Mexico mayor assassinated one day after taking office

Free Trade is a long standing Bi-partisan consensus.

It might have started with the GOP, but the dems signed on long ago.

Trump is the first serious challenge to this Conventional Wisdom.

One of the primary reasons I support him.
See joe? He will always put blame on the dems too, never just the GOP for anything.

Trumps fos. He sounded just like a democrat 8 years ago. Whys he upset? In that time he made 8 trillion

Free Trade is a bi-partisan consensus now.

The last Dem that serious questioned it was Dick Gephardt, back in 88.

A position that back then could not win him the Dem vote even in Michigan.
Unions were against free trade.

I'm not against free trade. I'm against the USA being the only dumb country to try free unregulated trade.

The American workers high wages is why they wanted free trade.

So, at what point did the Dems join in? Because they are there now. They were there in 88 when Gephardt tried to make an issue of it, and failed, despite the support of the UAW.

This isn't me refusing to blame just the GOP.

This is me pointing out the reality that while Free Trade got it's start in the GOP, it is now a bi-partisan consensus.

YOu know, if it were not for the bullshit you libs pile on the GOP, Trumps message of walking back that "Free Trade" would be pulling tons of those old Rust Belt dems to him.

We could see that consensus go up flames even if Trump did not win.

But, as I have said, you libs can't allow that any Republican can have any valid perspective. Everything we do has to be Evul for Evulnesses sake.

MEanwhile the black punks that used to kick your white ass because it was white? THem you understand.

BUT at least you know you are on the side of Good. Since you are certainly against Evul.
At least you admit you are one of them. Just like the rich called fdr a traitor to his class, I think the same about middle class Republicans. The rich weren't wrong and neither am I.

It's like you didn't hear my words.

If "Free Trade" is one of the primary drivers of Middle Class wage stagnation and shrinkage, and it is the Consensus of both parties, then how is being a member of the GOP being a "traitor" to our "class"?

I might point out also that the period when FDR took that flak, was in the 1930s, 70 years ago, and that much has changed since then.

More timely would be to realize that the one serious candidate to address the problem we both agree is so damaging to Middle Class Interests is a Republican, who has a commanding lead among Republicans voters.

While the dem candidate is a status quo type who will not change that policy to help the Middle Class.

Voting for her will not address the policy that is so harmful to Middle Class interests, but it will validate your self image as a Good Liberal Man fighting Vile Evulness....
I read a lot, at a young age, newpapers, magazines, books. The view presented of what was then contemporary American, especially White America did not match my environment.

My parents were old, father a WWII vet, mom somewhat younger.

Cousins younger.

All working class and according to what I was reading, being "poor" and "uneducated" they were supposed to be full of all of these reactionary ideas, such as racism.

Except. They weren't.

My one older cousin had married some black woman sometime back in the late 60s or early 70s. and divorced.

I'm not sure what the story was, but she was still welcome at many family functions.

This passed without any comment.

The liberal view of the WHite Working CLass was completely wrong.

At first I thought my family and neighbors were special. What kid can't believe that?
I lived in an all black neighborhood and I experienced racism. Then as a Greek American I learned in a white neighborhood I wasn't really white, but I was white enough to get to hear them talk about black people. I don't know what planet you live on. Lol

I find your experience hard to credit.

How many times did you hear them talk about black people?
Lots! I still do. Especially on usmb.

Really? Or is it the standard lib definition of "racism"?

YOu know, like when some con speaks out against Obama, but you just KNOW that that con never spoke out against Clinton so strongly....
As close friends growing up in the 80s no topic was off limits. These parents and kids who were white and didn't know any blacks would say things about blacks I knew weren't true because I knew blacks. I saw the white arrogance and ignorance to what blacks are going through.

I say going through not went through because they are still going through it.

My neighbor's one house over had some cousins who lived in the city. Every summer they sent their two children out to the country to stay to keep them away from trouble.

For their safety their black family thought it was better for them to go out to the country to spend the summer with the whites instead of being in the city with their black friends.

You libs are still pretending that the primary problem blacks have is Whites Keeping them Down.

When in reality their problems are mostly of their own making at this point.

By the 80s this county's Conventional Wisdom had turned against White Racism, and it has never wavered.
See joe? He will always put blame on the dems too, never just the GOP for anything.

Trumps fos. He sounded just like a democrat 8 years ago. Whys he upset? In that time he made 8 trillion

Free Trade is a bi-partisan consensus now.

The last Dem that serious questioned it was Dick Gephardt, back in 88.

