Man threw child from mall balcony

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Pretty disgusting to say the least, but not really surprised this kind of random violence against whites is happening.

The Marxist left indoctrinate blacks with the idea that they are oppressed, to the point they believe slavery was happening just yesterday. This gives them the moral justification for such violence. That’s what “social justice” is, terrorism based on race used by the radical left.
A 5-year-old boy plummeted three floors Friday after being pushed or thrown from a balcony at the Mall of America, according to witnesses, and a 24-year-old man with a history of causing disturbances at the mall was in custody.

Bloomington Police Chief Jeffrey Potts said police don't think there is any relationship between the man and the family of the child, who suffered life-threatening injuries. He was being treated at a hospital, but no details on his condition were immediately available.

Witnesses told police that the child may have been pushed or thrown from the mall's third level to the first floor, Potts said. He said the suspect immediately took off running but was quickly found and arrested at the mall.

A witness said a woman screamed that her child was thrown from the balcony.

WCCO-TV the woman was screaming, "Everybody pray, everybody pray. Oh my God, my baby, someone threw him over the edge."

Police said Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda, of Minneapolis, was being held on suspicion of attempted homicide.

Aranda's criminal record includes two convictions in 2015 for obstruction of the legal process/interfering with a peace officer, as well as convictions for fifth-degree assault, trespassing and damage to property.

website . Attractions include Nickelodeon Universe indoor amusement park and Sea Life Minnesota Aquarium .

It has occasionally been the scene of crimes or disruptive protests, and the mall's website touts extensive security training for its officers.

In 2015, the al-Shabab extremist group called for an attack on the Mall of America and other shopping centers in a video. Al-Shabab fighters attacked an upscale Kenyan mall in 2013 in a siege that left 67 people dead. In response, the Mall of America said it was tightening security, and that some of the extra precautions would be noticeable to guests and others would not be.

A Minneapolis man was sentenced to 15 years in prison last year for attacking two brothers at the Macy's department store at the mall. The man said he was inspired by the Islamic State when he stabbed the brothers in a dressing room area in November 2017.

A teenage brawl erupted at the mall the day after Christmas in 2011. The melee was caught on YouTube, but police concluded the brawl — the worst case of violence at the mall in more than 15 years — was not organized through social media as initially feared. Ten people were arrested for disorderly conduct, including four juveniles.

Associated Press writers Amy Forliti and Doug Glass contributed. News researcher Jennifer Farrar contributed to this report from New York.

So you are saying this man was inspired by Isis events?.
"... a 24-year-old man with a history of causing disturbances at the mall was in custody."

Why was he still on the streets, Democrats?

how silly.

gee.... i remember working at a nursing home when ronny reagan was prez & the mass
de - institutionalization of many facilities; leading to increased homelessness & forcing nursing homes to take them in. maybe you should blame him instead?

I have never been to MOA. Do the railings look ok, I mean it looked like he had to pick the child up.
for a story not being reported it seems to be all over the press and the net....go figure

It wasn't here.

It's not on Twitter unless you search it. It's not trending.

It's not on the air. The top story on right now is Disney streaming. No one on this thread thus far had heard of it....only through this thread. But look at Ferguson and all those stories. Here we have a black man throwing A CHILD over a balcony and it's not a top story anywhere.

i saw it at 6:30 yesterday evening.
Horrible. Where the hell were the kids parents? How did this 24 year old get access to the kid that easily? Another case that shows we need to be better armed and prepared to defend ourselves and our families.
We never hear about black on white violence.
We never hear about black on black violence.
We never stop hearing about white on black violence.

The above is the mantra of people who are professional victims. They cannot substantiate these claims, but it sure makes them feel better to say it.

Of course we can substantiate these claims. But you have to be able to read to do it. Can you read?

No. I can't read.

Basic reading and observation skills are all that are required to observe that:

1. Ferguson was a horror

2. Trayvon Martin was a horror

3. Comparatively, this is a "nothingburger" as far as news goes.

It's not rocket science, and no amount of gaslighting on your part is going to make it change. So grow a brain or go away, your choice.

And, in your universe, that substantiates the claim that the media covers up crimes committed by black people?

Yes, dear. Observation. It works in science too.

except when it's about climate change. all those melting ice caps are just a figment of scientists' minds..............
OK. Excluding acts of terror, please name the most widely publicized violent crime and subsequent trial in this nation in the past 30 years.

O.J. Simpson?

uh-oh........... OJ was black & his victims were white & the coverage was 24/7 for waaaaaay too long.............guess that blows suzie's hypothesis right out the window.
No. But they can be of weak mind due to being kept in the plantation and given free stuff by Democrats. Try to keep up.

I say he is mentally ill. No one in their right mind throws a 5 year old off a balcony, and I also wonder where were the parents or parent.

Penny. Good glory. Penny.

A young man of 24 years old could run up, grab a small child who is walking RIGHT NEXT TO YOU and toss him over a balcony before you could even know what happened. What do you even mean "where were the parents?"

PROBABLY RIGHT THERE. The article said the mother was screeching in terror.

