about the Son.

Which son? The son in your brain or the son who is true god from true god?

There is no biblical reason for priests to be celibate. The Catholic church would be wise and scripturally correct to allow family men to be pastors.
And women

Women hold the church together

I attended a large Methodist Church that I watched grow huge. They hired a Lady Pastor. I really enjoyed her Sermons because you related to her. Same problems. They had 5 Services. 2 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday.

I was shocked to hear a middle aged man complain and leave because he refused to listen to a woman
His loss

Just like it is the Catholic Churches loss that they don’t allow women and insist in celibacy (which is just freaky)

Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.

Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky.


That is why they still oppose birth control

The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control.

which allows sex without the possibility of children.
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy

What is "recreational sex"? To use sex like a drug without to love the spouse?
Last edited:
... There is one way, belief. Good works do not get you into Heaven. ...

There is no way. Absolutely no way. Only god is the way. Everything is his decision in this case. But who believes god will accept good deeds is for sure not wrong, because evil deeds will for sure not lead to god or to the belief in god. Who is doing good deeds has a realistic chance. Or are you able to imagine a paradise full of evil deeds where you or anyone else is able to be happy?

Where did you get the notion that good works will get you into heaven?

Let me say it this way: I am not an inhabitant of your brain.

Can you point me to some text or something that confirms your belief?

Christ is the only way. God says so. It's all about the Son.

Which son? The son in your brain or the son who is true god from true god?

Jesus Christ, the Son of the God of the Bible. That Son, that God. Where did you get the information that you can work your way into Heaven? Do you have anything to substantiate that claim?
And why do you believe in a Heaven? Where did you get the notion that there is a Heaven?
And women

Women hold the church together

I attended a large Methodist Church that I watched grow huge. They hired a Lady Pastor. I really enjoyed her Sermons because you related to her. Same problems. They had 5 Services. 2 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday.

I was shocked to hear a middle aged man complain and leave because he refused to listen to a woman
His loss

Just like it is the Catholic Churches loss that they don’t allow women and insist in celibacy (which is just freaky)

Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.

Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky.


That is why they still oppose birth control

The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control.

which allows sex without the possibility of children.
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy

What is "recreational sex"? To use sex like a drug without to love the spouse?
Damn....you MUST be Catholic

1. They insist that Priests remain celibate because the idea of a priest having sex is yucky

2. Sex is fun
Married people have sex because they enjoy it. Birth Control allows them to enjoy sex without the risk of additional children.

The Catholic Churches views towards sex are archaic. Most Catholics realize that and ignore them. Priests know it and look the other way
I am a Roman Catholic, living in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. My pastor for the past 13 years has been a charismatic, dynamic, spiritual, handsome, talented, interesting fellow. He was brought in to build a new church...get the process going, raise the money, and manage the whole thing. It is built. It is beautiful. It is paid for. And then some. New, never envisioned out buildings enhance the whole campus.

He is instituted numerous forms of "outreach," benefitting the poor, elderly, addicted, displaced, and so on. I participate in some of it, in small ways.

The Bishop, confronting declining membership overall, and the projected loss of 40% of the already-short-supply of priests over the next ten years, decided (basically) to consolidate over a hundred "buildings" into 40 or so new parishes, with the structures and clergy to be determined over the next few years. Some churches will be closed, some expanded, who knows? Basically the way it works elsewhere is that a "parish" will not consist of three or four Churches (all retaining their previous names), and each one will have one or two Masses on the weekend, with a main "parish" priest floating from one to another to say the Masses.

And of course, our All-Star paster was sent to New Castle, to oversee 8 or so smaller parishes and manage their reorganization. It makes sense from a Diocesan management standpoint.

I don't know anything about the incoming paster, only that he is thrilled to be assigned to what is a large, growing, dynamic parish that has a hundred different things going on.

We'll see. Lots of people are VERY unhappy with this, but it is actually quite common, historically speaking within the U.S. Catholic Church. The norm used to be pastors moved around every 5 years or so.

I don't know of any other religions that would have a comparable event.

Perhaps you should become an agnostic and deal in problems/concerns that actually matter.

Religion bilks the ignorant.
... There is one way, belief. Good works do not get you into Heaven. ...

There is no way. Absolutely no way. Only god is the way. Everything is his decision in this case. But who believes god will accept good deeds is for sure not wrong, because evil deeds will for sure not lead to god or to the belief in god. Who is doing good deeds has a realistic chance. Or are you able to imagine a paradise full of evil deeds where you or anyone else is able to be happy?

Where did you get the notion that good works will get you into heaven?

Let me say it this way: I am not an inhabitant of your brain.

Can you point me to some text or something that confirms your belief?

