Mainstream liberal biased media caused the fall of Iraq....

No, the Cheney/Bush unnecessary invasion of Iraq caused the fall of Iraq.

The Democrats were elected into office in 2006 with the main reason being ending the Iraq War.....that was EIGHT YEARS ago.....what ever happened to that? Are you sure that all of the blame of the Iraq War rests solely with the Republicans?

Specifically President Bush(43). He was given the power to use military force against Iraq by Congress. He decided that Iraq, a devastated country that has been at war or under harsh UN sanctions for 20 years, posed a significant threat to the worlds remaining super power.

All those in Congress who voted to give the president such deciding power should have resigned in disgrace.

This is entirely inaccurate. 29 Dems voted "yes" to the Iraq Resolution.

All those in Congress who voted for the Iraq war resigned in disgrace? Really? How do you explain the following Dems who voted FOR the war then?:

-Joe Biden (current VP)
-Harry Reid (current US Senate Majority Leader)
-John Kerry (current Sec. of State)
-Hillary Clinton (former Sec. of State; a front-runner for the POTUS nomination)
-Christopher Dodd (ran for the POTUS nomination in 08)
-Max Baucus (current US Ambassador to China)
-John Edwards (ran for the POTUS nomination in 08...we all know why he's out of politics now and it's not due to his vote of "yes")
-Evan Bayh (in Congress for 9 more years after voting "yes")
-Blanche Lincoln (served for almost another decade on the US Senate after voting "yes")
-Ben Nelson (served for over a DECADE after voting "yes")
-Byron Dorgan (served for NINE more years after voting "yes")
-Herb Kohl (served over a DECADE after voting "yes")

-Maria Cantwell (still in the US Senate)
-Diane Feinstein (still in the US Senate)
-Thomas Carper (still in the US Senate)
-Bill Nelson (still in the US Senate)
-Tom Harkin (still in the US Senate)
-Mary Landrieu (still in the US Senate)
-Charles Schumer (still in the US Senate)
-Tim Johnson (still in the US Senate)
-Jay Rockefeller (still in the US Senate)

To sum this up out of the 29 "yes" Dem votes in the Senate:

-10 still remain in the senate (including 1 who is the current Majority Leader)
-5 served for 8-10+ more yes following the vote
-2 have gone on to become the Sec. of State (including the current)
-1 has gone on to become the VP
-1 is the current Ambassador to China
-Many have run for the POTUS (or the nomination)

So when you say and I quote, "All those in Congress who voted to give the president such deciding power should have resigned in disgrace."....could you clarify what you mean?
The Democrats were elected into office in 2006 with the main reason being ending the Iraq War.....that was EIGHT YEARS ago.....what ever happened to that? Are you sure that all of the blame of the Iraq War rests solely with the Republicans?

Specifically President Bush(43). He was given the power to use military force against Iraq by Congress. He decided that Iraq, a devastated country that has been at war or under harsh UN sanctions for 20 years, posed a significant threat to the worlds remaining super power.

All those in Congress who voted to give the president such deciding power should have resigned in disgrace.

This is entirely inaccurate. 29 Dems voted "yes" to the Iraq Resolution.

All those in Congress who voted for the Iraq war resigned in disgrace? Really? How do you explain the following Dems who voted FOR the war then?:

-Joe Biden (current VP)
-Harry Reid (current US Senate Majority Leader)
-John Kerry (current Sec. of State)
-Hillary Clinton (former Sec. of State; a front-runner for the POTUS nomination)
-Christopher Dodd (ran for the POTUS nomination in 08)
-Max Baucus (current US Ambassador to China)
-John Edwards (ran for the POTUS nomination in 08...we all know why he's out of politics now and it's not due to his vote of "yes")
-Evan Bayh (in Congress for 9 more years after voting "yes")
-Blanche Lincoln (served for almost another decade on the US Senate after voting "yes")
-Ben Nelson (served for over a DECADE after voting "yes")
-Byron Dorgan (served for NINE more years after voting "yes")
-Herb Kohl (served over a DECADE after voting "yes")

-Maria Cantwell (still in the US Senate)
-Diane Feinstein (still in the US Senate)
-Thomas Carper (still in the US Senate)
-Bill Nelson (still in the US Senate)
-Tom Harkin (still in the US Senate)
-Mary Landrieu (still in the US Senate)
-Charles Schumer (still in the US Senate)
-Tim Johnson (still in the US Senate)
-Jay Rockefeller (still in the US Senate)

To sum this up out of the 29 "yes" Dem votes in the Senate:

-10 still remain in the senate (including 1 who is the current Majority Leader)
-5 served for 8-10+ more yes following the vote
-2 have gone on to become the Sec. of State (including the current)
-1 has gone on to become the VP
-1 is the current Ambassador to China
-Many have run for the POTUS (or the nomination)

So when you say and I quote, "All those in Congress who voted to give the president such deciding power should have resigned in disgrace."....could you clarify what you mean?

