Meet the true republicans without a party - Republicans for Choice


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Look Past the Party Label

Republicans For Choice PAC

By Ann Stone

What will this Congress look like for women’s rights after this election?

If control of Congress switches from Republican to Democrat won’t that mean a woman’s right to choose will be safe? The answer is “not necessarily.”

When Republicans For Choice was founded following the Supreme Court’s Webster decision back in 1989 (the first decision that almost overturned Roe) the majority of state legislatures were Democrat-controlled. Congress was Democrat-controlled.

Some of the most active anti-choice activists in office were Democrats. And many still are. The Democrat’s Leader in the U S Senate, today, Harry Reid, for example is a strong opponent of a woman’s right to choose.

So we founded Republicans For Choice (RFC) to help you look past the Party label.

If you are an active member of RFC you have already received our candidate listing of all Republican candidates. We have included those running for Congress (House and Senate) and for Governor and what their positions are on a woman’s right to choose as well as on embryonic stem cell research (there are some anti’s who are good on stem cell research). If you need another copy let us know by email.

We do not post our full listing since we know our site is monitored by the opposition so we don’t want to give them an easily accessible target list of our friends. We will share it upon written request with friendly press and those who join with us.

Many of our strongest pro-choice GOP officeholders are under attack. Some may lose. But the sad irony is they will lose not because of their position on Choice….but because voters will unfairly paint them as anti-choice and anti-stem cell research just because they are Republican.

Republicans For Choice PAC
Take away the lousy religious right and there is almost no difference between the parties. Single issue voters suck.
Take away the lousy religious right and there is almost no difference between the parties. Single issue voters suck.

I have only one issue. The expenditures of the USA should not exceed the level of the expenditures of 2008.

The actual payments for Social Security and Medicaid made to the end users can be maintained at current levels by cutting defense back to 2003 levels.

All federal employment in all departments needs a head count reduction to the levels of 2008 except, of course, the military which should go back to 2003.

Cut spending and cut it big time. That is my one and only issue.

Pretty easy, huh.

Now, which party will I find most accommodating to my personal platform? The one that ran deficits of 160 billion or the one that is running deficits of 1.6 Trillion? I think it's 10 times as likely that the Reps will come closer to my platform than the Dems.
Neocons tend to say they're the party of Lincoln even though they couldn't be further away from his ideals.

Not saying this group is. Only saying that MAYBE, buried under all the preaching and screeching, MAYBE the Grand Old Party lives?

Naw, its a goner. All you have to do is look at those pathetic pub candidates to know that.
wtf? who besides you leftie idiots said THERE WERE NO Republicans who are for choice.?


your abortions are safe. now go celebrate by having one
Republicans won't miss either of you. You can join the Democrats.
wtf? who besides you leftie idiots said THERE WERE NO Republicans who are for choice.?


your abortions are safe. now go celebrate by having one

You always cry about something that never happened. No one said there were NO republicans for choice. No go cry about it. The "all" argument is all you have every Dam day.
Republicans use choice when necessary..... like many many many people.

It's always good to know that some republicans have not sold out to the Extreme Right.

Now republicans should move forward into the democrat arena and push for Fiscally Conservative and Socially Responsible Government.

Pro Choice is part of both.
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Why has "women's rights' become the Code Word for Pro Aboriton or the Anti Life crowd? I support my rights as a woman. Therefore i support woman's right. Having an abortion or not has nothing to do with my rights. i am getting tired of Code speak.
Why has "women's rights' become the Code Word for Pro Aboriton or the Anti Life crowd? I support my rights as a woman. Therefore i support woman's right. Having an abortion or not has nothing to do with my rights. i am getting tired of Code speak.

Pro-Choice is a right meaning a woman may or may not choose to have an abortion.

I've never met a pro choice person that was pushing abortion.
Then say "Pro choice" instead of assuming that women's rights means one must be Anti Life and Pro Abortion. See, i can alter my words and use Codespeak too. No problem.
Why has "women's rights' become the Code Word for Pro Aboriton or the Anti Life crowd? I support my rights as a woman. Therefore i support woman's right. Having an abortion or not has nothing to do with my rights. i am getting tired of Code speak.

Then you are for it or agin it, which is it? No code just a simple question it needs only a simple answer.
Pro-Choice/Pro Life makes sense to me,

I've never met anyone who was pro abortion. Pro choice is not pro abortion. It is simply being smart enough to realize that medical procedures/surgeries when necessary are best left performed by those trained to do so in the proper facilities.

Most people we know are pro family/ pro choice/pro life and pro quality of life. Mothers by nature find it difficult to give up children no matter the circumstances therefore it's best if those decisions be left to the individuals involved.

It's is time for the politicians to step aside and leave the practice of medical procedures to the medical profession.

Are politicians the moral giants of our time......hardly! Yet too damn many are
against providing comprehensive sex/parenting education that could prevent abortions.

Our children could learn to discuss openly:

* Abortion
* Birth Control
* Body Image
* Emergency Contraception (Morning After Pill)
* Men's Sexual Health
* Pregnancy
* Relationships
* Sex & Sexuality
* Sexual Orientation & Gender * Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
* Women's Health

Sexual Health Topics - Planned Parenthood

You'd think by now we all would know that without sperm there would no pregnancy or abortion. It's time to focus on the male population and maybe come up with not-viagara.
Well, then let's boil it down to Life or Anti-Life. Same difference. And, very clear since abortion involves ending a life.
Well, then let's boil it down to Life or Anti-Life. Same difference. And, very clear since abortion involves ending a life.

Seems to me the key to reducing abortions is education and contraceptives.

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