Message for Republicans

paul ryan,speaker of the house
ā€œThere was a time when I would talk about a difference between ā€˜makersā€™ and ā€˜takersā€™ in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits. But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. ā€˜Takersā€™ wasnā€™t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family. Most people don't want to be dependent. And to label a whole group of Americans that way was wrong. I shouldnā€™t castigate a large group of Americans to make a point.ā€

Ryan is wrong. The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. She's a taker.

IOW, you believe that the CAUSE of the bastard kid should go free while the woman who is caring, feeding, clothing and educating the kid should be punished.

As well as starving an innocent child.

Bet you're anti-abortion too.

So who is the "cause" of the bastard kid?
paul ryan,speaker of the house
ā€œThere was a time when I would talk about a difference between ā€˜makersā€™ and ā€˜takersā€™ in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits. But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. ā€˜Takersā€™ wasnā€™t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family. Most people don't want to be dependent. And to label a whole group of Americans that way was wrong. I shouldnā€™t castigate a large group of Americans to make a point.ā€

Ryan is wrong. The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. She's a taker.

IOW, you believe that the CAUSE of the bastard kid should go free while the woman who is caring, feeding, clothing and educating the kid should be punished.

As well as starving an innocent child.

Bet you're anti-abortion too.

Also, I'm not anti-abortion.
paul ryan,speaker of the house
ā€œThere was a time when I would talk about a difference between ā€˜makersā€™ and ā€˜takersā€™ in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits. But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. ā€˜Takersā€™ wasnā€™t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family. Most people don't want to be dependent. And to label a whole group of Americans that way was wrong. I shouldnā€™t castigate a large group of Americans to make a point.ā€

Ryan is wrong. The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. She's a taker.

IOW, you believe that the CAUSE of the bastard kid should go free while the woman who is caring, feeding, clothing and educating the kid should be punished.

As well as starving an innocent child.

Bet you're anti-abortion too.

So who is the "cause" of the bastard kid?


There's the problem right there.

RWNJs who don't know what causes pregnancy.
paul ryan,speaker of the house
ā€œThere was a time when I would talk about a difference between ā€˜makersā€™ and ā€˜takersā€™ in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits. But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. ā€˜Takersā€™ wasnā€™t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family. Most people don't want to be dependent. And to label a whole group of Americans that way was wrong. I shouldnā€™t castigate a large group of Americans to make a point.ā€

Ryan is wrong. The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. She's a taker.

IOW, you believe that the CAUSE of the bastard kid should go free while the woman who is caring, feeding, clothing and educating the kid should be punished.

As well as starving an innocent child.

Bet you're anti-abortion too.

So who is the "cause" of the bastard kid?


There's the problem right there.

RWNJs who don't know what causes pregnancy.

Oh, we know. It seems you don't. You seem to think it's another persons fault as liberals usually do.

Keeping your legs closed is free and only takes minimum effort. The most guaranteed birth control known to man.
paul ryan,speaker of the house
ā€œThere was a time when I would talk about a difference between ā€˜makersā€™ and ā€˜takersā€™ in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits. But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. ā€˜Takersā€™ wasnā€™t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family. Most people don't want to be dependent. And to label a whole group of Americans that way was wrong. I shouldnā€™t castigate a large group of Americans to make a point.ā€

Ryan is wrong. The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. She's a taker.

IOW, you believe that the CAUSE of the bastard kid should go free while the woman who is caring, feeding, clothing and educating the kid should be punished.

As well as starving an innocent child.

Bet you're anti-abortion too.

So who is the "cause" of the bastard kid?


There's the problem right there.

RWNJs who don't know what causes pregnancy.

Apparently you don't believe women are involved.
paul ryan,speaker of the house
ā€œThere was a time when I would talk about a difference between ā€˜makersā€™ and ā€˜takersā€™ in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits. But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. ā€˜Takersā€™ wasnā€™t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family. Most people don't want to be dependent. And to label a whole group of Americans that way was wrong. I shouldnā€™t castigate a large group of Americans to make a point.ā€

Ryan is wrong. The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. She's a taker.

