Lt. Col. Allen West, Guardian Of The Republic


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
"Lets roll" folks. we the people have to kick out this disgusting hostile party to you the American people, who is now in charge of our lives before they do us anymore damage. Like flying Illegal immigrants infected with gawds knows what all over and dumping them into our cities and towns. Obama spitting in our face bragging he rode over to give one of his hateful speeches with ILLEGAL immigrants. etc
IT'S YOUR CHOICE...Look to someone who has already SERVED our country. Start with the midterms then move to the Presidency. Stop being bullied by this bunch by being accused of being a RACIST. Vote everyone last one them OUT

Lt. Col. Allen West, Guardian of the Republic

There are not many real guardians of our Constitutional Republic left. Perhaps it is because the Constitutional Republic exists only in written documents that many elected officials disregard, loophole, and violate every day while the populace is lulled into a false sense of reality by the mainstream media, the main perpetrator of public deception.
Allen West is a “Guardian of the Republic,” an exceptional American and war hero. He gave a teleprompter-free, heart-felt and spellbinding speech to the Republican Women of Clifton on September 28, 2014.
He recounted the famous story of Benjamin Franklin, who came out of Independence Hall in Philadelphia where the deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held, was met by a Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia, who asked him the fundamental question of who we are as Americans. “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?” Franklin answered immediately, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
The longest Constitutional Republic in the history of the world is now in danger. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that come from the Creator, are now under attack by the very government that the governed have elected into office. The government has morphed into a Hydra that is strangling the last freedoms we hold dear.
The concepts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have produced four generations of Wests who have served our country with pride and honor. Allen West’s parents challenged him to be the best American he can be in service to this country as an officer and as a Congressman.
This is the challenge to every American, we must pass on to the next generation a better America than our parents and grandparents have built.
People cheered when they heard the words of the former Senator from Illinois, “We are five days from fundamentally transforming America,” said Allen West. They forgot the words of Benjamin Franklin or perhaps they’ve never learned them in school.
If we forget that we must pursue life, liberty, and happiness through hard work and self-determination, without the nanny government that wants to keep us on the dole, controlling everything that we do, then we have let Benjamin Franklin down, we have lost the Republic given to us in 1787.
When Americans clap and cheer a President who says he has a pen and a phone to act without Congressional input, they have forgotten about the co-equal branches of government, about the system of checks and balances, West reminded us.
Are we teaching students, the next generation about Civics, about the Constitution, and where the rights of the individual come from? They don’t come from the government! Pointing to a local school board member, Allen West said that “The most important position in elected office today is the school board.”
If we are not vigilant, the uninformed public is easily deceived about the “war on women,” when the real war on women is waged on the woman whose son is languishing in a Mexican jail. West was referring to Tahmooressi, a U.S. Marine who got lost and accidentally crossed the border.
“Think about the mother who lost her son in Benghazi, think about the widow who lost her husband, think about the woman who is trying to make a living when the job opportunities are dying out;
think about the women who want to take their children on a nice summer vacation but cannot afford the gas; because we are printing so much money, we are devaluing the dollar; think about the women who are struggling to put food on the table; that’s the real war on women. Think about the woman who went to work in Moore, Oklahoma in a chicken plant and she was beheaded.” Yet they still say, “it’s work place violence.”

all of it here:
Lt. Col. Allen West Guardian of the Republic
"Lets roll" folks. we the people have to kick out this disgusting hostile party to you the American people, who is now in charge of our lives before they do us anymore damage. Like flying Illegal immigrants infected with gawds knows what all over and dumping them into our cities and towns. Obama spitting in our face bragging he rode over to give one of his hateful speeches with ILLEGAL immigrants. etc
IT'S YOUR CHOICE...Look to someone who has already SERVED our country. Start with the midterms then move to the Presidency. Stop being bullied by this bunch by being accused of being a RACIST. Vote everyone last one them OUT

