Mentally ill people need to be locked up, people..

^No? Okay, how about this: How many ethics violations are involved in "diagnosing" a total stranger, without a complete workup, based on a photo you pulled off the Internet?

I suspect you have no clue to that, either.

Yeah, you "worked intensely with homosexual sex offenders and the mentally ill for two years" - in the kitchen and the laundry when you were having one of your "good days."

Or you just made the whole thing up. Pathetic.
ER...the article states they're both mentally ill. I just guessed at her sexuality, which doesn't violate any message board ethics code, I'm pretty sure. Now I am going to diagnose you as a twat. Please send me $350 for this consultation.
ER...the article states they're both mentally ill.

Already addressed in Post 16. Fake.

I just guessed at her sexuality...

Based on nothing at all. Fake.

...which doesn't violate any message board ethics code, I'm pretty sure.

Professional ethics. Real-world stuff, obviously beyond your expertise. Fake.
You keep ignoring the fact that she and her mom were identified as nuts by the article, not me. You seem to have some sort of hang up about online psychiatry....did you get some bad online counseling at some point?? Though I did just diagnose you as a twat....and I am not a licensed gynecologist. Will you ever forgive me for misleading you so?
Do you think the crazy homo us reading my comments, is that why you think I've violated the PROFESSIONAL message board psychiatry ethics code?
I once inadvertently correctly diagnosed a poster with an anal abcess. That caused all sorts of strife. | Oregon Woman Accused of Assaulting Mother with Knife

Looks like she also thinks she's a man:


Homosexuality is a mental disorder.
And crazy people are dangerous.
At least you're consistent at being ignorant, hateful, and wrong – given the fact being gay is not a 'mental disorder.'
I once inadvertently correctly diagnosed a poster with an anal abcess. That caused all sorts of strife.

It's amazing what one can do with their head up their ass in the privacy of their own home. In the mean time that broken clock has one point over you.
You keep ignoring the fact that she and her mom were identified as nuts

Liar. I've addressed it three times. You've ignored it every time.

"Nuts" is a word a three-year-old would use, not a therapist.

I once inadvertently correctly diagnosed a poster with an anal abcess. That caused all sorts of strife.

Sounds like it's well within your area of expertise. Go with your strengths.
You keep ignoring the fact that she and her mom were identified as nuts

Liar. I've addressed it three times. You've ignored it every time.

"Nuts" is a word a three-year-old would use, not a therapist.

I once inadvertently correctly diagnosed a poster with an anal abcess. That caused all sorts of strife.

Sounds like it's well within your area of expertise. Go with your strengths.
Who told you I was a therapist? Moonglow? Everybody knows he's insane. It looks like you might be too...pick your poison, what harmless mental illness are you medicated for?
I once inadvertently correctly diagnosed a poster with an anal abcess. That caused all sorts of strife.

It's amazing what one can do with their head up their ass in the privacy of their own home.
You sound like you have some experience in this field. I believe you.

Nope, still losing to the broken coo-coo clock.
For the's meantime (one word) and cuckoo.
Carry on.
I once inadvertently correctly diagnosed a poster with an anal abcess. That caused all sorts of strife.

It's amazing what one can do with their head up their ass in the privacy of their own home.
You sound like you have some experience in this field. I believe you.

Nope, still losing to the broken coo-coo clock.
For the's meantime (one word) and cuckoo.
Carry on.

uh, I didn't say "mean time" for that matter I didn't say "meantime" either, it's not in my post.

I said "coo coo" clock because your nutty, it was purposeful and shit.

EDIT: Oh, I did say "mean time" in a previous post. Oh well, I'd chalk it up as a typo.
Who told you I was a therapist?

You implied it in Post 20, but evidence suggests my hypothesis in Post 22 is more likely.

In fact, by the criteria of the DSM-5 you raise a number of red flags.

If you're unable to answer any of the questions put to you, the only reasonable conclusion is that this thread was really a cry for help.
Who told you I was a therapist?

You implied it in Post 20, but evidence suggests my hypothesis in Post 22 is more likely.

In fact, by the criteria of the DSM-5 you raise a number of red flags.

If you're unable to answer any of the questions put to you, the only reasonable conclusion is that this thread was really a cry for help.
You've only asked one question, which was based on a false premise...I did not diagnose anyone. I simply accepted the linked source statement...which was that the two lunatics are, indeed, lunatics. You are confused if you think that kezis identification of them as psychos is the same as me diagnosing them as such. Maybe you don't understand what "diagnosis" means. So as I have never attempted to diagnose anyone, why would I answer a question about whether my online diagnosis is professionally ethical/

Which brings us to the other...I never claimed to be a therapist. If you had asked me my expertise and I had answered "I'm a therapist" that would have been me making that claim. But I didn't make or even think that claim. I think therapists for the most part are loons themselves, and I found my college psychology courses to be a waste of time. I worked with insane, predatory sex offenders...mostly men, but women a program manager. I designed their life plans, I wrote reports for the courts when they went before the judges to determine whether or not they should be released on society. You should not let your own narrow experience of the world so hobble you. Therapists only see nuts for an hour or two every week or so. There are many, many others who actually deal with dangerous psychos in a much more intimate setting.
Oh and I hired and trained their direct care staff as well. I would never have hired a twat like you. You'd get someone killed with your goofiness.
You must support eugenics like the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Need an ice pack for that stretch?

How did you get from locking someone away in a hospital to killing them?

Used to, when someone thought they were Hitler or Jesus we locked them away.
Now, if a guy thinks he's a woman, we're supposed to applaud their courage.

The whole damned world is off its rocker

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