IOW, you believe that the CAUSE of the bastard kid should go free while the woman who is caring, feeding, clothing and educating the kid should be punished.

As well as starving an innocent child.

Bet you're anti-abortion too.

So who is the "cause" of the bastard kid?


There's the problem right there.

RWNJs who don't know what causes pregnancy.

Apparently you don't believe women are involved.

Interesting that you admit that RWNJ "men" aren't.
Ryan is wrong. The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. She's a taker.

IOW, you believe that the CAUSE of the bastard kid should go free while the woman who is caring, feeding, clothing and educating the kid should be punished.

As well as starving an innocent child.

Bet you're anti-abortion too.

So who is the "cause" of the bastard kid?


There's the problem right there.

RWNJs who don't know what causes pregnancy.

Apparently you don't believe women are involved.

Interesting that you admit that RWNJ "men" aren't.

How would that make the women blameless?
Ryan is wrong. The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock. She's a taker.

IOW, you believe that the CAUSE of the bastard kid should go free while the woman who is caring, feeding, clothing and educating the kid should be punished.

As well as starving an innocent child.

Bet you're anti-abortion too.

So who is the "cause" of the bastard kid?


There's the problem right there.

RWNJs who don't know what causes pregnancy.

Apparently you don't believe women are involved.

Interesting that you admit that RWNJ "men" aren't.

It takes two to tango. Men will always be the aggressor when it comes to sex, but women are the ultimate deciders if that's going to take place.
Hmmm...I wonder how most people would classify Hillary? Maker or taker? She really hasn't done much of anything noteworthy but BOY OH BOY HAS SHE GOTTEN FILTHY RICH!

Many best-selling authors are rich.

Come on, Candy! You know as well as I do that the Clinton's made their millions from speaking fees. They've both been paid millions upon millions of dollars by 1% fat cats to buy political favors. When you look at what Bill and Hillary have been pulling down for giving a quick speech it's ABSURD!

"More than 40,000 books were sold in 24 hours; it's a tremendous amount of books," said Carolyn Brown, director of communications at Barnes & Noble, the world's largest book seller. -/-/-/-/- Publisher Simon & Schuster ordered 1 million copies for its first printing, an unusually high number for a work of political nonfiction. The publisher has agreed to pay 8 million US dollars for the book. - Clinton memoir tops Best-Selling Books list
Hmmm...I wonder how most people would classify Hillary? Maker or taker? She really hasn't done much of anything noteworthy but BOY OH BOY HAS SHE GOTTEN FILTHY RICH!

Many best-selling authors are rich.

Come on, Candy! You know as well as I do that the Clinton's made their millions from speaking fees. They've both been paid millions upon millions of dollars by 1% fat cats to buy political favors. When you look at what Bill and Hillary have been pulling down for giving a quick speech it's ABSURD!

Neither have been in politics for 4 years or so. Bad investment. Next time they should go shopping for a politician.

"More than 40,000 books were sold in 24 hours; it's a tremendous amount of books," said Carolyn Brown, director of communications at Barnes & Noble, the world's largest book seller. -/-/-/-/- Publisher Simon & Schuster ordered 1 million copies for its first printing, an unusually high number for a work of political nonfiction. The publisher has agreed to pay 8 million US dollars for the book. - Clinton memoir tops Best-Selling Books list

What it doesn't mention is that there was nothing of interest in the book. Consumers were expecting more about Bill, Monica and all the others which the book barely addressed. That's besides the fact she really didn't write the book in the first place. She had three "ghost" writers do it for her.

"More than 40,000 books were sold in 24 hours; it's a tremendous amount of books," said Carolyn Brown, director of communications at Barnes & Noble, the world's largest book seller. -/-/-/-/- Publisher Simon & Schuster ordered 1 million copies for its first printing, an unusually high number for a work of political nonfiction. The publisher has agreed to pay 8 million US dollars for the book. - Clinton memoir tops Best-Selling Books list

What it doesn't mention is that there was nothing of interest in the book. Consumers were expecting more about Bill, Monica and all the others which the book barely addressed. That's besides the fact she really didn't write the book in the first place. She had three "ghost" writers do it for her.

