Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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I'm sorry but Boo is correct. The declaration didn't set up a form of govt. We were actually governed under the articles of confedation during the revolutionary war and until the constitution replaced them.
I am sorry, but you are wrong, in regards to what Boo was arguing. There was no argument or discussion in reference to what you just posted. Not in the least bit.

You seem quick, to jump into the middle of something you are unfamiliar with and at that you got wrong. Not the founding, but you got the conversation wrong as to what was being said and why.
SCOTUS ruled in the 1980, in the Stone v. Graham decision, that the 10 Commandments in the public school system violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution.
SCOTUS ruled in 1857, in the Dred Scott v. Stone decision, that Slaves had no rights. The decision was wrong as history has shown.
The governor knows that being sued by liberals would be a dream come true. It would increase his popularity. I bet they sue anyway.

---Louisiana governor ‘can’t wait to be sued’ after forcing the Ten Commandments in classrooms---

Yup. The left is going to attack, defame, and sue him for encouraging people not to commit murder, theft, and adultery.

Sums up the left in 2024 perfectly.
SCOTUS ruled in 1857, in the Dred Scott v. Stone decision, that Slaves had no rights. The decision was wrong as history has shown.
Dred Scott was their worst case decision in history. Now, please explain what that has to do with the 10 commandments in the schools ruling.
I am sorry that you know only the revisionist history of our founding. I have posted the quotes from those who wrote the documents. I have shown that god is stated in our founding document, The Declaration of Independence.

BlindBoo, you are replying with nothing more than contradictions. Contradiction contain no useful information in which to form a discussion upon.
The DOI established the separation principles for the colonist and advocated for 13 independent states. The Articles of Confederation tried to tie them altogether but failed and the new Republican form of government was drafted and founded the United States of America.
The DOI established the separation principles for the colonist and advocated for 13 independent states. The Articles of Confederation tried to tie them altogether but failed and the new Republican form of government was drafted and founded the United States of America.
We were not discussing this and you are still wrong about all your previous points made.
I am sorry, but you are wrong because you are now replying to a conversation that you are obviously unfamiliar with.

Boo stated that the Declaration of Independence is not one of our founding documents. That is incorrect.
the declaration is NOT a governing document. I realize you are bound to argue the US was founding on christianity .... as we imported slaves. But it's a loser's argument.
the declaration is NOT a governing document. I realize you are bound to argue the US was founding on christianity .... as we imported slaves. But it's a loser's argument.
You are arguing things I have not stated. You need to learn how to comprehend what you are responding to instead of getting emotional when you are wrong.

Slaves came before our founding, the Declaration of Independence declared that Slaves are men and free. Took a few years and a war to change the course of history, but it was the United States of America that freed the slaves and changed history.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
We were not discussing this and you are still wrong about all your previous points made.
Right, you claimed that we were founded on the 10 Commandments. Then posted a quote from the DOI. The DOI nor the Constitution references the 10 commandments.
Right, you claimed that we were founded on the 10 Commandments. Then posted a quote from the DOI. The DOI nor the Constitution references the 10 commandments.
Boo, you are wrong again, I never posted a quote from the Declaration of Independence to show that the document was founded upon the Ten Commandments. I posted a quote from the Declaration of Independence in response to the comment you made.

These are Natural Rights, enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, are for humans not just Christians, contrary to the Monarchy or a Divine King, like George. The Constitution makes no reference to a Creator.
I showed that one of our founding documents referenced the Creator, reading your comment it seemed that although you were specifically referencing the Constitution I though you may of been trying to obfuscate the fact that our founding documents did reference God and were based in part of the Ten Commandments.

I will really work harder to spell things I write with precise detail and repeated quotes of your comments so as to prevent you from being so confused as to what is stated and what you are replying to.

I am sorry that I did not include details and repeated them over and over so that you would not get lost as to what you are replying to.
I posted a quote from the Declaration of Independence in response to the comment you made.
Nope that was in response to someone else.
I showed that one of our founding documents referenced the Creator,
That reference has nothing to do with the 10 commandments. So, even if I concede that the DOI was a founding document, and I don't, it wasn't based on the 10 commandments. You said:

The United States was founded on the Ten Commandments.
Time to teach the truth.
Yup. The left is going to attack, defame, and sue him for encouraging people not to commit murder, theft, and adultery

Sucks for you that you need some words written 4000 years ago to know that you should not do those things.

Most of us just know they are wrong

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