May be he really did think the election was stolen.

Trump's defense in the upcoming attempted election theft case seems to be that he actually believed he had won, so there can be no finding of intentional wrong doing. Without the intent to commit a crime there can be no crime. It's absurd for him to make that claim, but let's assume, for a minute, that he is telling the truth about this one thing.

After all of the cases kicked out of court for lack of evidence, all of his top advisors telling him there was no sign of election theft, an inordinate number of recounts, multiple independent investigations launched and paid for by him and his associates, could a rational man possibly still believe the election was stolen from him? This incident is not the only example of trump's inability to accept reality. Everybody remembers when he chose to believe Putin over all of our investigative agencies (FBI. CIA. etc.) concerning whether Russia interfered in our election. There have been countless times when he made demonstrably disprovable statements contradictory to a wide range of credible agencies and sources that had already given him the facts. Just for a minute, consider the possibility that all these times, he actually believed the things he said.

Is someone with such poor reasoning ability qualified to be president? Do we need someone who refuses to accept reality when all the people with more knowledge of the facts are telling him he is wrong?
They knew, all of them, that Trump had lost. Which is why they started plotting even before the results came out:

Trump's defense in the upcoming attempted election theft case seems to be that he actually believed he had won, so there can be no finding of intentional wrong doing. Without the intent to commit a crime there can be no crime. It's absurd for him to make that claim, but let's assume, for a minute, that he is telling the truth about this one thing.

After all of the cases kicked out of court for lack of evidence, all of his top advisors telling him there was no sign of election theft, an inordinate number of recounts, multiple independent investigations launched and paid for by him and his associates, could a rational man possibly still believe the election was stolen from him? This incident is not the only example of trump's inability to accept reality. Everybody remembers when he chose to believe Putin over all of our investigative agencies (FBI. CIA. etc.) concerning whether Russia interfered in our election. There have been countless times when he made demonstrably disprovable statements contradictory to a wide range of credible agencies and sources that had already given him the facts. Just for a minute, consider the possibility that all these times, he actually believed the things he said.

Is someone with such poor reasoning ability qualified to be president? Do we need someone who refuses to accept reality when all the people with more knowledge of the facts are telling him he is wrong?

After all of the cases kicked out of court for lack of evidence
The above is pure commie bullshit propaganda. The vast majority of the cases were dismissed for lack of standing, not lack of evidence. The one case, that I'm aware of, where the court actually heard the merits of the case, Trump won.

Trump's defense in the upcoming attempted election theft case seems to be that he actually believed he had won, so there can be no finding of intentional wrong doing. Without the intent to commit a crime there can be no crime. It's absurd for him to make that claim, but let's assume, for a minute, that he is telling the truth about this one thing.

After all of the cases kicked out of court for lack of evidence, all of his top advisors telling him there was no sign of election theft, an inordinate number of recounts, multiple independent investigations launched and paid for by him and his associates, could a rational man possibly still believe the election was stolen from him? This incident is not the only example of trump's inability to accept reality. Everybody remembers when he chose to believe Putin over all of our investigative agencies (FBI. CIA. etc.) concerning whether Russia interfered in our election. There have been countless times when he made demonstrably disprovable statements contradictory to a wide range of credible agencies and sources that had already given him the facts. Just for a minute, consider the possibility that all these times, he actually believed the things he said.

Is someone with such poor reasoning ability qualified to be president? Do we need someone who refuses to accept reality when all the people with more knowledge of the facts are telling him he is wrong?
Where the frick or frack were you when Stacy Abrams refused to
concede her 2018 Gubernatorial Race to Brian Kemp.She did all but
swear on a stack of bibles that that Election was stolen from her.
She made a big fuss over that Election and to this day still hasn't
conceeded her 2018 loss to Kemp,
In fact she was rewarded by her loveable Democrats with giving
the 2019 State-of-the-Union response.
I doubt any respectable American grown-up is willing to
doubt the character and truthfullness of Americas Mayor
or Giuliani.Or the highly respected legal scholar John Eastman.
You lefties have no idea'r what kind of jackasses yer making
of yourselves and historically.
Exactly. He never needed any of this and for what personal gain??? RICO crimes for what exactly?? Unlike the Biden family who didnt build their fortune on Business and apartment buildings .... they built their fortune on political favors... Go f'ing figure why entrenched politicians hated trump and want him out of there.
The demented LEFT are projection monkeys!
It's SO obvious!
They can't help themselves.
Al Gore sure did. He imported a hundred lawyers to Florida to cancel votes from American ships for technical reasons when he assumed that the Military might support Bush. His lawyers interfered in the process to such an extent that the Supreme Court had to interfere. Nobody in the Gore campaign including Gore himself was ever charged.
Where the frick or frack were you when Stacy Abrams refused to
concede her 2018 Gubernatorial Race to Brian Kemp.She did all but
swear on a stack of bibles that that Election was stolen from her.
She made a big fuss over that Election and to this day still hasn't
conceeded her 2018 loss to Kemp,
In fact she was rewarded by her loveable Democrats with giving
the 2019 State-of-the-Union response.
I doubt any respectable American grown-up is willing to
doubt the character and truthfullness of Americas Mayor
or Giuliani.Or the highly respected legal scholar John Eastman.
You lefties have no idea'r what kind of jackasses yer making
of yourselves and historically.
Did she attempt a coup with false electoral voters, a hangman'e noose, and insurrectionists chanting "HANG MIKE PENCE"?
Did she attempt a coup with false electoral voters, a hangman'e noose, and insurrectionists chanting "HANG MIKE PENCE"?


Oh, do you mean this little art piece/toy?

Last edited:
The above is pure commie bullshit propaganda. The vast majority of the cases were dismissed for lack of standing, not lack of evidence. The one case, that I'm aware of, where the court actually heard the merits of the case, Trump won.

One out of 60+ . Great batting record you got there buddy.
Does our government LIE ?

Kirby just Lied again yesterday.Little John { not part of any
Robin Hood and his merry men } just made it official by
calling Bidens Afghanistan Withdrawal Mission Accomplished
On it's anniversary.
Trump is dumb AF

He only has money because of his rich Daddy.
Trump has blown up about 10 times and his daddy was there to bail him out.

If Trump wasn't born into money he would have starved to death long ago.


I'm very impressed by how clever you thought you sounded saying that.

Cute post.


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