Christ is the only way. God says so. It's all about the Son.

Which son? The son in your brain or the son who is true god from true god?

Jesus Christ, the Son of the God of the Bible. That Son, that God. Where did you get the information that you can work your way into Heaven? Do you have anything to substantiate that claim?
And why do you believe in a Heaven? Where did you get the notion that there is a Heaven?

First: You are thinking in stereotypes. I said not what you "think". I fear you are only a narrow minded man who looks for trouble, that's all. I personally believe in god, not in heaven and hell. For example: If I will go to heaven after my death then I will look for some people who will help me to close hell. I know I never will be happy with hell, while I live in heaven. Nevertheless I believe for example in the end will be real justice, the justice of god and to create this will be a kind of process which we call "a court of last instance" - but we have only some diffuse imaginations of this process. Part of this process is to rise from the death. It's not important for me to rise from the death - but how else could justice be? A whole universe was created out of nothing in the beginning of time - so why not to continue to live in the ending of time?

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I attended a large Methodist Church that I watched grow huge. They hired a Lady Pastor. I really enjoyed her Sermons because you related to her. Same problems. They had 5 Services. 2 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday.

I was shocked to hear a middle aged man complain and leave because he refused to listen to a woman
His loss

Just like it is the Catholic Churches loss that they don’t allow women and insist in celibacy (which is just freaky)

Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.

Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky.


That is why they still oppose birth control

The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control.

which allows sex without the possibility of children.
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy

What is "recreational sex"? To use sex like a drug without to love the spouse?
Damn....you MUST be Catholic

Damn. I am a Catholic.

1. They insist that Priests remain celibate because the idea of a priest having sex is yucky

"Celibate" means not to marry. It means not to have no sex. Some priests are married and have sex. For example priests of unified churches.

2. Sex is fun

Fun? Like baseball or war for example?

Married people have sex because they enjoy it. Birth Control allows them to enjoy sex without the risk of additional children.

The Catholic Churches views towards sex are archaic.

If you do not know what you speak about why do you try it to do so? Just a moment ago I said to you for example "The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control."

Most Catholics realize that and ignore them. Priests know it and look the other way

Good grief. One day I will have to find out how the craziness of the mad man Henry VIII was able to lead hundreds of millions into a darkness they are calling "civilisation".

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His loss

Just like it is the Catholic Churches loss that they don’t allow women and insist in celibacy (which is just freaky)

Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.

Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky.


That is why they still oppose birth control

The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control.

which allows sex without the possibility of children.
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy

What is "recreational sex"? To use sex like a drug without to love the spouse?
Damn....you MUST be Catholic

Damn. I am a Catholic.

1. They insist that Priests remain celibate because the idea of a priest having sex is yucky

"Celibate" means not to marry. It means not to have no sex. Some priests are married and have sex. For example priests of unified churches.

2. Sex is fun

Fun? Like baseball or war for example?

Married people have sex because they enjoy it. Birth Control allows them to enjoy sex without the risk of additional children.

The Catholic Churches views towards sex are archaic.

If you do not know what you speak about why do you try it to do so? Just a moment ago I said to you for example "The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control."

Most Catholics realize that and ignore them. Priests know it and look the other way

Good grief. One day I will have to find out how the craziness of the mad man Henry VIII was able to lead hundreds of millions into a darkness they are calling "civilisation".

Is this the part where you explain about the rhythm method?
Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.

Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky.


That is why they still oppose birth control

The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control.

which allows sex without the possibility of children.
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy

What is "recreational sex"? To use sex like a drug without to love the spouse?
Damn....you MUST be Catholic

Damn. I am a Catholic.

1. They insist that Priests remain celibate because the idea of a priest having sex is yucky

"Celibate" means not to marry. It means not to have no sex. Some priests are married and have sex. For example priests of unified churches.

2. Sex is fun

Fun? Like baseball or war for example?

Married people have sex because they enjoy it. Birth Control allows them to enjoy sex without the risk of additional children.

The Catholic Churches views towards sex are archaic.

If you do not know what you speak about why do you try it to do so? Just a moment ago I said to you for example "The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control."

Most Catholics realize that and ignore them. Priests know it and look the other way

Good grief. One day I will have to find out how the craziness of the mad man Henry VIII was able to lead hundreds of millions into a darkness they are calling "civilisation".

Is this the part where you explain about the rhythm method?

I guess what you say here makes sense within your own culture.

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I am a Roman Catholic, living in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. My pastor for the past 13 years has been a charismatic, dynamic, spiritual, handsome, talented, interesting fellow. He was brought in to build a new church...get the process going, raise the money, and manage the whole thing. It is built. It is beautiful. It is paid for. And then some. New, never envisioned out buildings enhance the whole campus.