Congress is made up of two bodies. One is the Senate. The other is the House of Representatives. Need I go on? Do I need to post a list of all the Democrat Representatives who voted against the Bill?
Specifically President Bush(43). He was given the power to use military force against Iraq by Congress. He decided that Iraq, a devastated country that has been at war or under harsh UN sanctions for 20 years, posed a significant threat to the worlds remaining super power.

All those in Congress who voted to give the president such deciding power should have resigned in disgrace.

This is entirely inaccurate. 29 Dems voted "yes" to the Iraq Resolution.

All those in Congress who voted for the Iraq war resigned in disgrace? Really? How do you explain the following Dems who voted FOR the war then?:

-Joe Biden (current VP)
-Harry Reid (current US Senate Majority Leader)
-John Kerry (current Sec. of State)
-Hillary Clinton (former Sec. of State; a front-runner for the POTUS nomination)
-Christopher Dodd (ran for the POTUS nomination in 08)
-Max Baucus (current US Ambassador to China)
-John Edwards (ran for the POTUS nomination in 08...we all know why he's out of politics now and it's not due to his vote of "yes")
-Evan Bayh (in Congress for 9 more years after voting "yes")
-Blanche Lincoln (served for almost another decade on the US Senate after voting "yes")
-Ben Nelson (served for over a DECADE after voting "yes")
-Byron Dorgan (served for NINE more years after voting "yes")
-Herb Kohl (served over a DECADE after voting "yes")

-Maria Cantwell (still in the US Senate)
-Diane Feinstein (still in the US Senate)
-Thomas Carper (still in the US Senate)
-Bill Nelson (still in the US Senate)
-Tom Harkin (still in the US Senate)
-Mary Landrieu (still in the US Senate)
-Charles Schumer (still in the US Senate)
-Tim Johnson (still in the US Senate)
-Jay Rockefeller (still in the US Senate)

To sum this up out of the 29 "yes" Dem votes in the Senate:

-10 still remain in the senate (including 1 who is the current Majority Leader)
-5 served for 8-10+ more yes following the vote
-2 have gone on to become the Sec. of State (including the current)
-1 has gone on to become the VP
-1 is the current Ambassador to China
-Many have run for the POTUS (or the nomination)

So when you say and I quote, "All those in Congress who voted to give the president such deciding power should have resigned in disgrace."....could you clarify what you mean?

Congress is made up of two bodies. One is the Senate. The other is the House of Representatives. Need I go on? Do I need to post a list of all the Democrat Representatives who voted against the Bill?

What portion of the blame do Democrats get for the Iraq War?

When you said "Congress" did you really mean "House"? If so why didn't you say "House"?

40% of the House Dems voted FOR the Iraq Resolution btw.

And you're dodging my ORIGINAL point which is:

In 2006 the Dems were voted into Congress and the MAIN REASON was to end the war in Iraq. What ever happened to that?
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This is entirely inaccurate. 29 Dems voted "yes" to the Iraq Resolution.

All those in Congress who voted for the Iraq war resigned in disgrace? Really? How do you explain the following Dems who voted FOR the war then?:

-Joe Biden (current VP)
-Harry Reid (current US Senate Majority Leader)
-John Kerry (current Sec. of State)
-Hillary Clinton (former Sec. of State; a front-runner for the POTUS nomination)
-Christopher Dodd (ran for the POTUS nomination in 08)
-Max Baucus (current US Ambassador to China)
-John Edwards (ran for the POTUS nomination in 08...we all know why he's out of politics now and it's not due to his vote of "yes")
-Evan Bayh (in Congress for 9 more years after voting "yes")
-Blanche Lincoln (served for almost another decade on the US Senate after voting "yes")
-Ben Nelson (served for over a DECADE after voting "yes")
-Byron Dorgan (served for NINE more years after voting "yes")
-Herb Kohl (served over a DECADE after voting "yes")

-Maria Cantwell (still in the US Senate)
-Diane Feinstein (still in the US Senate)
-Thomas Carper (still in the US Senate)
-Bill Nelson (still in the US Senate)
-Tom Harkin (still in the US Senate)
-Mary Landrieu (still in the US Senate)
-Charles Schumer (still in the US Senate)
-Tim Johnson (still in the US Senate)
-Jay Rockefeller (still in the US Senate)

To sum this up out of the 29 "yes" Dem votes in the Senate:

-10 still remain in the senate (including 1 who is the current Majority Leader)
-5 served for 8-10+ more yes following the vote
-2 have gone on to become the Sec. of State (including the current)
-1 has gone on to become the VP
-1 is the current Ambassador to China
-Many have run for the POTUS (or the nomination)

So when you say and I quote, "All those in Congress who voted to give the president such deciding power should have resigned in disgrace."....could you clarify what you mean?