A position that back then could not win him the Dem vote even in Michigan.
Unions were against free trade.

I'm not against free trade. I'm against the USA being the only dumb country to try free unregulated trade.

The American workers high wages is why they wanted free trade.

So, at what point did the Dems join in? Because they are there now. They were there in 88 when Gephardt tried to make an issue of it, and failed, despite the support of the UAW.

This isn't me refusing to blame just the GOP.

This is me pointing out the reality that while Free Trade got it's start in the GOP, it is now a bi-partisan consensus.

YOu know, if it were not for the bullshit you libs pile on the GOP, Trumps message of walking back that "Free Trade" would be pulling tons of those old Rust Belt dems to him.

We could see that consensus go up flames even if Trump did not win.

But, as I have said, you libs can't allow that any Republican can have any valid perspective. Everything we do has to be Evul for Evulnesses sake.

MEanwhile the black punks that used to kick your white ass because it was white? THem you understand.

BUT at least you know you are on the side of Good. Since you are certainly against Evul.
At least you admit you are one of them. Just like the rich called fdr a traitor to his class, I think the same about middle class Republicans. The rich weren't wrong and neither am I.

It's like you didn't hear my words.

If "Free Trade" is one of the primary drivers of Middle Class wage stagnation and shrinkage, and it is the Consensus of both parties, then how is being a member of the GOP being a "traitor" to our "class"?

I might point out also that the period when FDR took that flak, was in the 1930s, 70 years ago, and that much has changed since then.

More timely would be to realize that the one serious candidate to address the problem we both agree is so damaging to Middle Class Interests is a Republican, who has a commanding lead among Republicans voters.

While the dem candidate is a status quo type who will not change that policy to help the Middle Class.

Voting for her will not address the policy that is so harmful to Middle Class interests, but it will validate your self image as a Good Liberal Man fighting Vile Evulness....
I disagree but get him to be the nominee and we will talk.
I read a lot, at a young age, newpapers, magazines, books. The view presented of what was then contemporary American, especially White America did not match my environment.

My parents were old, father a WWII vet, mom somewhat younger.

Cousins younger.

All working class and according to what I was reading, being "poor" and "uneducated" they were supposed to be full of all of these reactionary ideas, such as racism.

Except. They weren't.

My one older cousin had married some black woman sometime back in the late 60s or early 70s. and divorced.

I'm not sure what the story was, but she was still welcome at many family functions.

This passed without any comment.

The liberal view of the WHite Working CLass was completely wrong.

At first I thought my family and neighbors were special. What kid can't believe that?
I lived in an all black neighborhood and I experienced racism. Then as a Greek American I learned in a white neighborhood I wasn't really white, but I was white enough to get to hear them talk about black people. I don't know what planet you live on. Lol

I find your experience hard to credit.

How many times did you hear them talk about black people?
Lots! I still do. Especially on usmb.

Really? Or is it the standard lib definition of "racism"?

YOu know, like when some con speaks out against Obama, but you just KNOW that that con never spoke out against Clinton so strongly....
Do you know every night the Detroit news has a story or two about someone who got murdered? I just saw one. Every one they interviewed says what a nice guy he was.

I often wonder how many of these black on black crimes are innocent people or criminals. We'll never hear if these people are drug dealers or gang members. I'd love to know.

I have seen some studies looking at murder victims, such as how many have records or were high at the time of their death.
I lived in an all black neighborhood and I experienced racism. Then as a Greek American I learned in a white neighborhood I wasn't really white, but I was white enough to get to hear them talk about black people. I don't know what planet you live on. Lol

I find your experience hard to credit.

How many times did you hear them talk about black people?
Lots! I still do. Especially on usmb.

Really? Or is it the standard lib definition of "racism"?

YOu know, like when some con speaks out against Obama, but you just KNOW that that con never spoke out against Clinton so strongly....
As close friends growing up in the 80s no topic was off limits. These parents and kids who were white and didn't know any blacks would say things about blacks I knew weren't true because I knew blacks. I saw the white arrogance and ignorance to what blacks are going through.

I say going through not went through because they are still going through it.

My neighbor's one house over had some cousins who lived in the city. Every summer they sent their two children out to the country to stay to keep them away from trouble.

For their safety their black family thought it was better for them to go out to the country to spend the summer with the whites instead of being in the city with their black friends.

You libs are still pretending that the primary problem blacks have is Whites Keeping them Down.

When in reality their problems are mostly of their own making at this point.

By the 80s this county's Conventional Wisdom had turned against White Racism, and it has never wavered.
Id explain but I got to go to work and you wouldn't understand.

