Make Russia PAY to reconstruct Ukraine and end the war with frozen assets (Poll)

Should the "West" take Russia's $300b in frozen assets to rebuild Ukraine?

  • Hell Yes, Putin invaded Ukraine

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Not a good idea

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • If Russia leaves all of Ukraine, including Crimea they get the $300b, otherwise, no.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
On CNN they just showed a way to confiscate Russia's $300b held mostly by the EU that was sanctioned because of the Putin's war to pay "reparations" to Ukraine.

I like that Idea. Here is Larry Tribe's take on it...

The only fly in the ointment is that the EU would need to take the lead. Fat chance.
Have Ukraine submit an exact accounting of how all foreign aid has been spent along with a full forensic accounting of the wealth of all the Ukraine oligarchs.

Any aid not accounted for must be paid back plus interest.
On CNN they just showed a way to confiscate Russia's $300b held mostly by the EU that was sanctioned because of the Putin's war to pay "reparations" to Ukraine.

I like that Idea. Here is Larry Tribe's take on it...

The only fly in the ointment is that the EU would need to take the lead. Fat chance.

"Help Ukraine expel Putin?" Haven't we already tried that? Tribe has about as much credibility as Paul Krugman.
I suspect Russia would laugh at the 300B about like we would if it was being held over our heads.

Besides Russia is not going anywhere. They keep what they kill.
Is the war over? I imagine when Russia rebuilds Ukraine they'll be changing the name as well.
Charge all reparations to the US who are the most responsible over the last 30 years for deliberately pushing NATO and Kyiv to their present position and flagrantly ignoring and abusing the 2014 Minsk Agreements .

And don't upset Dear Uncle Volodya .

He might say "Boo "and get you wimps hiding under the table again .
Is the war over? I imagine when Russia rebuilds Ukraine they'll be changing the name as well.
Effectively has been over for the last year .
It is impossible to halt Moscow, just on a simple numbers basis -- people , ordnance and money .

They are presently finishing off the UAF third army and simply turning the screws every day , quite happy to work with a win-loss ratio in their favour of betwewen 10 and 15 to one .
They just sit in better defended positions on higher ground and blow Ukies and the NATO mercenaries to pieces .
And the Coke snorting Kyiv War Midget behaves as though he is Russia's most useful idiot .
Is there any legal way to take these money from Russia and give them to Ukraine? It seems that not. So, these money can't be used.
Charge all reparations to the US who are the most responsible over the last 30 years for deliberately pushing NATO and Kyiv to their present position and flagrantly ignoring and abusing the 2014 Minsk Agreements ....and don't upset Dear Uncle Volodya .
He might say "Boo "and get you wimps hiding under the table again .
1. The Russian GDP is about what Mexico's is $1.8T. A $300b hit would be a major problem.
2. The US didn't invade Ukraine, Russia did, and needs to be punished.
3. Ukraine will enter NATO to keep Putin at bay.
4. Ukraine was promised protection by NATO for giving up their nukes in the Budapest memorandum.

Is there any legal way to take these money from Russia and give them to Ukraine? It seems that not. So, these money can't be used.
Read the OP article. The funds are frozen. If the NATO countries want to leverage that money it can be easily done.
Effectively has been over for the last year .
It is impossible to halt Moscow, just on a simple numbers basis -- people , ordnance and money .

They are presently finishing off the UAF third army and simply turning the screws every day , quite happy to work with a win-loss ratio in their favour of betwewen 10 and 15 to one .
They just sit in better defended positions on higher ground and blow Ukies and the NATO mercenaries to pieces .
And the Coke snorting Kyiv War Midget behaves as though he is Russia's most useful idiot .
If that were true Russia would be gaining ground, and they are not. The current lines look to be a stalemate or "zugzwang".
Read the OP article. The funds are frozen. If the NATO countries want to leverage that money it can be easily done.
They are frozen, but the funds don't belong to them. Unless there is Russian agreement to use them (absolutely unlikely) or some legal basis for the funds' confiscation (theoretically possible, but highly time- and efforts consuming adventure) these funds can't be used. They might be only stolen.
They are frozen, but the funds don't belong to them. Unless there is Russian agreement to use them (absolutely unlikely) or some legal basis for the funds' confiscation (theoretically possible, but highly time- and efforts consuming adventure) these funds can't be used. They might be only stolen.
Stolen is such a terrible word...
Like I said, give Russia the option to leave Ukraine with their $300b, or it will be used as reparations for the damage that Russia did to Ukraine. The World Court could be used as a "fig leaf" if that makes you feel better.
The US Constitution does not support theft. Trying to pretty up the language doesn't change the fact it would be theft.
The US Constitution does not support theft. Trying to pretty up the language doesn't change the fact it would be theft.
1. The US Constitution is NOT the governing document, this crime was in the EU.
2. Do you want to reward dictators for invading neighboring democracies? Yes/No
3. Do you want to punish dictators who invade neighboring countries? Yes/No
4. Ukraine was "damaged" by the Russian invasion. The $300b would be a good start in making restitution for the damage Russia caused.

That would NOT be stealing, it would be restitution.
1. The US Constitution is NOT the governing document, this crime was in the EU.
2. Do you want to reward dictators for invading neighboring democracies? Yes/No
3. Do you want to punish dictators who invade neighboring countries? Yes/No
4. Ukraine was "damaged" by the Russian invasion. The $300b would be a good start in making restitution for the damage Russia caused.

That would NOT be stealing, it would be restitution.
The US Constitution is the governing document for everything the US does. Theft is not included.

To the victor go the spoils, if we backed the wrong horse it is hardly an excuse to involve ourselves or allow theft that weakens our international standing. That is the ultimate result, nobody anywhere will trust us if we start stealing from them if they do something we don't like.

It is not our place to punish other countries, or nation build, or police the world, clearly too many people have learned nothing in the last 100 years or so.

Again, backing the wrong horse comes at a cost, that is not justification for theft.

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