McConnell now supports Trump IMPEACHMENT

Impeachment articles in the house are the equivalent of an indictment, without a determination that the person is actually guilty, the indictment is not sustained and is moot.
Indeed. And when the majority of the House votes to impeach a president, he has been impeached. Not removed, that is up to the Senate.
Still waiting on a direct quote from McConnell. Otherwise this is fake news.

Actually, anything you don’t like is fake news.

The man can speak for himself, you're happy to swallow anything from an anonymous source that confirms your bias. That's just pathetic.

BTW I notice there aren't any updates with a direct quote. Yep, it's fake news.

Impeachment articles in the house are the equivalent of an indictment, without a determination that the person is actually guilty, the indictment is not sustained and is moot.
Indeed. And when the majority of the House votes to impeach a president, he has been impeached. Not removed, that is up to the Senate.

Wrong again, passing articles of impeachment does not an impeachment make. Actual impeachment requires a conviction in the senate and that has never happened to a president.

Wrong again, passing articles of impeachment does not an impeachment make. Actual impeachment requires a conviction in the senate and that has never happened to a president.
You can believe whatever you'd like, but the rest of the world considers both Trump and Clinton as having been impeached. Justifiably in Clinton's case, and not in Trump's. Regardless, it did happen.
Wrong again, passing articles of impeachment does not an impeachment make. Actual impeachment requires a conviction in the senate and that has never happened to a president.
You can believe whatever you'd like, but the rest of the world considers both Trump and Clinton as having been impeached. Justifiably in Clinton's case, and not in Trump's. Regardless, it did happen.

Yeah, and you can keep believing you can do the TX two step with one step. LMAO

Swamp creatures cover their own asses.
Remember who brought back the Steele Dossier ?
McConnell Privately Backs Impeachment as House Moves to Charge Trump (

Mitch McConnell thinks this will be a good way to rid Trump from the Republican Party and prevent Trump from ever being able to run for the nomination again. McConnells advisors say there are already 12 Republican Senators willing to convict and likely more. It will only take 17 Republicans and the 50 Democrats/Independents in the Senate to convict Trump.
McConnell wants Trump and Trumpism castrated.

This is round one in the fight for the soul (or what's left of it) of the Republican party.

i say article 3 of the 14th amendment could be used to stop Trump running again...

McConnell would be over the moon if Democrats stopped Trump running again..
That's fine and all, but I'm assuming McConnell isn't expecting any thank yous for his newfound bravery.

He enabled this buffoon for four fucking years.
If Trump is CONVICTED in a Senate impeachment trial - he can be banned/barred from ever holding another federal office. That would prevent Trump from ever running for president again.
How about IF not convicted ,the king of revenge runs as an independent in 2024? Just to kill gop chances?
I just heard a legal expert say on MSNBC that if Trump is impeached and convicted in the Senate - he would lose all his ex-president perks.

As if trump even needs any of the after Prez perks.
Oh he'll need all he can steal when they call in his loans and the AG's take his ill gotten gains away
Trump will be Impeached for the second time today. And it's looking more and more like he will be convicted in the Senate
Yeah, and you can keep believing you can do the TX two step with one step. LMAO
Except I don't believe that nonsense, unlike you and the impeachment of presidents who've been impeached. Nice try, though.
So, you're telling me they'll go crazier if President Trump isn't impeached and Corrupt Joe's transition happens as planned?
He will be impeached on Wednesday.

Not only will he be impeached for a second time but it will be a bipartisan vote. I'm not sure how many republicans in the House will vote to impeach but it will be more than a couple.

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