Quick though, those blacks who sent their kids away are good people, no?
Really? Or is it the standard lib definition of "racism"?

YOu know, like when some con speaks out against Obama, but you just KNOW that that con never spoke out against Clinton so strongly....

did that Con ever suggest Clinton wasn't born here, or compare Hillary to a Wookie?

There were COnspiracy Theories that painted Bill Clinton as far more vile than just being disqualified by a technicality.
There were COnspiracy Theories that painted Bill Clinton as far more vile than just being disqualified by a technicality.

True, your side spent millions slandering the man.

But it wasn't based on racism like most of the attacks on Obama.
It's like you didn't hear my words.

If "Free Trade" is one of the primary drivers of Middle Class wage stagnation and shrinkage, and it is the Consensus of both parties, then how is being a member of the GOP being a "traitor" to our "class"?

Guy, Free Trade isn't the problem. The problem is outsourcing.

The problem is the last company I worked for (British owned), which would buy up small American companies for the designs it had, and then systematically move all the manufacturing of said parts to Mexico, China and Malaysia because they didn't want to pay even minimum wage and benefits to Americans.

The problem is giving tax benefits to companies that move their headquarters to other countries.

We are quickly approaching a time when corporations are becoming more important than nations, and it's not a future I look forward to.

But I guess as long as you are better off than the Darkies, you are happy with that.
...they do restrict what kind of guns you can buy and who can buy them.

right on!! honest mexican citizens are restricted form buying and owning a semi-auto rifle, but cartels are allowed machine guns similar to Americas gangsters. :up:
So, at what point did the Dems join in? Because they are there now. They were there in 88 when Gephardt tried to make an issue of it, and failed, despite the support of the UAW.

This isn't me refusing to blame just the GOP.

This is me pointing out the reality that while Free Trade got it's start in the GOP, it is now a bi-partisan consensus.

YOu know, if it were not for the bullshit you libs pile on the GOP, Trumps message of walking back that "Free Trade" would be pulling tons of those old Rust Belt dems to him.

We could see that consensus go up flames even if Trump did not win.

I probably agree, the Dems have given up on this issue when they shouldn't have.

But please note the GOP Establishment will throw the election to Hillary before they ever let Trump roll back free trade.

But, as I have said, you libs can't allow that any Republican can have any valid perspective. Everything we do has to be Evul for Evulnesses sake.

MEanwhile the black punks that used to kick your white ass because it was white? THem you understand.

BUT at least you know you are on the side of Good. Since you are certainly against Evul.

Oh, I don't think your leaders are doing it for "evilness' sake". I think it's a very calculated plan again going back to Nixon's Southern Strategy. On one side, whittling away at the nice white middle class through free trade, union-busting, At-will employment, "right to work", and on the other hand, playing on white middle class fears about minorities, gays, abortion, religion, and sexual equality.

So that's why even though Republicans appointed 8 of the 12 SCOTUS justices since 1973, Roe v. Wade has never been overturned. They don't want to ban abortion. That would get a lot of women off their asses to vote them out of office. They just want to keep the Christian stupids voting against their own economic interests because abortion makes them so darned angry.

Libs can't point to one example of Nixon pandering to SOuthern Racist that doe not boil down to "code word" bullshit.

The SOuthern Strategy is a myth.
Free Trade is a bi-partisan consensus now.

The last Dem that serious questioned it was Dick Gephardt, back in 88.

A position that back then could not win him the Dem vote even in Michigan.
Unions were against free trade.

I'm not against free trade. I'm against the USA being the only dumb country to try free unregulated trade.

The American workers high wages is why they wanted free trade.

So, at what point did the Dems join in? Because they are there now. They were there in 88 when Gephardt tried to make an issue of it, and failed, despite the support of the UAW.

This isn't me refusing to blame just the GOP.

This is me pointing out the reality that while Free Trade got it's start in the GOP, it is now a bi-partisan consensus.

YOu know, if it were not for the bullshit you libs pile on the GOP, Trumps message of walking back that "Free Trade" would be pulling tons of those old Rust Belt dems to him.

We could see that consensus go up flames even if Trump did not win.

But, as I have said, you libs can't allow that any Republican can have any valid perspective. Everything we do has to be Evul for Evulnesses sake.

MEanwhile the black punks that used to kick your white ass because it was white? THem you understand.

BUT at least you know you are on the side of Good. Since you are certainly against Evul.
At least you admit you are one of them. Just like the rich called fdr a traitor to his class, I think the same about middle class Republicans. The rich weren't wrong and neither am I.