Lt. Col. Allen West, Guardian of the Republic

There are not many real guardians of our Constitutional Republic left. Perhaps it is because the Constitutional Republic exists only in written documents that many elected officials disregard, loophole, and violate every day while the populace is lulled into a false sense of reality by the mainstream media, the main perpetrator of public deception.
Allen West is a “Guardian of the Republic,” an exceptional American and war hero. He gave a teleprompter-free, heart-felt and spellbinding speech to the Republican Women of Clifton on September 28, 2014.
He recounted the famous story of Benjamin Franklin, who came out of Independence Hall in Philadelphia where the deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held, was met by a Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia, who asked him the fundamental question of who we are as Americans. “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?” Franklin answered immediately, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
The longest Constitutional Republic in the history of the world is now in danger. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that come from the Creator, are now under attack by the very government that the governed have elected into office. The government has morphed into a Hydra that is strangling the last freedoms we hold dear.
The concepts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have produced four generations of Wests who have served our country with pride and honor. Allen West’s parents challenged him to be the best American he can be in service to this country as an officer and as a Congressman.
This is the challenge to every American, we must pass on to the next generation a better America than our parents and grandparents have built.
People cheered when they heard the words of the former Senator from Illinois, “We are five days from fundamentally transforming America,” said Allen West. They forgot the words of Benjamin Franklin or perhaps they’ve never learned them in school.
If we forget that we must pursue life, liberty, and happiness through hard work and self-determination, without the nanny government that wants to keep us on the dole, controlling everything that we do, then we have let Benjamin Franklin down, we have lost the Republic given to us in 1787.
When Americans clap and cheer a President who says he has a pen and a phone to act without Congressional input, they have forgotten about the co-equal branches of government, about the system of checks and balances, West reminded us.
Are we teaching students, the next generation about Civics, about the Constitution, and where the rights of the individual come from? They don’t come from the government! Pointing to a local school board member, Allen West said that “The most important position in elected office today is the school board.”
If we are not vigilant, the uninformed public is easily deceived about the “war on women,” when the real war on women is waged on the woman whose son is languishing in a Mexican jail. West was referring to Tahmooressi, a U.S. Marine who got lost and accidentally crossed the border.
“Think about the mother who lost her son in Benghazi, think about the widow who lost her husband, think about the woman who is trying to make a living when the job opportunities are dying out;
think about the women who want to take their children on a nice summer vacation but cannot afford the gas; because we are printing so much money, we are devaluing the dollar; think about the women who are struggling to put food on the table; that’s the real war on women. Think about the woman who went to work in Moore, Oklahoma in a chicken plant and she was beheaded.” Yet they still say, “it’s work place violence.”

all of it here:
Lt. Col. Allen West Guardian of the Republic

A "hero" that was kicked out of the service. He has no shame about this and neither do you.
"Lets roll" folks. we the people have to kick out this disgusting hostile party to you the American people, who is now in charge of our lives before they do us anymore damage. Like flying Illegal immigrants infected with gawds knows what all over and dumping them into our cities and towns. Obama spitting in our face bragging he rode over to give one of his hateful speeches with ILLEGAL immigrants. etc
IT'S YOUR CHOICE...Look to someone who has already SERVED our country. Start with the midterms then move to the Presidency. Stop being bullied by this bunch by being accused of being a RACIST. Vote everyone last one them OUT

Lt. Col. Allen West, Guardian of the Republic

There are not many real guardians of our Constitutional Republic left. Perhaps it is because the Constitutional Republic exists only in written documents that many elected officials disregard, loophole, and violate every day while the populace is lulled into a false sense of reality by the mainstream media, the main perpetrator of public deception.
Allen West is a “Guardian of the Republic,” an exceptional American and war hero. He gave a teleprompter-free, heart-felt and spellbinding speech to the Republican Women of Clifton on September 28, 2014.
He recounted the famous story of Benjamin Franklin, who came out of Independence Hall in Philadelphia where the deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held, was met by a Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia, who asked him the fundamental question of who we are as Americans. “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a Monarchy?” Franklin answered immediately, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
The longest Constitutional Republic in the history of the world is now in danger. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that come from the Creator, are now under attack by the very government that the governed have elected into office. The government has morphed into a Hydra that is strangling the last freedoms we hold dear.
The concepts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have produced four generations of Wests who have served our country with pride and honor. Allen West’s parents challenged him to be the best American he can be in service to this country as an officer and as a Congressman.
This is the challenge to every American, we must pass on to the next generation a better America than our parents and grandparents have built.
People cheered when they heard the words of the former Senator from Illinois, “We are five days from fundamentally transforming America,” said Allen West. They forgot the words of Benjamin Franklin or perhaps they’ve never learned them in school.
If we forget that we must pursue life, liberty, and happiness through hard work and self-determination, without the nanny government that wants to keep us on the dole, controlling everything that we do, then we have let Benjamin Franklin down, we have lost the Republic given to us in 1787.
When Americans clap and cheer a President who says he has a pen and a phone to act without Congressional input, they have forgotten about the co-equal branches of government, about the system of checks and balances, West reminded us.
Are we teaching students, the next generation about Civics, about the Constitution, and where the rights of the individual come from? They don’t come from the government! Pointing to a local school board member, Allen West said that “The most important position in elected office today is the school board.”
If we are not vigilant, the uninformed public is easily deceived about the “war on women,” when the real war on women is waged on the woman whose son is languishing in a Mexican jail. West was referring to Tahmooressi, a U.S. Marine who got lost and accidentally crossed the border.
“Think about the mother who lost her son in Benghazi, think about the widow who lost her husband, think about the woman who is trying to make a living when the job opportunities are dying out;
think about the women who want to take their children on a nice summer vacation but cannot afford the gas; because we are printing so much money, we are devaluing the dollar; think about the women who are struggling to put food on the table; that’s the real war on women. Think about the woman who went to work in Moore, Oklahoma in a chicken plant and she was beheaded.” Yet they still say, “it’s work place violence.”

