mcmichaels charged with hate crime on the arbery case, new trial coming

If you don't appreciate freedom of thought, regardless of how wrong said thought is, you should get your fucking ass the hell out of a country where freedom of ideas is valued.
Fuck you Booty. We don't have thought crime in this country. Go back where you came from. 1984 is an Orwell fiction written in 1949. Let us know when they pass one. Just because you read a book or in your case saw a movie doesn't make it real.
Fuck you Booty. We don't have thought crime in this country. Go back where you came from. 1984 is an Orwell fiction written in 1949. Let us know when they pass one. Just because you read a book or in your case saw a movie doesn't make it real.
Escalating or increasing the punishment for a crime based SOLEY on what the perp was THINKING is the very definition of thought crime, you retarded fuck.
Please get the fuck out of my country.
That is an awfully ignorant thing to say when the VAST majority of people disagree with you and agree with white, as evidenced by the wide support and increasing passage of these laws.

I do not support 'hate' crime legislation, the premise of the idea is rather silly. That does not mean those that disagree need to leave 'my' country. How massively arrogant...
Running away from a crime is. He was trespassing. And he attacked the people trying to hold him until police got there. He was a criminal and thankfully he’s dead.
What crime was he running away from?

Multiple people were trespassing. Why was it only the black guy they decided to hunt down?

Do normal people chase down joggers in a truck, Yelling at them to stop or they will shoot your fucking head off...then force you off the road and get out of the truck with a gun?

Those thugs got exactly what they deserved and that racist crap they were spewing pretty much seals it.
What crime was he running away from?

Multiple people were trespassing. Why was it only the black guy they decided to hunt down?

Do normal people chase down joggers in a truck, Yelling at them to stop or they will shoot your fucking head off...then force you off the road and get out of the truck with a gun?

Those thugs got exactly what they deserved and that racist crap they were spewing pretty much seals it.
LOL, yea, a “jogger”

Bootney Lee Farnsworth said:
If you don't appreciate freedom of thought, regardless of how wrong said thought is, you should get your fucking ass the hell out of a country where freedom of ideas is valued.

It don't matter if he was or not. Hate is not, nor should it ever be, illegal. Actions are illegal. Hate is irrelevant. PERIOD.

Anyone saying otherwise is a fucktard who does not belong in my country.

You have to laugh at a moron who doesn't realize the irony of railing angrily in favor of the freedom of thought and then declaring with his next breath and post that anyone who says something contrary to his beliefs needs to leave the country. 😂 You can't make up that kind of stupid. You have to be born with it.
Are you saying white burglars and thieves are never confronted and killed?
I am saying that out of all the people videod going through that house, only the black man was chased down and killed. What crime was he committing, besides being black?
I am saying that out of all the people videod going through that house, only the black man was chased down and killed. What crime was he committing, besides being black?
Trespassing, and he had stolen from other neighbors before.

He also attacked the guys that called the police. If someone is going to murder a random black jogger, why would they call the police beforehand and record it?
LOL, yea, a “jogger”

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As a former construction worker, people are interested in something novel, like the process of constructing a home, and worth a look. It effects, literally, no one on top of that.

But okay, even if he was doing something horrible, you do not have the right to run him down, You do that and it ends poorly, you go to jail. End of story.
Trespassing, and he had stolen from other neighbors before.

He also attacked the guys that called the police. If someone is going to murder a random black jogger, why would they call the police beforehand and record it?
Can you post the video showing he stole things? I’ll wait.

So…none of the white trespassers got chased down, lynched or killed. Not a single one despite being caught on video. Only the black guy. Why does Trespassing when Black carry a death penalty?

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