Maine Becomes First State To Try Ranked-Choice Voting for President

my prediction: Trump will be forced out of the White House he had entered 4 years ago with such bluster, and Maine will be the deciding factor, not the Supreme Court. it will throw him into a rage, lord have mercy on the world at that point!
This was talked about last year.

Just when you thought Trump could win....they have 1000 ways to block that.

I forgot about this. Basically I think the Left will win.... make that steal the election.
They have so many tricks up their sleeves.
They couldn't care less the harm it might do to our political system.
And you dont think the President of the United states, screaming in to the microphone from his bully pulpit that the presidential election is rigged, before the first vote is cast, for months on end, is not doing any harm to our political and national system of voting, and our country?????
Basically this means democrats could write in a far left loon and when he falls off their vote goes to the democrat.
You have one choice.. decide wisely.
Basically this means democrats could write in a far left loon and when he falls off their vote goes to the democrat.
You have one choice.. decide wisely.
It doesn't work that way. At least try to understand what you're talking about.
I understand...really I's a little bit complicated.
I'm sure it looks like magic to those here that don't understand it and it isn't mentioned in The it must be evil...a bit like photography was to the Indians.
I understand...really I's a little bit complicated.
I'm sure it looks like magic to those here that don't understand it and it isn't mentioned in The it must be evil...a bit like photography was to the Indians.

They're just spitballing. I don't think the people opposing it have even looked at it.
Voting for Libertarian, Green, or independent candidates will not mean “throwing your vote away.”

On Monday, the state's Supreme Judicial Court upheld the use of ranked-choice voting for its presidential and congressional races, resisting efforts by the state's Republican Party to force a stop to its use.

In ranked-choice voting, citizens aren't asked to just choose a single candidate. They are permitted to rank the candidates from most to least favorite. In order to win a ranked-choice vote, a candidate is required to earn a majority of the votes (more than 50 percent), not just a plurality. In the event no candidate gets a majority of the votes, the candidate with the fewest votes is tossed out of the running. Then the votes are tallied again, but for voters whose favorite was just tossed out, their second choice now counts as their vote. This continues until one candidate has earned at least 50 percent of the votes.

Only thing they're throwing out is the principle of one person one vote. I seriously doubt it would withstand a federal court challenge.

Only thing they're throwing out is the principle of one person one vote. I seriously doubt it would withstand a federal court challenge.

That's simply a lie, promulgated by Ds and Rs who worry ranked-choice voting will undermine two-party dominance. Ranked-choice voting is still one person, one vote.

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