all of it here:
Lt. Col. Allen West Guardian of the Republic

A "hero" that was kicked out of the service. He has no shame about this and neither do you.

just go vote for the Democrats then. stop with this BS
It's our choice to take back our country from the ignorant, ugly and the hateful that is in charge now and the people who follows them.

get out and vote
Allen West is always good for a laugh.

and so are you. grow up and come back

Charming. Allen West is a blind partisan stooge. The crazy jazz he spouts could fill a book or two. I have little use for blind partisans on either side.
GO LOOK IN MIRROR stop with your ignorant none sense

I am hardly a blind partisan. Are you capable of ever having a discussion where don't resort to personal insults? It doesn't seem so. Pity.
Allen West - Guardian of fear-mongering for the purpose of shameless self-promotion would be closer to the truth.
Allen West is a modern day Harriet Tubman. His words. lol
More to consider when voting this time around. I'm not saying it has to Allen West but someone with the same principles for our Constitution, laws and their OATH THEY TOOK to uphold our constitution of these UNITED STATES

A President’s refusal to follow the US Constitution and other US laws is an illegal use of his power
USA now under Full Dictatorship…Congress Continues 3 Monkey Policy
By Sher Zieve January 15, 2014 | Comments| Print friendly |
On 14 January 2014, Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama all but announced his dictatorship to the world. At a Presser photo-op, Obama announced the irrelevancy of Congress when he stated firmly:
“One of the things I’ll be emphasizing in this meeting is the fact that we are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need.”
“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward…”
Our US Congress (you know…the House Representatives and Senators we elected to keep our country’s foundational structure intact) have betrayed the people almost as badly as has Obama. Obama betrayed Americans by lying about virtually everything he told them before his second term “election.” Congress has betrayed us by utilizing their 3-Monkey policy: ‘See nothing…Hear nothing…Say nothing‘.
I have been writing that Obama planned his dictatorship well before he was elected and in 2008 when I wrote in my column “Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?”: “After Obama is elected, all of his programs and people to keep him in power indefinitely — and to rid him of any and all opposition — will be firmly in place. You will not be able to vote him out of office. By the time he assumes the position of President of the United States it will already be too late. A democratic republic will last only so long as people of good will allow and fight for it. After they are gone — or removed — it is ended.”
I firmly believe that, without almost immediate action, we are almost to that point of irreversibility.
For some time now, Obama has been methodically nullifying the power of Congress and SCOTUS as co-equal branches of the US Federal Government. Now, he appears to be very close to making it official. Since Obama took the office as US President, he has been actively diminishing both the Legislative and Judicial branches of the federal government. He bypasses Congress with his own Executive Orders (many of which are patently illegal as they contradict the US Constitution and other US laws) and he and his Department of [In] Justice now regularly and often refuse to follow decisions rendered by the Supreme Court of the United States if they disagree with them. The Obama syndicate members also refuse to follow and uphold any and all laws they don’t like…and those that thwart their ongoing criminal activities.
Note: A President’s refusal to follow the US Constitution and other US laws is an illegal use of his power. Said POTUS must first go through a series of analyses to determine if said law in unconstitutional.

ALL of it here:
USA now under Full Dictatorship 8230 Congress Continues 3 Monkey Policy

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