He is instituted numerous forms of "outreach," benefitting the poor, elderly, addicted, displaced, and so on. I participate in some of it, in small ways.

The Bishop, confronting declining membership overall, and the projected loss of 40% of the already-short-supply of priests over the next ten years, decided (basically) to consolidate over a hundred "buildings" into 40 or so new parishes, with the structures and clergy to be determined over the next few years. Some churches will be closed, some expanded, who knows? Basically the way it works elsewhere is that a "parish" will not consist of three or four Churches (all retaining their previous names), and each one will have one or two Masses on the weekend, with a main "parish" priest floating from one to another to say the Masses.

And of course, our All-Star paster was sent to New Castle, to oversee 8 or so smaller parishes and manage their reorganization. It makes sense from a Diocesan management standpoint.

I don't know anything about the incoming paster, only that he is thrilled to be assigned to what is a large, growing, dynamic parish that has a hundred different things going on.

We'll see. Lots of people are VERY unhappy with this, but it is actually quite common, historically speaking within the U.S. Catholic Church. The norm used to be pastors moved around every 5 years or so.

I don't know of any other religions that would have a comparable event.

Perhaps you should become an agnostic and deal in problems/concerns that actually matter.

Religion bilks the ignorant.

And atheists, who don't know what agnosticism is, bilk the pseudognorants?

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Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky.


That is why they still oppose birth control

The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control.

which allows sex without the possibility of children.
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy

What is "recreational sex"? To use sex like a drug without to love the spouse?
Damn....you MUST be Catholic

Damn. I am a Catholic.

1. They insist that Priests remain celibate because the idea of a priest having sex is yucky

"Celibate" means not to marry. It means not to have no sex. Some priests are married and have sex. For example priests of unified churches.

2. Sex is fun

Fun? Like baseball or war for example?

Married people have sex because they enjoy it. Birth Control allows them to enjoy sex without the risk of additional children.

The Catholic Churches views towards sex are archaic.

If you do not know what you speak about why do you try it to do so? Just a moment ago I said to you for example "The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control."

Most Catholics realize that and ignore them. Priests know it and look the other way

Good grief. One day I will have to find out how the craziness of the mad man Henry VIII was able to lead hundreds of millions into a darkness they are calling "civilisation".

Is this the part where you explain about the rhythm method?

I guess what you say here makes sense within your own culture.


I do not videos that are posted here unless they contain porn
Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.

Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky.


That is why they still oppose birth control

The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control.

which allows sex without the possibility of children.
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy

What is "recreational sex"? To use sex like a drug without to love the spouse?
Damn....you MUST be Catholic

Damn. I am a Catholic.

1. They insist that Priests remain celibate because the idea of a priest having sex is yucky

"Celibate" means not to marry. It means not to have no sex. Some priests are married and have sex. For example priests of unified churches.

2. Sex is fun

Fun? Like baseball or war for example?

Married people have sex because they enjoy it. Birth Control allows them to enjoy sex without the risk of additional children.

The Catholic Churches views towards sex are archaic.

If you do not know what you speak about why do you try it to do so? Just a moment ago I said to you for example "The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control."

Most Catholics realize that and ignore them. Priests know it and look the other way

Good grief. One day I will have to find out how the craziness of the mad man Henry VIII was able to lead hundreds of millions into a darkness they are calling "civilisation".

Is this the part where you explain about the rhythm method?

A Friend has a Grandson that had 4 children in a very short time. His wife told the Grandmother they were using the Rhythm Birth control. Her answer? What do you do,sing I Got Rhythm while doing it?
And women

Women hold the church together

I attended a large Methodist Church that I watched grow huge. They hired a Lady Pastor. I really enjoyed her Sermons because you related to her. Same problems. They had 5 Services. 2 on Saturday night, 3 on Sunday.

I was shocked to hear a middle aged man complain and leave because he refused to listen to a woman
His loss

Just like it is the Catholic Churches loss that they don’t allow women and insist in celibacy (which is just freaky)

Some where down the line it was decided Priests should not be married or have a family so he could tend his Flock.

Just another asinine,man made decision. We see how well it worked. Raped Children,etc. It is not normal. Martin Luther was right.

Having a family and raising children involves having sex which the Catholic Church considers necessary but kind of yucky.


That is why they still oppose birth control

The catholic church never opposed birth control. The catholic church is opposing some methods of birth control.

which allows sex without the possibility of children.
Recreational sex is a sin to the Catholic heirarchy

What is "recreational sex"? To use sex like a drug without to love the spouse?

True, the original fight against BC was because when the pill first came out they had many side effects, and the new ones are even worst.

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