Message to FBI...Your Days of Being a Liberal Machine Tool are Over!

That Snowflake F.B.I Agent who is leaving because so many people are talking bad about his Rogue Agency is said to be Comey's assistant.

He is probably running from an Indictment---like his boss.

Comey should have already been indicted---on multiple counts:

1) Intentionally tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation;

2) Filing Bogus Fisa Applications to spy on an American citizen because he was part of the Trump Campaign;

3) Leaking classified memos to the New York Times; and

4) Perjury before Congress.

Fuck the F. B. I.

Drain the Swamp.

Also--FIRE Rod Rosenstein and hang whoever recommended him to Trump while Trump was still trying to figure out what the Hell was going on in the Swamp.
I had a friend a few years back who was a Federal Marshal before she retired. She once confided in me that the FBI was not really what it's cracked up to be, and the USMS actually solves more crimes and arrests more criminals than the FBI.
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????
"Republicans" for the most part did not want The Donald to win, Cowboy!

It is a strange thing that the "left" establishment suddenly worships the FBI. Especially considering the idiotic wiretapping the FBI have a history of doing to Martin Luther King and others. Now, according to the Obama MSM, "they keep us safe." :p
The FBI has become completely political due to the Democratic influence in Washington DC. I served in two branches of military...under both Democratic and Republican Presidents. FBI needs a house cleaning.
FBI special agent says he's leaving over political attacks against the bureau - CNNPolitics
freaking moron....

so when comey made his little speech ten days before the election, he was a liberal tool? the FBI is NOT DONALD TRUMP'S

trump scum are the stupidest people on the planet.
That Snowflake F.B.I Agent who is leaving because so many people are talking bad about his Rogue Agency is said to be Comey's assistant.

He is probably running from an Indictment---like his boss.

Comey should have already been indicted---on multiple counts:

1) Intentionally tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation;

2) Filing Bogus Fisa Applications to spy on an American citizen because he was part of the Trump Campaign;

3) Leaking classified memos to the New York Times; and

4) Perjury before Congress.

Fuck the F. B. I.

Drain the Swamp.

Also--FIRE Rod Rosenstein and hang whoever recommended him to Trump while Trump was still trying to figure out what the Hell was going on in the Swamp.
I think him and Comey are peter puffers.
The FBI has become completely political due to the Democratic influence in Washington DC. I served in two branches of military...under both Democratic and Republican Presidents. FBI needs a house cleaning.
FBI special agent says he's leaving over political attacks against the bureau - CNNPolitics
freaking moron....

so when comey made his little speech ten days before the election, he was a liberal tool? the FBI is NOT DONALD TRUMP'S

trump scum are the stupidest people on the planet.
FBI needs a house cleaning. Barry Sotoro bullshit must stop.
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.
so when comey made his little speech ten days before the election, he was a liberal tool? the FBI is NOT DONALD TRUMP'S

trump scum are the stupidest people on the planet.

Donald Trump is indeed the boss of the FBI. He should expunge it of all the leadership holdovers from the Obama administration. Bosses can do that.

That wouldnt solve all the problems..but as you know you have to start somewhere before you can get to that final solution. Right?
"Republicans" for the most part did not want The Donald to win, Cowboy!

It is a strange thing that the "left" establishment suddenly worships the FBI. Especially considering the idiotic wiretapping the FBI have a history of doing to Martin Luther King and others. Now, according to the Obama MSM, "they keep us safe." :p

So you admit that most Republicans didn't want Trump, and we know Democrats didn't want him. More proof that he had to cheat to win.
The FBI has become completely political due to the Democratic influence in Washington DC. I served in two branches of military...under both Democratic and Republican Presidents. FBI needs a house cleaning.
FBI special agent says he's leaving over political attacks against the bureau - CNNPolitics

Bullcrap. The FBI has become political because Trump and his stooges are trying to turn it into Trump's personal Gestapo. The White House and Congress needs a housecleaning starting in 2018., You need a good rubber room somewhere so you won't hurt anyone.
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????
Good thimg I fucking hate the gaddamn GOP.

Trump should gather troops, surround FBI headquarters, and order them all out with their hands up. Then, summarily fire each and every last one of those mutherfuckers, with the option to be rehired after a three-year background check with multiple anal probes and genital shocking.
That Snowflake F.B.I Agent who is leaving because so many people are talking bad about his Rogue Agency is said to be Comey's assistant.

He is probably running from an Indictment---like his boss.

Comey should have already been indicted---on multiple counts:

1) Intentionally tanking the Clinton E-Mail Investigation;

2) Filing Bogus Fisa Applications to spy on an American citizen because he was part of the Trump Campaign;

3) Leaking classified memos to the New York Times; and

4) Perjury before Congress.

Fuck the F. B. I.

Drain the Swamp.

Also--FIRE Rod Rosenstein and hang whoever recommended him to Trump while Trump was still trying to figure out what the Hell was going on in the Swamp.

A bogus prosecution.

1) Who says he tanked it. You because you don't like the decision he made. You are a good little Nazi. Anyone who disagrees with you should be prosecuted.

2) Are you smart enough to understand a calendar? According to the memo, the FISA warrant was obtained on Oct 21,2016. The trouble is that Paige left the Trump campaign on September 26, 2016. This may be hard for you to understand but October comes after September. Also the FBI was looking at Paige in 2013. I don't think Paige was a part of the Trump campaign then either.

3) There is no evidence he released classified memos. Some of the memos he wrote clearly were not classified. That is the same line Fox and Friends tried to use and had to retract it.

4) There is no evidence of perjury.

FUCK Trump and the Republican party.

Drain the swamp of them starting with Republicans in 2018.
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

comey was appointed as US Attorney by bush. there is nothing "liberal" about him. he just isn't a mouth breathing trumpscum
Comey - Registered Republican
Muller - Registered Republican
Rosenstein - Registered Republican
McCabe - Registered Republican
Wray - Registered Republican

But it is the Democrats that are wrong?????

You're confusing Republicans with conservatives. Comey is an Obama-appointee and is pretty liberal. He once signed an amicus brief calling for the Supreme Court to overturn California’s anti-gay Proposition 8 and legalize same-sex marriage. Not only that but out of the 15 attorneys on Mueller's staff, not a single one of them donated to the Trump campaign, and over half of them were Hillary or Obama supporters.

You are confusing fake conservatives with real conservatives. You are a fake conservative. The Republican Party is composed of fake conservatives. The fact is that who they donated to is meaningless., They have experience in certain areas of the investigation. Even Trey Gowdy is defending Mueller.
So you admit that most Republicans didn't want Trump, and we know Democrats didn't want him. More proof that he had to cheat to win.

Guess it was those magical, mystical "Independents" that put him over the top :)

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