Mass graves of Palestinians discovered


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Mass graves of Palestinians discovered


Mass graves have been discovered in the historical cemetery of Al-Kazakhana in Jaffa, Al-Aqsa Foundation for Islamic Endowments and Heritage announced on Monday.

The graves contain the remains of Palestinians killed by Jewish militias in 1948 during the Nakba (Catastrophe). According to the Foundation, they were discovered during routine maintenance and rehabilitation of the cemetery in one of the cities occupied by Israel since 1948.

According to the head of the cemetery rehabilitation project, Mohammed al-Ashqar, the remains indicate that they were of Palestinians of varied ages who were "killed by Zionist gangs" in Jaffa. Reportedly, some of the graves also date back to the Palestinian Uprising of 1936.

Mass graves of Palestinians discovered

So much for the Zionist claim Palestinians left in 1948 because their leaders told them to go, it is untrue, this claim.

Here is more evidence uncovered, dug up, of crimes against humanity Israel carried out in 1948.

Truth is always brought into the Light for all to see.

Truth cannot remain buried and covered up, that is the nature of Truth.

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OMG! Just look what those "Zionist gangs" did to the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians. So tell us Sherri, who in these "Zionist gangs" did this? Let the truth prevail for all to see the documented facts of your accusation. Bless you for helping me let the truth be known.

Mass graves of Palestinians discovered


Mass graves have been discovered in the historical cemetery of Al-Kazakhana in Jaffa, Al-Aqsa Foundation for Islamic Endowments and Heritage announced on Monday.

The graves contain the remains of Palestinians killed by Jewish militias in 1948 during the Nakba (Catastrophe). According to the Foundation, they were discovered during routine maintenance and rehabilitation of the cemetery in one of the cities occupied by Israel since 1948.

According to the head of the cemetery rehabilitation project, Mohammed al-Ashqar, the remains indicate that they were of Palestinians of varied ages who were "killed by Zionist gangs" in Jaffa. Reportedly, some of the graves also date back to the Palestinian Uprising of 1936.

Mass graves of Palestinians discovered

So much for the Zionist claim Palestinians left in 1948 because their leaders told them to go, it is untrue, this claim.

Here is more evidence uncovered, dug up, of crimes against humanity Israel carried out in 1948.

Truth is always brought into the Light for all to see.

Truth cannot remain buried and covered up, that is the nature of Truth.

I would hope and expect more information will later come out about these skeletons that have been found. Right now, the information released is limited.
Aw come on Sherri. You just made yourself look like a fool. And how dare you betray Mohammed al-Ashqar, the head of the cemetary? Golly gee, is it actually possible the Palestinians kill Palestinians? Has that ever happened?

I would hope and expect more information will later come out about these skeletons that have been found. Right now, the information released is limited.
What's the latest count on mass Palestinian graves in Gaza since Israel left it to Hamas to take care of the Palestinians? Oh well, Palestinians will be Palestinians.

Aw come on Sherri. You just made yourself look like a fool. And how dare you betray Mohammed al-Ashqar, the head of the cemetary? Golly gee, is it actually possible the Palestinians kill Palestinians? Has that ever happened?

I would hope and expect more information will later come out about these skeletons that have been found. Right now, the information released is limited.
Aw come on Sherri. You just made yourself look like a fool. And how dare you betray Mohammed al-Ashqar, the head of the cemetary? Golly gee, is it actually possible the Palestinians kill Palestinians? Has that ever happened?

I would hope and expect more information will later come out about these skeletons that have been found. Right now, the information released is limited.

The fact this one article does not provide the detail you or I would like proves nothing.
Well then, if by your own admission what you present PROVES NOTHING, then why put yourself in the spotlight as being so stupid as to post it?

Aw come on Sherri. You just made yourself look like a fool. And how dare you betray Mohammed al-Ashqar, the head of the cemetary? Golly gee, is it actually possible the Palestinians kill Palestinians? Has that ever happened?

