McCain in Munich implies assassins are needed for Trump

Lucy, you think that matters?
If you had any kind of knowledge about Trump, you'd know that he's always looking for a way to make a buck?
Do your homework before making such ignorant statements.
Where do some of these people come from? Holy shit and unbelievable! :dunno:
What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn't someone you worship, like you do with Trump?

Trump was on Russian TV?......gotta link?

Here you go!

Donald Trump, on Russian TV Network, Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy

Paywall links ought to be considered spamming. I can get around that but I bet 90% of people here can't.

Are you spamming for the WSJ?

I hate it say it but: I'm glad Obama beat McCain. He's one to sell Americans down the river so fast it's not funny. Not funny at all.

Paywall? Didn't happen to me. :confused-84:
And Trump wouldn't sell America down the river for the right price? Seriously?

people who have never been in the company of truly fine people think everybody is as self serving as they are.
What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn't someone you worship, like you do with Trump?

Trump was on Russian TV?......gotta link?

Here you go!

Donald Trump, on Russian TV Network, Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy

Paywall links ought to be considered spamming. I can get around that but I bet 90% of people here can't.

Are you spamming for the WSJ?

I hate it say it but: I'm glad Obama beat McCain. He's one to sell Americans down the river so fast it's not funny. Not funny at all.

Paywall? Didn't happen to me. :confused-84:
And Trump wouldn't sell America down the river for the right price? Seriously?

people who have never been in the company of truly fine people think everybody is as self serving as they are.

Interesting. I pity them.
What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn't someone you worship, like you do with Trump?

Trump was on Russian TV?......gotta link?

Here you go!

Donald Trump, on Russian TV Network, Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy

Paywall links ought to be considered spamming. I can get around that but I bet 90% of people here can't.

Are you spamming for the WSJ?

I hate it say it but: I'm glad Obama beat McCain. He's one to sell Americans down the river so fast it's not funny. Not funny at all.

Paywall? Didn't happen to me. :confused-84:
And Trump wouldn't sell America down the river for the right price? Seriously?

people who have never been in the company of truly fine people think everybody is as self serving as they are.

"people who have never been in the company of truly fine people think everybody is as self serving as they are."

The Leftist Maniacs are a mixture of what you would refer to as Trailer Trash and Welfare Queens, so not many of them are ever going to be in the company of anyone wealthy, which is why Leftist Maniacs tend to despise wealthy people and want to either tax them at 90% or insist they should give all their money away to Jungle Bunny's in The Congo or something, it's a hatred with it's root in intense jealousy.
You think that matters?
If you had any kind of knowledge about Trump, you'd know that he's always looking for a way to make a buck?
Do your homework before making such ignorant statements.
Where do some of these people come from? Holy shit and unbelievable! :dunno:

Looks to me like you're trying to make a fast buck spamming for the WSJ. Not nearly as much as Ol' Donny makes.

In fact you'd be better off getting a real job.

Rather obsessive, aren't you Marion? :2up:
Rather spammy, aren't you, kiwiman? :fu:

I bet you don't even know who that avatar is a pic of.

Oh , that would be the Duke, but I'm not referring to the "Duke of Earl".

What are your thoughts about presidential candidate Trump, going on Russian state TV and then bashing the USA? And how does that differ from McCain, other than the fact that McCain isn't someone you worship, like you do with Trump?

Trump was on Russian TV?......gotta link?

Here you go!

Donald Trump, on Russian TV Network, Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy

Paywall links ought to be considered spamming. I can get around that but I bet 90% of people here can't.

Are you spamming for the WSJ?

I hate it say it but: I'm glad Obama beat McCain. He's one to sell Americans down the river so fast it's not funny. Not funny at all.

Paywall? Didn't happen to me. :confused-84:
And Trump wouldn't sell America down the river for the right price? Seriously?

people who have never been in the company of truly fine people think everybody is as self serving as they are.

Also the rule of thumb is, look at who hates who, so look at all the people and all the Groups/Organisations that hate President Trump, literally the worst slugs of the Western world hate him, so that's how you should know he's the RIGHT man, the RIGHT leader, he has united the worst slugs against him of the Western world who actually want the Western world brought to it's knees, see for example the cheerleading and DEMANDING ONLY Western nations have UNLIMITED amounts of "poor refugees" from the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult.

Also with your slugs, look how they are hysterical at President Trump's wish to "put America and Americans first", why would any Patriotic American be AGAINST putting America and Americans first? Because they are not Patriotic are they they are American Traitors, they WANT America to fail, they want America LAST and Americans LAST and primarily the Third World Street Shitters put FIRST, mainly the Kebabs and Sub-Saharan African Street Shitters.
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McCain appears to be just another Soros puppet.

