May be he really did think the election was stolen.

yes, it was, Biden could not rally a hundred people to come seem him, compared to the tens of thousands that came to see Trump.

besides, your side lost credibility when you sent all the election observers home and rolled up the moving vans with biden votes
More than 100,000 went to see Barbie. People flock to special entertainment. Trump is just another version of a circus, or nascar.
And they are in an absolute panic to keep him from getting re-elected because they know they will be exposed. That’s why they are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him hoping that something will stick.

The only way to reverse this slide into a Banana Republic is to get the Democrat Marxists out of power.

The election was stolen

The politicians are making millions being corrupt

Trump would of put an end to that.

Of course they are all against Trump, Trump will expose them .
because you dont know jack shit

Why do you think a man never ever convicted of a crime, richer than anyone needs to be, would become president, become corrupt, and risk it all?

The Democrats hate America

Exactly. He never needed any of this and for what personal gain??? RICO crimes for what exactly?? Unlike the Biden family who didnt build their fortune on Business and apartment buildings .... they built their fortune on political favors... Go f'ing figure why entrenched politicians hated trump and want him out of there.
It's going to be fun watching you folks choking on the reality that even with multiple convictions he's not going to be disqualified. Your media gods are going to convince you that he cannot legally run. When they finally have to admit he's running anyway, millions of you guys are going to be outraged and ready to raise hell should he manage to win. You're being programmed to destabilize this nation. And you'll love it.
Nothing prevents him from running. Not indictments. Not convictions. There will be appeals, but those will take years. The only way he doesn't run is if he's sentenced and that sentence is carried out immediately...but that's not the way it works for the beautiful people in this country.

He is going to lose. Because he hasn't made any gains in the states he lost last time. The math is still the same.
And by the time Nov, 2024 gets here, enough independents and enough Republicans will come to their senses and not want this man to see another four years....just like last time. :)
This is for any American that backs Joe Biden over Trump...........Throw Trump in jail, keep him out of the race using law fare, re-instate Joe Biden and Harris, with all the dirty tricks you can come up with.... Yeah!!! You Biden supporters are sure big winners!!! Right?...Right?? Wrong.. America will be spiraling down faster and faster. You (the Biden voters) will witness what the term "playtime is over" truly means.
Trump's defense in the upcoming attempted election theft case seems to be that he actually believed he had won, so there can be no finding of intentional wrong doing. Without the intent to commit a crime there can be no crime. It's absurd for him to make that claim, but let's assume, for a minute, that he is telling the truth about this one thing.

After all of the cases kicked out of court for lack of evidence, all of his top advisors telling him there was no sign of election theft, an inordinate number of recounts, multiple independent investigations launched and paid for by him and his associates, could a rational man possibly still believe the election was stolen from him? This incident is not the only example of trump's inability to accept reality. Everybody remembers when he chose to believe Putin over all of our investigative agencies (FBI. CIA. etc.) concerning whether Russia interfered in our election. There have been countless times when he made demonstrably disprovable statements contradictory to a wide range of credible agencies and sources that had already given him the facts. Just for a minute, consider the possibility that all these times, he actually believed the things he said.

Is someone with such poor reasoning ability qualified to be president? Do we need someone who refuses to accept reality when all the people with more knowledge of the facts are telling him he is wrong?
I really believed the bank owes me money. So I robbed it.

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