Mia Love sets liberal media straight: Race had nothing to do with her getting elected

Mia is not a token or a trophy. She is the real thing. The far right can stop with the racism nonsense and clean up their own rats' nests.

Leave the liberals to die in the swamp of their own problems with race.

:ahole-1: I show the racism shown by the left, and you STILL don't get it?... You're a subversive PLANT, may you die in the swamp with your comrades!
It's horrible what lefties have said because she's the wrong color. What pricks. She seems to be able to handle it though, that shows some character.
Character ? Now that's a word that has become lost or badly confused in the word vocabulary or mind of either a person (not you), whom thinks in nothing but racist terms, race baiting terms and/or racially insightful terms these days. Sadly it is done for political gains or for political empowerment, and they have no conscience when doing so. Now the attacks on her is no surprise to me at all really. Then their is the foolish democrat and the demo-party for whom both of these two seem to be ignorantly hung up on having this on going anti-whitey agenda (war on whitey), and to continue the endless race baiting or race fueled / anti-gender blame game campaign, in which never ends in this nation. It just gets continued on and on and on and on and on (or) forever and a day until the agenda get's what it wants finally or it continues onward because it didn't get what it wants finally.

People get tired of this perpetual mess surrounding this race or gender of a person that is found in so many situations that which goes on now, and they have been tired of the promotion of race and/or gender over what should have been the promoting of character, and also a persons qualifications in life. They (the people) are tired of promotions being based upon such things as race or gender as it were, and they want to see and end to the practice now. Character should be promoted first and foremost always, and it should be applied in that regard always.

is and/or should be the most important attribute one may have in their life always, and they (black, white, yellow or red), should be proud of it if it is a good one. People can be trained to do just about anything if they have character, but without it you might as well be training devils that will come back to haunt in the worse ways imaginable when all is said and done.
Mia is not a token or a trophy. She is the real thing. The far right can stop with the racism nonsense and clean up their own rats' nests.

Leave the liberals to die in the swamp of their own problems with race.

And in what alternate universe is it wrong to shine the light on the monumental hypocrisy exhibited by the left on the race card?
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected. They can't fathom why some people focus on the more important things about a person, like ideology. The media still pushes the notion that people disagree with Obama because of race and not his liberal views. They think that Mia Love got elected because of her race and not her Republican views.

It seems pretty obvious to most intelligent individuals that Republicans support Republican candidates and reject Democrat candidates. How hard it is to understand? Apparently, some find it difficult and think that everything revolves around skin color or gender. All it proves is that the left does put race or gender on top of the list for why they support certain people. To them, ideology doesn't enter the equation. Will they ever get it? It's the issues, stupid, and not race that brings on support or opposition.

Of course, the left criticizes Carson and Cain for being black Republicans. They don't specify which issues they disagree with and always throw their political correctness aside and attack them based on the color of the skin. They also step away from PC when it comes to Republican women and lower themselves to vulgar remarks when bashing Republican women. For them, it's all about believing that women and blacks are supposed to think a certain way and they can't accept that people can believe anything different than other blacks.

It's so telling about the mindset of liberals. Color should tell them all they need know about a person as far as they are concerned.

They tried to apply that to Mia Love and assume that she's merely a token and there couldn't possibly be another reason why Republicans would show such support. That is how they think and it is just plain wrong.

"‘[F]irst of all, what we need to mention here is that this had nothing to do with race. Understand that Utahans have made a statement that they’re not interested in dividing Americans based on race or gender, that they want to make sure that they are electing people who are honest and who have integrity,’ Love said. ‘That’s really what made history here. It’s that race, gender, had nothing to do with it, principles had everything to do with it.’"
Michaela Periera challenged Love on that statement, asking whether her support had something to do with the fact that people want everyone to have a "fair shot at getting a seat at the table." Still, Love held strong:

"I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender. I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table."

Love’s constituents know that her race and her gender won’t change anything about their district – but her values and principles will.

tea party candidate also
Mia isn't the only one who gets picked on by the left for being a black Republican.

Yes, another minority who chose to succeed by actually trying hard instead of relying on government to survive. Senator Scott didn't succeed by whining about how entitled he was to anything. Liberals hate him because he managed to make a good life for himself despite overwhelming obstacles. Instead of bashing him and calling him an Uncle Tom, they should be holding him up as an example for black youth, who are heading toward poverty like their parents and grandparents. Actually keeping your shit together and losing the entitlement mentality will break the cycle. Continuing to listen to the divisive rhetoric from the left will just keep it going. It's clear why the left wants the race war to be never-ending. They need white boogey men to "save" people from. The left cannot survive in a world where the majority are independent and have no need for a controlling nanny government. The left is constantly trying to convince people that government is the only thing that can save them and they chip away at people's self-esteem and confidence by discouraging personal responsibility and preaching that people's problems are someone else's fault.

