Maui response is a disaster

Are we at all surprised? What hasn’t xiden done that’s not been a disaster?

The power system has been degrading for decades. It's the American "for profit" system. Infrastructure upgrades aren't profitable. Spending nothing is more profitable. That's why your power grid is failing and underperforming in so many jurisdictions. Fixing it isn't profitable.
The power system has been degrading for decades. It's the American "for profit" system. Infrastructure upgrades aren't profitable. Spending nothing is more profitable. That's why your power grid is failing and underperforming in so many jurisdictions. Fixing it isn't profitable.
The power systems in the United States are public utilities…like Canada’s
From your own fucking link, asshole:

"I’ve written a couple of articles about the fire, but the surprising thing is how little there is to say because despite the scale of the disaster and the fact that it happened in one of the most traveled regions of the world the flow of information has been a trickle and not a flood."

No public enquiry, no real information. Just speculation on the part of the writer, which you somehow turn into blaming Democrats.

You're like a child, the moment something happens screaming "the Democrats did it, the Democrats did it". The moment something goes crash, you point your finger at your brother and say "He did it".

No solutions to anything. No ideas how to improve things. Just blame Democrats for anything and calll them all names.

Are you a brainless 12 year old? Grow the fuck up and stop trying to blame everything on Democrats because you don't have a brain or a clue. Start offering solutions instead of trying to blame somebody else.
Did you clap when Xiden fell asleep as survivors told their stories?
Or was it his ‘No comment’ when asked about all the deaths?
Or was it when Brandon told the Maui survivors there experience was just like his small kitchen fire?
The power system has been degrading for decades. It's the American "for profit" system. Infrastructure upgrades aren't profitable. Spending nothing is more profitable. That's why your power grid is failing and underperforming in so many jurisdictions. Fixing it isn't profitable.
Yes, energy grids are so good in your Commie nations.

Yes, energy grids are so good in your Commie nations.


Well that response is a total fucking nothingburger.

First off, when you call a county which is obviously a capitalist democracy a "Commie nation", you have no room to call anyone a '"dumbass", and you serve to undermine any shred of credibility you might have.

The best quality of life in the world: Canada is #3. The USA is 21st in the world for quality of life for your people. That's down from #14 when Obama was in office.

Well that response is a total fucking nothingburger.

First off, when you call a county which is obviously a capitalist democracy a "Commie nation", you have no room to call anyone a '"dumbass", and you serve to undermine any shred of credibility you might have.

The best quality of life in the world: Canada is #3. The USA is 21st in the world for quality of life for your people. That's down from #14 when Obama was in office.

You’re the shitforbrains saying capitalism is why the government power grid is crappy
The rural districts and the state of Texas.
Like which rural districts? I grew up I a rural area, we had public utilities …haha the state of texas is literally run by the Texas Punlc Utilities Commission
These signs may explain why Hawaiians are slow to respond to emergencies:

Power company let the power line system degrade because they focused on woke environmentalism.
Government delayed releasing water to firefighters in the critical 5 hours at the start of the fire because of equity concerns.
Government delayed warning citizens to the point most cell towers were out so few were warned.
Government prevented citizens from fleeing the fire with road blocks.
And now the government response is slow for survivors and the over 1,000 missing.
But they’ll vote Democrat again. Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing.

What can I say? All true and all an irrevocable result of leftwing woke progressive ideology.

The good news is that their stupidity commits them to repeat their mistakes over and over ad infinitum like the moth into the flame until they finally bash their heads in, people finally wake up and the Tytler Cycle begins all over again..

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