It's like you didn't hear my words.

If "Free Trade" is one of the primary drivers of Middle Class wage stagnation and shrinkage, and it is the Consensus of both parties, then how is being a member of the GOP being a "traitor" to our "class"?

I might point out also that the period when FDR took that flak, was in the 1930s, 70 years ago, and that much has changed since then.

More timely would be to realize that the one serious candidate to address the problem we both agree is so damaging to Middle Class Interests is a Republican, who has a commanding lead among Republicans voters.

While the dem candidate is a status quo type who will not change that policy to help the Middle Class.

Voting for her will not address the policy that is so harmful to Middle Class interests, but it will validate your self image as a Good Liberal Man fighting Vile Evulness....
I disagree but get him to be the nominee and we will talk.

We cons will do our best.
I find your experience hard to credit.

How many times did you hear them talk about black people?
Lots! I still do. Especially on usmb.

Really? Or is it the standard lib definition of "racism"?

YOu know, like when some con speaks out against Obama, but you just KNOW that that con never spoke out against Clinton so strongly....
As close friends growing up in the 80s no topic was off limits. These parents and kids who were white and didn't know any blacks would say things about blacks I knew weren't true because I knew blacks. I saw the white arrogance and ignorance to what blacks are going through.

I say going through not went through because they are still going through it.

My neighbor's one house over had some cousins who lived in the city. Every summer they sent their two children out to the country to stay to keep them away from trouble.

For their safety their black family thought it was better for them to go out to the country to spend the summer with the whites instead of being in the city with their black friends.

You libs are still pretending that the primary problem blacks have is Whites Keeping them Down.

When in reality their problems are mostly of their own making at this point.

By the 80s this county's Conventional Wisdom had turned against White Racism, and it has never wavered.
Id explain but I got to go to work and you wouldn't understand.

Quick though, those blacks who sent their kids away are good people, no?

A very, very odd question.

All I know about them is that they looked at their kids' environment and peers and decided it would be better for them to spend the summer surrounded by whites out in the country.

This reflects well on them for their concern for their children, and their ability to look at a mostly white community and see safety for their children.

Beyond that they could be anything from Saints to Satanists for all I know.

Why do you ask?
There were COnspiracy Theories that painted Bill Clinton as far more vile than just being disqualified by a technicality.

True, your side spent millions slandering the man.

But it wasn't based on racism like most of the attacks on Obama.

I just answered your question and you agreed and then you just repeated your lib Mantra.

The Attacks on Obama are not "based on racism". They are based on serious ideological differences and partisan bitterness.

BIll Clinton was accused of being Mob Connected and with having dozens of people killed. He was accused of rape. He was IMPEACHED.

And you think that conservatives were soft on him compared to Obama because of Race?

It's like you didn't hear my words.

If "Free Trade" is one of the primary drivers of Middle Class wage stagnation and shrinkage, and it is the Consensus of both parties, then how is being a member of the GOP being a "traitor" to our "class"?

Guy, Free Trade isn't the problem. The problem is outsourcing.

The problem is the last company I worked for (British owned), which would buy up small American companies for the designs it had, and then systematically move all the manufacturing of said parts to Mexico, China and Malaysia because they didn't want to pay even minimum wage and benefits to Americans.

The problem is giving tax benefits to companies that move their headquarters to other countries.

We are quickly approaching a time when corporations are becoming more important than nations, and it's not a future I look forward to.

But I guess as long as you are better off than the Darkies, you are happy with that.

That's a subset of the "Free Trade" issue.

Trump's proposal was to renegotiate our "Trade Deals".

Take your broken Race Card and shove it up your ass, fuckhead.
So, at what point did the Dems join in? Because they are there now. They were there in 88 when Gephardt tried to make an issue of it, and failed, despite the support of the UAW.

This isn't me refusing to blame just the GOP.

This is me pointing out the reality that while Free Trade got it's start in the GOP, it is now a bi-partisan consensus.

YOu know, if it were not for the bullshit you libs pile on the GOP, Trumps message of walking back that "Free Trade" would be pulling tons of those old Rust Belt dems to him.

We could see that consensus go up flames even if Trump did not win.

I probably agree, the Dems have given up on this issue when they shouldn't have.

But please note the GOP Establishment will throw the election to Hillary before they ever let Trump roll back free trade.

But, as I have said, you libs can't allow that any Republican can have any valid perspective. Everything we do has to be Evul for Evulnesses sake.

MEanwhile the black punks that used to kick your white ass because it was white? THem you understand.