I would hope and expect more information will later come out about these skeletons that have been found. Right now, the information released is limited.

The fact this one article does not provide the detail you or I would like proves nothing.
Since no details have been provided - how is it reasonable or responsible to conclude that the remains are as alleged?

I'm surprised that the Palestinians haven't called in a UN forensics team to investigate the site as has been done in Bosnia and elsewhere.

There's no reason to 'conclude' that the information released thus far is any more reliable than the reports of 'Mossad sharks' or such.
I'd like to point out to everyone that even if the remains are those of Palestinians killed by 'Zionists' in 1948 - that has absolutely NO bearing on whether the Arab 'leaders' told the Palestinians to leave.

The ONLY way to 'prove' that Arab leaders didn't tell the Palestinians to leave would be if one had access to absolutely EVERY broadcast and newspaper article and other communication from EVERY Arab leader of the time, and no mention of leaving was ever recorded.

Even then, there would be the possibility that such was communicated orally: there are indeed 'eyewitness' accounts, from Palestinians, stating that they were indeed told to leave by the Arab League leaders.

I'm not denying that the 'Zionists' in 1948 may indeed have committed some war crimes on the order of the attack and murder of the Hadassah Hospital convoy, which targeted civilians ad hospital personnel.

I just think it's irresponsible in the extreme to rush to make such blanket statements as sherri has in her posts here. That kind of obvious exaggeration and disregard for facts seriously undercuts anyone's credibility - and it discredits whatever 'cause' they are trying to speak for.
Just ask the Canaanites:

"'There are certain legal issues that should be clarified before we undertake a campaign to dislodge the United States from its unquestioning support of Israel,' Ambassador Maksoud began. 'First, let’s all agree the West Bank is not occupied...'"

"The Levy Report insisted that the Fourth Geneva Convention—which prohibits an occupier from settling any of its population in an occupied area—is not relevant. That’s because, according to Levy, Israel’s presence in the biblical land it calls Judea and Samaria was taken by conquest."

Isn't it sad that some Jews are no longer entitled to steal their neighbors land and water, murder their children, and blame it all the bad press on... "(a)ntisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) (which) is prejudice, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage."

Maybe some greedy Jews get rich from their occupation/conquest of Palestine?

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Telling the truth for more than 30 years - Getting the Words Right:?Israel Isn?t Occupying Palestine?It?s Conquered It
Mass graves of Palestinians discovered


Mass graves have been discovered in the historical cemetery of Al-Kazakhana in Jaffa, Al-Aqsa Foundation for Islamic Endowments and Heritage announced on Monday.

The graves contain the remains of Palestinians killed by Jewish militias in 1948 during the Nakba (Catastrophe). According to the Foundation, they were discovered during routine maintenance and rehabilitation of the cemetery in one of the cities occupied by Israel since 1948.

According to the head of the cemetery rehabilitation project, Mohammed al-Ashqar, the remains indicate that they were of Palestinians of varied ages who were "killed by Zionist gangs" in Jaffa. Reportedly, some of the graves also date back to the Palestinian Uprising of 1936.

Mass graves of Palestinians discovered

So much for the Zionist claim Palestinians left in 1948 because their leaders told them to go, it is untrue, this claim.

Here is more evidence uncovered, dug up, of crimes against humanity Israel carried out in 1948.

Truth is always brought into the Light for all to see.

Truth cannot remain buried and covered up, that is the nature of Truth.


Propaganda at this hour? Isn't it a bit early? This thread needs to be moved to the Rubber Room. It wouldn't even make the "conspiracy" forum. Total lunacy. :cuckoo:
Aw come on Sherri. You just made yourself look like a fool. And how dare you betray Mohammed al-Ashqar, the head of the cemetary? Golly gee, is it actually possible the Palestinians kill Palestinians? Has that ever happened?