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 - Breitbart

McCain sure worked side by side with Obama's administration and Soros to pull out a coup in Ukraine in 2014. He sure has a lot closer cooperation with Dems than with Republicans.
"Soros" is Alt-right speak for "Jews".

You need reporting by everyone every time you pull this shit, it should be considering you Spamming and just Trolling threads. you don't care for the truth? Why are you ashamed of it?

Nobody takes you serious...fact

I've known Bod for a decade. Hannity forums.
I do! You could learn a lot from bodecea.
McCain is a back stabber, worse he enjoys it. He ruthlessly stabbed president Bush in the back every chance he got and now he's doing the same to president Trump.
McCain is a back stabber, worse he enjoys it. He ruthlessly stabbed president Bush in the back every chance he got and now he's doing the same to president Trump.

I have previously read that McCain is one of the least liked Republicans in the Republican Party amongst other Republican politicians and that many pretty much hate the man. So if that's the case, I don't think many would object if a Sedition charge was put on him by President Trump and Jefferson Sessions.
McCain is an extreme neocon and danger to all Americans. His war records indicate he shot down several jets. The problem is they were US jets on a US aircraft carrier.

McCain is a back stabber, worse he enjoys it. He ruthlessly stabbed president Bush in the back every chance he got and now he's doing the same to president Trump.

I have previously read that McCain is one of the least liked Republicans in the Republican Party amongst other Republican politicians and that many pretty much hate the man. So if that's the case, I don't think many would object if a Sedition charge was put on him by President Trump and Jefferson Sessions.

That happens when you have a reputation as a back stabber. Even those who he hasn't yet stabbed in the back don't trust him, in simple terms the guy is a creep.

You might find this interesting...back stabbers love to recruit new members to their backstabbing club. Stand around the water cooler bad mouthing people. Its a known trait. That's why I fire them, they are like a cancer they spread. Which explains his pal and fellow back stabber Graham.
McCain is an extreme neocon and danger to all Americans. His war records indicate he shot down several jets. The problem is they were US jets on a US aircraft carrier.


Maybe the only reason why John McCain wasn't dragged off for already being a Traitor and selling himself to the American enemy at the Hanoi Hilton is because his Papa could have intervened to save McCain Jr's filthy buttocks when he returned to America.

John McCain Sr. died in 1981, he seems to have been some sort of American War Hero.

John S. McCain Jr. - Wikipedia.

Unlike John McCain Jr. who was and is anything but, John McCain Jr. turned against America once before at the Hanoi Hilton:

"In August 1968, a program of severe torture began on McCain.[46] He was subjected to rope bindings and repeated beatings every two hours, at the same time as he was suffering from dysentery.[34][46] Further injuries led to the beginning of a suicide attempt, stopped by guards.[34] Eventually, McCain made an anti-American propaganda "confession".[34] He has always felt that his statement was dishonorable, but as he later wrote, "I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."[47][48]"

John McCain - Wikipedia
It's time this crazy old bastard <I used to be a hero but now I'm just a hateful old man> is forced to resign his Senate seat for even implying that Trump needs to be assassinated.

Here's the key part of his speech that addresses potential assassins are needed in this day and age. The rest of the speech is totally despicable but these are the comments that McConnell needs to hold McCain's feet to the fire.

He seriously needs to be rebuked.

"This panel is going to ask us to consider whether the West will survive.

In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there was a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now."

While making his case, McCain — who like Trump is a Republican — mentioned Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist. Von Kleist was part of the group that plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.

"What would von Kleist's generation say if they saw our world today?" McCain asked. "I fear that much about it would be all too familiar for them. And they would be alarmed by it."

AND here's where he bashes the USA. AND Americans.

"They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism.

They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims," McCain said.

McCain Blasts Trump's Policies in Munich Speech

You mean like when Ted Nugent implied that about Obama and Hillary - which prompted a visit from Secret Service? Interesting...
Ted Nugent wasn't a sitting Senator of the U.S. while Globalist paid McCain is.
Trump needs to be idolized He needs you fools praising his every stupid word He's sick and so are most of his followers
The f-er pays no taxes makes billions and you still kiss this liar trumps ass ??FOR SHAME

You just self-owned baby. What possible motivation could he have except for trying to make America better? He's already lived The American Dream in spades. Are you saying it's bad for him to want to share that opportunity with all other Americans? Your cluelessness is duly noted.
Yes all of a sudden he decides instead of f-ing his workers f-ing america by not paying taxes screwing as many as he can with 100's of law suits now he wants to change?? F him and his family

Yeah, so really you have no point and a lot of anger and angst. You're dismissed. :)

President Trump has driven most of these people to borderline insanity, the absolute hysteria is completely pathetic.
There's some Irony right there.

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