BUT at least you know you are on the side of Good. Since you are certainly against Evul.

Oh, I don't think your leaders are doing it for "evilness' sake". I think it's a very calculated plan again going back to Nixon's Southern Strategy. On one side, whittling away at the nice white middle class through free trade, union-busting, At-will employment, "right to work", and on the other hand, playing on white middle class fears about minorities, gays, abortion, religion, and sexual equality.

So that's why even though Republicans appointed 8 of the 12 SCOTUS justices since 1973, Roe v. Wade has never been overturned. They don't want to ban abortion. That would get a lot of women off their asses to vote them out of office. They just want to keep the Christian stupids voting against their own economic interests because abortion makes them so darned angry.

Libs can't point to one example of Nixon pandering to SOuthern Racist that doe not boil down to "code word" bullshit.

The SOuthern Strategy is a myth.
You must be IGNORANT about Lee Atwater then. He admitted it was real. He was Reagan's Carl Rove back in the 70's before god gave him a brain tumor.

Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigga, nigga, nigga." By 1968 you can't say "nigga"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigga nigga.
Unions were against free trade.

I'm not against free trade. I'm against the USA being the only dumb country to try free unregulated trade.

The American workers high wages is why they wanted free trade.

So, at what point did the Dems join in? Because they are there now. They were there in 88 when Gephardt tried to make an issue of it, and failed, despite the support of the UAW.

This isn't me refusing to blame just the GOP.

This is me pointing out the reality that while Free Trade got it's start in the GOP, it is now a bi-partisan consensus.

YOu know, if it were not for the bullshit you libs pile on the GOP, Trumps message of walking back that "Free Trade" would be pulling tons of those old Rust Belt dems to him.

We could see that consensus go up flames even if Trump did not win.

But, as I have said, you libs can't allow that any Republican can have any valid perspective. Everything we do has to be Evul for Evulnesses sake.

MEanwhile the black punks that used to kick your white ass because it was white? THem you understand.

BUT at least you know you are on the side of Good. Since you are certainly against Evul.
At least you admit you are one of them. Just like the rich called fdr a traitor to his class, I think the same about middle class Republicans. The rich weren't wrong and neither am I.

It's like you didn't hear my words.

If "Free Trade" is one of the primary drivers of Middle Class wage stagnation and shrinkage, and it is the Consensus of both parties, then how is being a member of the GOP being a "traitor" to our "class"?

I might point out also that the period when FDR took that flak, was in the 1930s, 70 years ago, and that much has changed since then.

More timely would be to realize that the one serious candidate to address the problem we both agree is so damaging to Middle Class Interests is a Republican, who has a commanding lead among Republicans voters.

While the dem candidate is a status quo type who will not change that policy to help the Middle Class.

Voting for her will not address the policy that is so harmful to Middle Class interests, but it will validate your self image as a Good Liberal Man fighting Vile Evulness....
I disagree but get him to be the nominee and we will talk.

We cons will do our best.
Lee Atwater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mexico has some very strict gun laws, worse than anything here except perhaps for Chicago, DC and other such crime-ridden hellholes.

So how could this have happened?

Could it be that murderers who go around shooting innocent people for their political beliefs, might (gasp) refuse to obey gun-restriction laws?

Maybe Mexico needs to consider some other course, rather than making laws restricting guns from people who obey laws.

And maybe the U.S. should take the hint, too.


Mexico mayor assassinated one day after taking office

Mexico mayor assassinated one day after taking office

3 hours ago
Jan. 2, 2016

Cuernavaca (Mexico) (AFP) - Several gunmen burst into the home of a newly elected Mexican mayor and shot her dead on Saturday, just hours into her tenure, police said.

Gisela Mota, 33, a left-of-center former member of Congress, was gunned down barely 24 hours after taking her oath of office in the city of Temixco, which is about 90 kilometers (55 miles) from the capital Mexico City.

Temixco is plagued by organized crime and rampant drug trafficking -- problems the slain mayor had vowed to help clean up.

The government of central Morelos state said that two of the suspected gunmen had been killed and one was in custody.

State Governor Graco Ramirez pledged there would be "no impunity."

Morelos has been one of the Mexican states most affected by drug violence plaguing the country, including kidnappings and murders.

More than 100,000 people have been killed or gone missing in a nearly a decade of drug violence nationwide.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, who took office in December 2012, has pledged to reduce the murders, kidnappings and extortion haunting Mexicans.


one has to wonder

was a

obama fast n furious gun involved in the assassination

there are still tons of them floating around Mexico and the United States

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