I don't think that is the way it happened by the sound of it. I mean where were the parents. If someone grabbed my kid I would of known it. I suspect the mother was around. Kids of 5 years run around and she should of been watching.

You're right Penny, the mother WAS around. In fact she was right there. She screamed out "my baby my baby" as soon as the child went over.

The witnesses say they didn't know if he was pushed or thrown over, I wonder why. If he was merely pushed, then the rails are not sufficient.

You're right Penny, I'm sure you know more than the actual police at the scene. It must be wonderful to be you, to just know everything about everything. WOW
One thing is certain. This crime is worse for the parents because the guy who did it is black. They, like the OP, would feel much better if a white guy did it.

Do not project your obsession with race onto me. I am not a Democrat or a liberal.

YOU brought up race in YOUR OP. you are projecting YOUR projection.

that's just too funny suzy-Q......
....For apparently no reason. I mean not that there ever WOULD be a reason that would make any sense. But he was unrelated to the child. Just tossed the child over and ran.

Have you not heard of this? Oh, of course you have not heard of this. The man is 24 years old and black. The child is 5 years old and white. Were that reversed, of course, our stupid, heinous media would be all over it 24/7. As it is, it's like the child's life matters not. That's how heinous they are. In truth it doesn't matter if the child is black or white. It's horrific. It's appalling.

The police did apprehend the scum and last I heard the child is out of surgery. No idea how serious the injuries are--I'm shocked he survived to be honest.

I wept like a baby when I read the story--the absolute terror of watching your baby be thrown over a balcony....

Child tossed from 3rd floor at Mall of America; suspect had been arrested there twice before

ARG I wish I could edit the title! Should be "Man THROWS..."

Sometimes I type too fast for my own good. Mea Culpa

sometimes you type b4 you think rationally. i saw this story yesterday on the news... it wasn't buried like you suggested - & it took a significant amount of time out of a 30 minute newscast. the guy is clearly nuts & may or may not be racially motivated. it could very well have been that the guy hates children... period... or that he tossed a child because an adult would have been able to fight back....

If this story were a white man throwing a black child over the rails it would lead all the news broadcasts for the next week, it would be blowing up here, on Twitter, and everywhere, along with all the handwringing about Orange Man, Racism and Incitement. As it is, Reuters just lead on Twitter claiming the boy "fell". Go look for yourself or shut up, take your pick.
To mollify the coddlers on this thread:

I guess parents now have to strap five year olds ON THEIR BODY, like babies, and carry them around like newborns, on their bodies, so parents are not BLAMED when madmen grab them and throw them over balconies. Because now we have two people on this thread who are asking "where are the parents"--because I guess it is inconceivable to them that a grown man in his mid-twenties could not pick up a slight five year old boy and toss him over that balcony.

I thought it might be Somali to be honest....Minneapolis, that's not a crazy guess. But the last name has Mexican/Spanish origins, so who knows. At any rate, it's pretty quiet in the media.

Should it be the lead story on every network and front page news on every print publication?

My point is made and I'm done with you. We both know it WOULD be, along with vast hyperbole about Trump and racism and incitement, if a black child had been thrown over a balcony, randomly, by a white man.

My point is made and I'm done.

We don't know that. You feel that. You want that. But you don't know it and you can't prove it.

You are a victim. You poor, poor white Ameeican.

You're done because you've been proven wrong.

Do you believe the coverage of this crime would have been the same had the races been reversed?

I've no reason to believe otherwise.

Really? Wow. Ok.
....For apparently no reason. I mean not that there ever WOULD be a reason that would make any sense. But he was unrelated to the child. Just tossed the child over and ran.

Have you not heard of this? Oh, of course you have not heard of this. The man is 24 years old and black. The child is 5 years old and white. Were that reversed, of course, our stupid, heinous media would be all over it 24/7. As it is, it's like the child's life matters not. That's how heinous they are. In truth it doesn't matter if the child is black or white. It's horrific. It's appalling.

The police did apprehend the scum and last I heard the child is out of surgery. No idea how serious the injuries are--I'm shocked he survived to be honest.

I wept like a baby when I read the story--the absolute terror of watching your baby be thrown over a balcony....

Child tossed from 3rd floor at Mall of America; suspect had been arrested there twice before

ARG I wish I could edit the title! Should be "Man THROWS..."

Sometimes I type too fast for my own good. Mea Culpa

sometimes you type b4 you think rationally. i saw this story yesterday on the news... it wasn't buried like you suggested - & it took a significant amount of time out of a 30 minute newscast. the guy is clearly nuts & may or may not be racially motivated. it could very well have been that the guy hates children... period... or that he tossed a child because an adult would have been able to fight back....

If this story were a white man throwing a black child over the rails it would lead all the news broadcasts for the next week, it would be blowing up here, on Twitter, and everywhere, along with all the handwringing about Orange Man, Racism and Incitement. As it is, Reuters just lead on Twitter claiming the boy "fell". Go look for yourself or shut up, take your pick.

twitter? lol.................... i don't get my 'new's from twitter or facebook. ooOOOoo you are telling me to 'shut up'? oh lordy, what a little snowflake you are.[/QUOTE]
Of course we can substantiate these claims. But you have to be able to read to do it. Can you read?

