May be he really did think the election was stolen.

Crazy people prefer Trump's version of America
Fixed it for you.
so crazy, low taxes, real jobs that real people need, a great america, that is so crazy

and under trump, your life got better, under the democrats and swamp your life got worst

yep, call me crazy
Al Gore sure did. He imported a hundred lawyers to Florida to cancel votes from American ships for technical reasons when he assumed that the Military might support Bush. His lawyers interfered in the process to such an extent that the Supreme Court had to interfere. Nobody in the Gore campaign including Gore himself was ever charged.
He also made sure that Military Oversees ballots would not be
accepted due to Postmark dates.All he had to do with allow
them due to a recall.POlus The Most radical State Supreme
court in the U.S. { Florida's Supreme Court } changed election rules
on the fly.That is what Pennsylvania did in 2020.The Pennsylvania State
Legislature { the governing body for Elections } was a majority of
Republicans.So the Radical Penns, Governor and Secretary-of-State
of penns. { a Verifiable Trump hater } made way for their State
Supreme Court { with a slight Democrat majority } overturn the
Penns. State legislature and make radically revised new election
rules.Mark levin went nuts.As did Supreme courts Sam Alito.
But dependable turncoat and Harvard man John Roberts refused
to take the time to set a court date to challenge what Pennsylvania
was pulling.
Kirby just Lied again yesterday.Little John { not part of any
Robin Hood and his merry men } just made it official by
calling Bidens Afghanistan Withdrawal Mission Accomplished
On it's anniversary.
and again i'll ask......~S~
crepitus? such a rare and horrible disease, how did you get it? will your brain ever function normally?
If you're having trouble understanding the discussion, perhaps you should find an area designed more for a child's interest. Perhaps fox.

Wow! I'm impressed by how clever you thought you sounded saying that.

Cute little post.

Let's hear more.

If you're having trouble understanding the discussion, perhaps you should find an area designed more for a child's interest. Perhaps fox.
Um ... The same fox that beats the daylights out of both
CNN and MSNBC combined ... most nights.
When Tucker was on ... it wasn't even close.
Um ... The same fox that beats the daylights out of both
CNN and MSNBC combined ... most nights.
When Tucker was on ... it wasn't even close.
Yep. Crazies flock to fox like bugs to a bug zapper. Fox doesn't kill them like a bug zapper, but it does fry their brain.
Sigh, as much as I would like to I can't disagree with most of that.

That and he was a registered dem most of his life.

I saw the light when he said "take the guns, worry about due process later".....Something only a dem would do.
Trump is was and always will be all marketing and very little actual governance.
They knew, all of them, that Trump had lost. Which is why they started plotting even before the results came out:

Has anyone bothered to inform you that Biden took 477
counties to Trump's 2,497.
No President ever LOST Re-election when they Increased their
vote total.Trump got over 3 million more votes in 2020
than 2016.
For Context Obama got 3.5 Million less votes in 2012
than 2008.
Exactly. He never needed any of this and for what personal gain??? RICO crimes for what exactly?? Unlike the Biden family who didnt build their fortune on Business and apartment buildings .... they built their fortune on political favors... Go f'ing figure why entrenched politicians hated trump and want him out of there.
and then after destroying Trump's reputation, defamation, they expect Trump to accept the wrongs and quietly go away while forever they lie about Trump

Anybody with the means would fight back

and there is no guarantee that they would of left Trump alone, they very well would of charged him with crimes regardless if Trump ran or not
Trump's defense in the upcoming attempted election theft case seems to be that he actually believed he had won, so there can be no finding of intentional wrong doing. Without the intent to commit a crime there can be no crime. It's absurd for him to make that claim, but let's assume, for a minute, that he is telling the truth about this one thing.

After all of the cases kicked out of court for lack of evidence, all of his top advisors telling him there was no sign of election theft, an inordinate number of recounts, multiple independent investigations launched and paid for by him and his associates, could a rational man possibly still believe the election was stolen from him? This incident is not the only example of trump's inability to accept reality. Everybody remembers when he chose to believe Putin over all of our investigative agencies (FBI. CIA. etc.) concerning whether Russia interfered in our election. There have been countless times when he made demonstrably disprovable statements contradictory to a wide range of credible agencies and sources that had already given him the facts. Just for a minute, consider the possibility that all these times, he actually believed the things he said.

Is someone with such poor reasoning ability qualified to be president? Do we need someone who refuses to accept reality when all the people with more knowledge of the facts are telling him he is wrong?

His belief is only possibly relevant to one of the four charges.
I will never vote for an Uber rich person to lead. So I'm sitting out the next election but reserve the right to harshly and nastily criticize the nation.
Trump's defense in the upcoming attempted election theft case seems to be that he actually believed he had won, so there can be no finding of intentional wrong doing. Without the intent to commit a crime there can be no crime. It's absurd for him to make that claim, but let's assume, for a minute, that he is telling the truth about this one thing.

After all of the cases kicked out of court for lack of evidence, all of his top advisors telling him there was no sign of election theft, an inordinate number of recounts, multiple independent investigations launched and paid for by him and his associates, could a rational man possibly still believe the election was stolen from him? This incident is not the only example of trump's inability to accept reality. Everybody remembers when he chose to believe Putin over all of our investigative agencies (FBI. CIA. etc.) concerning whether Russia interfered in our election. There have been countless times when he made demonstrably disprovable statements contradictory to a wide range of credible agencies and sources that had already given him the facts. Just for a minute, consider the possibility that all these times, he actually believed the things he said.

Is someone with such poor reasoning ability qualified to be president? Do we need someone who refuses to accept reality when all the people with more knowledge of the facts are telling him he is wrong?
Who cares? He also believed he could buy Greenland
Yep. Crazies flock to fox like bugs to a bug zapper. Fox doesn't kill them like a bug zapper, but it does fry their brain.
Yer about as funny as you are insightful.
Of course when it comes to Bugs,you may be all too
These standard Fox jokes were old years ago.
Some times old makes good.Like with age comes
wisdom.Not with Dimocrats.The older they be the
more crotchety and feeble.

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