Mia Love sets liberal media straight: Race had nothing to do with her getting elected


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.
Actually race did have a role in it, but, thankfully, almost negligible in context.

I have heard all of three comments here in City Centre and my wife one comment at county about ML's race negatively.

Living in Utah, this is a great step for our state and an even bigger one for the nation.

Another good day for America. I like Mia, I think she will be good for the her district and the House.
It's horrible what lefties have said because she's the wrong color. What pricks. She seems to be able to handle it though, that shows some character.
But that's what our far right is doing talking about black Dems still voting for their party, calling them ignorant and other things. That's certainly racist and needs to be called out and stopped.
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.

Really? I always thought that was a Conservative thing.

Haven't you guys been claiming that Obama was only elected because he was black for the last 6 years?
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.

Really? I always thought that was a Conservative thing.

Haven't you guys been claiming that Obama was only elected because he was black for the last 6 years?

I believe that is why Dems voted for him. Color is a big thing for them. And before Obama nominated Sonja for the supreme court, he had decided in advance that the person must be a Hispanic woman. Instead of looking to see who the best candidates were and going from there, he said it was time for a Hispanic and ended up finding one that wasn't the best qualified, but met the ethic and gender requirements.

The left claims that the right disagrees with Obama because he's black. I guess that is why the right also disagreed with the real first black president, Clinton.

Now the left says that the right agrees with Mia because she is black. So, according to liberals, the right supports people because they are black and they oppose people because they are black. Either way, the race card is played automatically.
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Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.

Really? I always thought that was a Conservative thing.

Haven't you guys been claiming that Obama was only elected because he was black for the last 6 years?
he was elected because of his color.
I believe that is why Dems picked Obama over Hillary. Of course, next election, they will decide it's a woman's turn so will vote for Hillary even if she isn't the best choice for them. The war on women crap hasn't gotten them anywhere, but I expect they will keep it up for Hillary's sake. The last two elections were designed so America could prove we're not racist. This next one will be about respecting powerful women and those against Hillary will be called names and accused of not giving women the same opportunities as men.

Even the biggest Hillary supporters couldn't name one achievement, though being married to Bill is probably all it takes for some. That and the fact that she's a liberal woman and it'll be time for America to prove that women are as good as men.

Meanwhile, Ben Carson better brace himself for the onslaught of mean Dems calling him an Uncle Tom. Just because he's not a product of affirmative action the way Obama is, the left will be hard on him. People like Carson, Cain and other successful minorities might give other minorities ideas and the left can't have that. You either know your place and gracefully accept help from nanny government or you will be vilified and accused of not thinking the way you should.
The far right is far too obsessed with race: their background forces them to project on the far left.
The cognitive dissonance in this thread is mind-blowing. It's incredibly entertaining to watch.

Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.
I believe that is why Dems voted for him.

Is it just me, or did Clementine just say that she's a liberal?
it was like watching the fish jump into the barrel for you and hold the gun to their mouths
I believe that is why Dems picked Obama over Hillary. Of course, next election, they will decide it's a woman's turn so will vote for Hillary even if she isn't the best choice for them. The war on women crap hasn't gotten them anywhere, but I expect they will keep it up for Hillary's sake. The last two elections were designed so America could prove we're not racist. This next one will be about respecting powerful women and those against Hillary will be called names and accused of not giving women the same opportunities as men.

Even the biggest Hillary supporters couldn't name one achievement, though being married to Bill is probably all it takes for some. That and the fact that she's a liberal woman and it'll be time for America to prove that women are as good as men.

Meanwhile, Ben Carson better brace himself for the onslaught of mean Dems calling him an Uncle Tom. Just because he's not a product of affirmative action the way Obama is, the left will be hard on him. People like Carson, Cain and other successful minorities might give other minorities ideas and the left can't have that. You either know your place and gracefully accept help from nanny government or you will be vilified and accused of not thinking the way you should.
what achievement has Carson done in government? he has less experience than Obama.Ben carson runs, its not to win, its for a bigger pay check because you morons will dish it out like candy.
The cognitive dissonance in this thread is mind-blowing. It's incredibly entertaining to watch.

Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.
I believe that is why Dems voted for him.

Is it just me, or did Clementine just say that she's a liberal?
it was like watching the fish jump into the barrel for you and hold the gun to their mouths
And you would still miss.

Is there anyone on the planet who actually thinks a lot of Obama's support did not come from the "first black president" thing?
Mia is not a token or a trophy. She is the real thing. The far right can stop with the racism nonsense and clean up their own rats' nests.

Leave the liberals to die in the swamp of their own problems with race.

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