No. I can't read.

Basic reading and observation skills are all that are required to observe that:

1. Ferguson was a horror

2. Trayvon Martin was a horror

3. Comparatively, this is a "nothingburger" as far as news goes.

It's not rocket science, and no amount of gaslighting on your part is going to make it change. So grow a brain or go away, your choice.

And, in your universe, that substantiates the claim that the media covers up crimes committed by black people?

Yes, dear. Observation. It works in science too.

except when it's about climate change. all those melting ice caps are just a figment of scientists' minds..............

Yes they are actually. They're MODELS. That's not observation, it's wish-casting.

Now move along I'm done with you
No. I can't read.

Basic reading and observation skills are all that are required to observe that:

1. Ferguson was a horror

2. Trayvon Martin was a horror

3. Comparatively, this is a "nothingburger" as far as news goes.

It's not rocket science, and no amount of gaslighting on your part is going to make it change. So grow a brain or go away, your choice.

And, in your universe, that substantiates the claim that the media covers up crimes committed by black people?

Yes, dear. Observation. It works in science too.

except when it's about climate change. all those melting ice caps are just a figment of scientists' minds..............

Yes they are actually. They're MODELS. That's not observation, it's wish-casting.

Now move along I'm done with you

haaaaaaaaaaa.................tell NASA that.


'Now move along I'm done with you'

translation: i'm backed into a corner with no way out, so i'll just stick my fingers in my ears & go 'la la la..........'
....For apparently no reason. I mean not that there ever WOULD be a reason that would make any sense. But he was unrelated to the child. Just tossed the child over and ran.

Have you not heard of this? Oh, of course you have not heard of this. The man is 24 years old and black. The child is 5 years old and white. Were that reversed, of course, our stupid, heinous media would be all over it 24/7. As it is, it's like the child's life matters not. That's how heinous they are. In truth it doesn't matter if the child is black or white. It's horrific. It's appalling.

The police did apprehend the scum and last I heard the child is out of surgery. No idea how serious the injuries are--I'm shocked he survived to be honest.

I wept like a baby when I read the story--the absolute terror of watching your baby be thrown over a balcony....

Child tossed from 3rd floor at Mall of America; suspect had been arrested there twice before

ARG I wish I could edit the title! Should be "Man THROWS..."

Sometimes I type too fast for my own good. Mea Culpa

sometimes you type b4 you think rationally. i saw this story yesterday on the news... it wasn't buried like you suggested - & it took a significant amount of time out of a 30 minute newscast. the guy is clearly nuts & may or may not be racially motivated. it could very well have been that the guy hates children... period... or that he tossed a child because an adult would have been able to fight back....

If this story were a white man throwing a black child over the rails it would lead all the news broadcasts for the next week, it would be blowing up here, on Twitter, and everywhere, along with all the handwringing about Orange Man, Racism and Incitement. As it is, Reuters just lead on Twitter claiming the boy "fell". Go look for yourself or shut up, take your pick.
This is what the Reuter's article reported. Try reading the first paragraph.
Man arrested after boy falls from balcony at Minnesota's Mall of America - Reuters
Should it be the lead story on every network and front page news on every print publication?

My point is made and I'm done with you. We both know it WOULD be, along with vast hyperbole about Trump and racism and incitement, if a black child had been thrown over a balcony, randomly, by a white man.

My point is made and I'm done.

We don't know that. You feel that. You want that. But you don't know it and you can't prove it.

You are a victim. You poor, poor white Ameeican.

You're done because you've been proven wrong.

Do you believe the coverage of this crime would have been the same had the races been reversed?

I've no reason to believe otherwise.

Really? Wow. Ok.

Yep. Can you substantiate the claim?
My point is made and I'm done with you. We both know it WOULD be, along with vast hyperbole about Trump and racism and incitement, if a black child had been thrown over a balcony, randomly, by a white man.

My point is made and I'm done.

We don't know that. You feel that. You want that. But you don't know it and you can't prove it.

You are a victim. You poor, poor white Ameeican.

You're done because you've been proven wrong.

Do you believe the coverage of this crime would have been the same had the races been reversed?

I've no reason to believe otherwise.

Really? Wow. Ok.

Yep. Can you substantiate the claim?

Not without throwing a little black boy over a railing to find out.
We don't know that. You feel that. You want that. But you don't know it and you can't prove it.

You are a victim. You poor, poor white Ameeican.

You're done because you've been proven wrong.

Do you believe the coverage of this crime would have been the same had the races been reversed?

I've no reason to believe otherwise.

Really? Wow. Ok.

Yep. Can you substantiate the claim?

Not without throwing a little black boy over a railing to find out.

Yeah. That's what I thought. But you just know that it would be blockbuster news. You just know it.

Stop being a victim for a minute. Take a break.

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