She got paid.
You got angry.

Wipe your eyes
Blow your nose
Youā€™re her bitch.
ā€˜Takersā€™ wasnā€™t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family.

if that is all the "takers" were there would be no problem..., BUT!! most of the "takers" are just lazy fucking bums who know it is more profitable to sit in Mom's basement playing video games than to even take a burger flipping job. :up:
ā€˜Takersā€™ wasnā€™t how to refer to a single mom stuck in a poverty trap, just trying to take care of her family.

if that is all the "takers" were there would be no problem..., BUT!! most of the "takers" are just lazy fucking bums who know it is more profitable to sit in Mom's basement playing video games than to even take a burger flipping job. :up:

That explains WVA but many red states donā€™t have basements.

"More than 40,000 books were sold in 24 hours; it's a tremendous amount of books," said Carolyn Brown, director of communications at Barnes & Noble, the world's largest book seller. -/-/-/-/- Publisher Simon & Schuster ordered 1 million copies for its first printing, an unusually high number for a work of political nonfiction. The publisher has agreed to pay 8 million US dollars for the book. - Clinton memoir tops Best-Selling Books list

What it doesn't mention is that there was nothing of interest in the book. Consumers were expecting more about Bill, Monica and all the others which the book barely addressed. That's besides the fact she really didn't write the book in the first place. She had three "ghost" writers do it for her.

She got paid.
You got angry.

Wipe your eyes
Blow your nose
Youā€™re her bitch.

What would I be angry about? She ripped off a million or so blind liberal followers and they got the shaft. It's actually funny when you think about it.
The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock.

get ready liberscum for what i know you will reply with....., RACIST!!!!!

about 75%+ of these single Moms ave several kids with different fathers.., hummmm.., i wonder if their skin color is a bit darker than this????
The single mom has no one to blame but herself for the fact that she had a child out of wedlock.

get ready liberscum for what i know you will reply with....., RACIST!!!!!

about 75%+ of these single Moms ave several kids with different fathers.., hummmm.., i wonder if their skin color is a bit darker than this????

Nah, that's an old wives tale:

Hmmm...I wonder how most people would classify Hillary? Maker or taker? She really hasn't done much of anything noteworthy but BOY OH BOY HAS SHE GOTTEN FILTHY RICH!

Many best-selling authors are rich.

Come on, Candy! You know as well as I do that the Clinton's made their millions from speaking fees. They've both been paid millions upon millions of dollars by 1% fat cats to buy political favors. When you look at what Bill and Hillary have been pulling down for giving a quick speech it's ABSURD!

Neither have been in politics for 4 years or so. Bad investment. Next time they should go shopping for a politician.

For you to say that Hillary hasn't been in politics for 4 years is laughable, Candy! She may have taken a brief hiatus from running for elected office but that was only to set up a run for the Presidency. As far as whether people paying the Clinton's millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is a good or bad investment for the Wall Street fat cats and foreign entities that have done so...only time will tell. They're betting that she will be the next President and that their "investment" will pay off. If there's one thing you can count on the Clinton's's coming through when they've been bought and paid for! The Marc Rich Presidential pardon is the perfect example of that!
For you to say that Hillary hasn't been in politics for 4 years is laughable, Candy! She may have taken a brief hiatus from running for elected office but that was only to set up a run for the Presidency. As far as whether people paying the Clinton's millions of dollars in "speaking fees" is a good or bad investment for the Wall Street fat cats and foreign entities that have done so...only time will tell. They're betting that she will be the next President and that their "investment" will pay off. If there's one thing you can count on the Clinton's's coming through when they've been bought and paid for! The Marc Rich Presidential pardon is the perfect example of that!

Hillary has been running for president since she dumped her lezbo girlfriend in college for Bill.

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