META (Facebook) Banning Conservatives over their opinions.....

The fact that I cannot select topic related posts.
For instance, I can ignore Threads but on FB I have to scroll through endless bullshit.

Then you would miss words of wisdom like these

Read the thread; Indy and I are talking about them.

Or better yet, just go to your local Target and see for yourself.

Just how dense are you?

I told you I was at my local Target yesterday, and there were no such spaces.

In post #426, you made this statement: "Okay - I just checked, and Florida Targets DO follow the same models as in other states, including dedicated public spaces."

Why are you afraid to post a link to wherever it is you "checked"?

I'll tell you why, because you checked nothing. You're lying. You're lying because you realize you've been proven wrong and you lack the quality of character which would allow you to simply admit that you're wrong.

Target maintains no such spaces, and you can't prove otherwise.

Prove me wrong...
We are not talking about links for FB, but for the "public square" space it is claimed Target maintains.
So you want me to go to Target and take pictures for you.
Do you ever leave your house and shop?
Are you saying the Targets and Walmarts in your city don't have public spaces?
It looks like Mark Zuckerberg has ordered his troops to remove any conservative who is making their opinion heard and are getting the word out well.

A group of some 18 Wyoming conservatives, who were exposing the Cheney lies and were being successful at getting the word out about her denial of due process and support of red flag laws which deny due process have been banned from face book. Facebook took actions based on their "community standards" but then failed to state why they banned these people. Funny how they still allow Death to America from many here.

In my case, we had just begun to go after the 87,000 IRS agents that are most certainly Bidens Secret Police. The Posse Comitatus Act stops the government from using military troops against the people. As IRS agents they are free to go after the people. They have bought millions of dollars in ammunition and weapons and there recent job posting mentioned using deadly force against We the People..

I posted this on Facebook:
View attachment 684563
META has now banned 18 conservatives in our group for comments like this. We were successful in helping stop Liz Cheney's re-election and now we set our sights on Democrats as a whole. Because they do not like the linkage to a fascist organization and how they were set up in the 1930's by another dictator, they are banning people who see these fascists for what they are. Face Book is now protecting fascism in the US.

We live in perilous times and we as Good Men and Women must stand up or we will lose our freedoms forever. Facebook is giving democrats donations in kind for active censorship of opposing views.

Feel free to post your experiences with Facebook or as I call them FASCISTBOOK. They are hard and fast removing any content damaging to democrat politicians.
/----/ So what? Just sign up for Truth Social where libtards can't censor anyone. I only use FB to post family vacation photos and wish folks happy birthday.
So you want me to go to Target and take pictures for you.
Do you ever leave your house and shop?
Are you saying the Targets and Walmarts in your city don't have public spaces?

No, I want one of you to show me the Target policy that says it maintains a space to be used as the "public square".
There are many large retail outlets, like Target and Walmart, where there is a public space right next to the entrance.
CostCo doesn't have that.

What kind of "public space" are you talking about?

I know my local Costco has an area with picnic tables where people can eat their Costco dogs and pizza and whatnot.

Costco owns and maintains that area, and can remove someone from it if they deem it to be warranted.

My local Target has no such space...
No, I want one of you to show me the Target policy that says it maintains a space to be used as the "public square".
This week I will stop by a Target or Walmart and ask the manager.
It's worse if you are correct because if it isn't they are still afraid to remove bums.
What kind of "public space" are you talking about?

I know my local Costco has an area with picnic tables where people can eat their Costco dogs and pizza and whatnot.

Costco owns and maintains that area, and can remove someone from it if they deem it to be warranted.

My local Target has no such space...

My Sam's Club has a space where people can set up a table and sell things. It is strictly regulated and not available for anyone and everyone.
The fact that I cannot select topic related posts.
For instance, I can ignore Threads but on FB I have to scroll through endless bullshit.

Again, how does that fact make Facebook for the weak-minded?

Here's an easy thing you can do: When you see a bullshit post, block the person or entity which posted it.

You'll never see their bullshit again...
This week I will stop by a Target or Walmart and ask the manager.
It's worse if you are correct because if it isn't they are still afraid to remove bums.

Why do that, according to your buddy he found the proof with a Google Search. Yet oddly enough he can't provide a single link
What kind of "public space" are you talking about?

I know my local Costco has an area with picnic tables where people can eat their Costco dogs and pizza and whatnot.

Costco owns and maintains that area, and can remove someone from it if they deem it to be warranted.

My local Target has no such space...
CostCo has a food area behind the cash registers but there's no where to stand or sit of you're not eating.
Also, the clientele for CostCo is a much higher class in NYC/Nassau County than Walmart or Target.

Walmart and Target literally have a large empty area for people entering the store.
So you want me to go to Target and take pictures for you.
Do you ever leave your house and shop?
Are you saying the Targets and Walmarts in your city don't have public spaces?

They do not.

They have spaces which they allow the public to access while, at the same time, having complete control over who's able to use them.

For instance, if someone was standing in front of Target with a sign that says "FUCK JESUS CHRIST", the management of that Target would be well within their rights to bar the individual from the property...
Again, how does that fact make Facebook for the weak-minded?

Here's an easy thing you can do: When you see a bullshit post, block the person or entity which posted it.

You'll never see their bullshit again...
Look, CS, I know you can be a pain in the ass but almost every social Thread I go on is 99% packed with bullshit.
If I need to borrow something I have to hope someone in my community sees it immediately before 300 people post their kids finger painting.
They do not.

They have spaces which they allow the public to access while, at the same time, having complete control over who's able to use them.

For instance, if someone was standing in front of Target with a sign that says "FUCK JESUS CHRIST", the management of that Target would be well within their rights to bar the individual from the property...
It's obvious you don't live in NYS.
Thanks to Andrew Cuomo, we have Criminal Reform which means there's no such thing as a crime.
They do not.

They have spaces which they allow the public to access while, at the same time, having complete control over who's able to use them.

For instance, if someone was standing in front of Target with a sign that says "FUCK JESUS CHRIST", the management of that Target would be well within their rights to bar the individual from the property...
Do you live in a Red city?
CostCo has a food area behind the cash registers but there's no where to stand or sit of you're not eating.

I can sit at the picnic tables at my local Costco even if I'm not eating something I bought from the Costco food counter.

So, no, you're wrong...

Also, the clientele for CostCo is a much higher class in NYC/Nassau County than Walmart or Target.

Well, people tend to spend a lot more money when they go to Costco, so that's not really any big surprise.

I'm waiting for the day when I'm able to get out of Costco for less than $400...

Walmart and Target literally have a large empty area for people entering the store.

I believe you're referring to the "entry way"...

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