I would hope and expect more information will later come out about these skeletons that have been found. Right now, the information released is limited.

She overplayed her hand. I think she got the idea when she saw the Sudanese former slave giving speech at Durbin about the UN ignoring the real genocide of 4 million and etnic cleansing of 7 million more people.

This is Sherri's idea of countering with .....but! but! Look at this genocide! See? UN now has a good reason to ignore Darfur and charge Israel with crimes against humanity? Problem is it is all a lie and she doesn't realize that she has no credibility left.

I'd let Sherrith fade off into the sunset.
Just ask the Canaanites:

"'There are certain legal issues that should be clarified before we undertake a campaign to dislodge the United States from its unquestioning support of Israel,' Ambassador Maksoud began. 'First, let’s all agree the West Bank is not occupied...'"

"The Levy Report insisted that the Fourth Geneva Convention—which prohibits an occupier from settling any of its population in an occupied area—is not relevant. That’s because, according to Levy, Israel’s presence in the biblical land it calls Judea and Samaria was taken by conquest."

Isn't it sad that some Jews are no longer entitled to steal their neighbors land and water, murder their children, and blame it all the bad press on... "(a)ntisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) (which) is prejudice, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage."

Maybe some greedy Jews get rich from their occupation/conquest of Palestine?

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Telling the truth for more than 30 years - Getting the Words Right:?Israel Isn?t Occupying Palestine?It?s Conquered It

The myth of the "Greedy Jew" has been broken forever now, George, thanks to the Arabs.
The world is quite capable of looking at a map of the middle east and seeing just who is greedy. While the Arabs, Persians, Egyptians, ---->OWN 99.04% of the Middle East, they still aren't satisfied. They are going to keep the pressure on Israel to surrender more and more land until they have the full 100%. Meanwhile back at the ranch.............Israel owns .06% of the Middle east. That is almost half of 1 percent while the Muslim world owns all the rest of the middle east.

Add to this fact that the Israelis are still handing over their own land to these GREEDY ARABS because otherwise the GREEDY ARABS fire rockets, attacks at the civilians of Israel.

Why are the Jews living on a sliver of the land God originally gave them as an inheritance? I don't know but I can tell you one thing! That isn't the actions of a greedy person. Greedy people want what they have and what you've got too. They believe they are entitled to be treated as "special" - they believe they have a right to take what you have because in their mind? They are better than you! ( Greedy people also want to come to your country, take over and install their own laws - Greedy people want what you have without paying for it )

That doesn't describe the Jews at all. That describes the behavior of the Arabs! It is so obvious that if anyone would think for just 2 minutes about this they will arrive at the same conclusion I have. Jews are not greedy people. It is a Myth. The Arabs have PROVEN IT beyond a shadow of a doubt. Thanks. - Jeri
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Oh, let us not forget that the .04% of land the Jews own that is their homeland? They have a Mosque that doesn't belong there - sitting on the temple mount ( That alone would drive me up a wall ) Muslims who despise them living among them - tours non stop from people wanting to see Israel, tour Israel - it is the Holy Land, will they ever get any peace and quiet? Who knows? The Muslims are so busy complaining about "THEIR RIGHTS" - I think the world forgot to ask them what they think about it.

They certainly have never complained - which is the opposite of what the Arabs have done here.
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

"Peace-loving" must be kidding! My mom and her family were some of those "greedy" Jews from Europe. They were refugees from Poland after the War, and they lived in tents for at least a year.
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

"Peace-loving" must be kidding! My mom and her family were some of those "greedy" Jews from Europe. They were refugees from Poland after the War, and they lived in tents for at least a year.
Were those tents pitched on Arab land?
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

"Peace-loving" must be kidding! My mom and her family were some of those "greedy" Jews from Europe. They were refugees from Poland after the War, and they lived in tents for at least a year.
Were those tents pitched on Arab land?

You're on Native Indian land.
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???

No different than any other "democracy" in the Middle East.

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