From the link below:

As Col. Allen West once said:
"There is nothing on this green earth that a liberal Progressive fears more than a Black American who wants a better life and a smaller government."
The senator also responded to the "F" grade that the NAACP gave him on its legislative scorecard.

"Well, let’s just ask ourselves if we look back over history when the Congress was controlled by the Democrats for 40 consecutive years. If we look at the result of that control what has happened in black America? We saw greater poverty. If we take the statistics from 1970s to the 21st century, what we see very clearly is that poverty’s gone from 11 percent to 15 percent. These are classic examples that the policies of the left have not worked," Scott said.
"I will tell you that if I have an F on the NAACP’s scorecard, it’s because I believe that progress has to be made, and the government is not the answer for progress."

The NAACP Actually Gave Sen. Tim Scott An F Grade 8211 Check Out His EPIC Response Top Right News
Mia is not a token or a trophy. She is the real thing. The far right can stop with the racism nonsense and clean up their own rats' nests.

Leave the liberals to die in the swamp of their own problems with race.
Can you explain that? How is the far right the ones making it about race? The racists on the left are the ones making it a big deal, calling her all kinds of vile things because she's the wrong color for the position.
Mia is not a token or a trophy. She is the real thing. The far right can stop with the racism nonsense and clean up their own rats' nests.

Leave the liberals to die in the swamp of their own problems with race.
Can you explain that? How is the far right the ones making it about race? The racists on the left are the ones making it a big deal, calling her all kinds of vile things because she's the wrong color for the position.
Her position is fine. It's the party Mia Love You Long Time belongs to that makes her a token.
Her position is fine. It's the party Mia Love You Long Time belongs to that makes her a token.
Which makes you the racist. There is no law that says blacks must belong to the Democrat party. But you reflect the left's position well, it's transparent and shallow and getting really old.
Her position is fine. It's the party Mia Love You Long Time belongs to that makes her a token.
Which makes you the racist. There is no law that says blacks must belong to the Democrat party. But you reflect the left's position well, it's transparent and shallow and getting really old.
I vote for them, that's all, and I know a token when I see one. If she wasn't black no one would have heard of her. You hold her up precisely because she is.
I vote for them, that's all, and I know a token when I see one. If she wasn't black no one would have heard of her. You hold her up precisely because she is.
People heard about her long before the election. She was attacked by some on the left for her race. You are guilty of circular logic, the Republicans don't attract minorities, when they have minorities the minorities are sell outs. That isn't lifting her up as much as it is putting the racists down.
I vote for them, that's all, and I know a token when I see one. If she wasn't black no one would have heard of her. You hold her up precisely because she is.
People heard about her long before the election. She was attacked by some on the left for her race. You are guilty of circular logic, the Republicans don't attract minorities, when they have minorities the minorities are sell outs. That isn't lifting her up as much as it is putting the racists down.
She's a national figure because she's black and in the GOP. Just like that little girl you just elected you make a huge deal about this to show you aren't the party of racists and sexists, and of course that's exactly what you end up proving because you have so few people who aren't old white men that they can rightly be called tokens.
Just so I can catch up here

Can anyone point to where liberals are slandering Mia Love because of her race?
But that's what our far right is doing talking about black Dems still voting for their party, calling them ignorant and other things. That's certainly racist and needs to be called out and stopped.

So close jake to actually not showing your true colors, so damn close, then you had to go and screw it up. Your way of thinking was repudiated on Tuesday, give it up already.
Just so I can catch up here

Can anyone point to where liberals are slandering Mia Love because of her race?

Oh I am sure that if I looked hard enough I could find someone to name. But one or two certainly doesn't condemn the lot. No more so then the Democrat claim that the Republican party are full of hateful racists. It was a lie conjured up by the left wing which was soundly repudiated on Tuesday.
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.

Really? I always thought that was a Conservative thing.

Haven't you guys been claiming that Obama was only elected because he was black for the last 6 years?
he was elected because of his color.

Of course...because it's SO difficult to be elected President in America if you are white.
I vote for them, that's all, and I know a token when I see one. If she wasn't black no one would have heard of her. You hold her up precisely because she is.
People heard about her long before the election. She was attacked by some on the left for her race. You are guilty of circular logic, the Republicans don't attract minorities, when they have minorities the minorities are sell outs. That isn't lifting her up as much as it is putting the racists down.
She's a national figure because she's black and in the GOP. Just like that little girl you just elected you make a huge deal about this to show you aren't the party of racists and sexists, and of course that's exactly what you end up proving because you have so few people who aren't old white men that they can rightly be called tokens.

The big deal of course is that what it actually shows is that the democrats and left wingers have been lying all this time. It took awhile but the people finally caught on.
Mia Love can proudly proclaim that her race has nothing to do with anything

But she would not be getting the airtime on FoxNews if she were a white male Mormon from Utah. She is a celebrity because she is a Republican black female who was elected to Congress....she might as well enjoy it

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