Congress is made up of two bodies. One is the Senate. The other is the House of Representatives. Need I go on? Do I need to post a list of all the Democrat Representatives who voted against the Bill?

What portion of the blame do Democrats get for the Iraq War?

When you said "Congress" did you really mean "House"? If so why didn't you say "House"?

40% of the House Dems voted FOR the Iraq Resolution btw.

And you're dodging my ORIGINAL point which is:

In 2006 the Dems were voted into Congress and the MAIN REASON was to end the war in Iraq. What ever happened to that?

I blame both houses of Congress for giving President Bush the power to decide.

I blame the Bush Administration for deciding to go to war and blame them for every decision on Iraq they made after that. Right up to the point when Congress force President Bush to change his "Stay the Course" logic.
No, the Cheney/Bush unnecessary invasion of Iraq caused the fall of Iraq.

Blaming Iraq on the media is like blaming your car accident on rain when you were driving 90 mph on bald tires.

That is a bad analogy. The media acts as spokespeople for liberals and they have a way of shaping public opinion and allowing bullshit to happen because people can't oppose something if they aren't informed. That is changing as people are waking up.

The liberals don't believe in allowing military to do the job. If we get involved, it should be a matter of going in and getting the job done as quickly as possible. Because the media follows the liberal mindset, they wait till our people are deployed, then they play politics and slow things down. It not only costs more lives, but makes the process drag out indefinitely. Because the media is the means by which liberals spin things, the truth stays hidden while politics win.

Here is proof of what you said:"the liberal mindset, they wait till our people are deployed, then they play politics and slow things down. "

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

and when these statements are made most normal intelligent people would say..."geez doesn't this just help the terrorists in killing more troops"?
Debate on recent 'history' should be placed on hold until ISIS is neutralized. "Emboldenment" is a manufactured word, Lewis Carroll did it better.
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Debate on recent 'history' should be placed on hold until ISIS is neutralized. "Emboldenment" is a manufactured word, Lewis Carroll did it better.

Take it up with Harvard researchers!

FACT:LOOK at this Harvard study found here:THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT"

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity?

Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war. (wouldn't you conclude the next president accusing the US military of methodically and systematically air raiding villages killing civilians.. dissent???)
In Iraqi provinces that were broadly comparable in social and economic terms, attacks increased between 7 percent and 10 percent following what the researchers call "high-mention weeks," like the two just before the November 2006 election.
No, the Cheney/Bush unnecessary invasion of Iraq caused the fall of Iraq.

These Democrats voted for the:
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling for regime change in Iraq.
It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the
United States to support democratic movements within Iraq.
The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government.

The bill was sponsored by Representative Benjamin A. Gilman (Republican, NY-20) and co-sponsored by Representative Christopher Cox (Republican, CA-47). The bill was introduced as H.R. 4655 on September 29, 1998.
The House of Representatives passed the bill 360 - 38 on October 5, and the
Senate passed it with unanimous consent two days later.
President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998.
Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And these 32 democrat quotes indicate even before GWB that Saddam was a threat!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.
The Iraqi Liberation Act did not include the U.S. getting involved in a war with Iraq and completely decimating their army. It basically limited the U.S. to helping Iraqis overthrow Saddam Hussein, maximizing our cost to something like $100 million, if I recall? But more importantly, Iraq would still have an army to defend itself. Bush took care of tbat, huh? Mission Accomplished!
Congress is made up of two bodies. One is the Senate. The other is the House of Representatives. Need I go on? Do I need to post a list of all the Democrat Representatives who voted against the Bill?

What portion of the blame do Democrats get for the Iraq War?

When you said "Congress" did you really mean "House"? If so why didn't you say "House"?

40% of the House Dems voted FOR the Iraq Resolution btw.

And you're dodging my ORIGINAL point which is:

In 2006 the Dems were voted into Congress and the MAIN REASON was to end the war in Iraq. What ever happened to that?

I blame both houses of Congress for giving President Bush the power to decide.

I blame the Bush Administration for deciding to go to war and blame them for every decision on Iraq they made after that. Right up to the point when Congress force President Bush to change his "Stay the Course" logic.

In other words you have no concrete answer as to how much blame is the Democrats. The Dems have had the POTUS/Senate for 6 years now, and for a couple of years had the POTUS and both houses of Congress. Yet the Iraq War is STILL going strong. Even though back in 2008 Obama promised to withdraw within 2 years (IIRC he said 18 months?).

Don't get me wrong the Republicans are to blame. But don't act like the Democrat's hands aren't dirty as well. That's just having your head in the sand.

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