Mia Love sets liberal media straight: Race had nothing to do with her getting elected

Won't it be nice when the democrat party enters the 21st century and the discribtion of Love will be Republican not black Republican?

What is so damn amazing is how the democrats are trying, not all democrats, to still paint the Republican party as racist old men......they do this with Reid and Pelosi as their leaders, too funny.

Will Republicans do the same?

Why would a freshman congresswoman from Utah be getting so much coverage from the rightwing media if not for her color? Why did she get so many political contributions from outside her state? What about her political posititions is so unique that she gets more coverage on rightwing media than other Republican congressmen?

It's one thing to be proud of the party's first black congresswoman. It's quite another to insist she was elected because she is black. I can admit there are Repubs who judge by skin color. Can you admit the same about Dems?

I wouldn't say she was elected only because she is black. But she did receive sizeable contributions from outside her state which I doubt were sent because they agreed with her political positions
Republicans wanted more black candidates. There is nothing wrong with that. They need to do a better job in running candidates who are not white, male christians....Mia Love does that
Won't it be nice when the democrat party enters the 21st century and the discribtion of Love will be Republican not black Republican?

What is so damn amazing is how the democrats are trying, not all democrats, to still paint the Republican party as racist old men......they do this with Reid and Pelosi as their leaders, too funny.

Will Republicans do the same?

Why would a freshman congresswoman from Utah be getting so much coverage from the rightwing media if not for her color? Why did she get so many political contributions from outside her state? What about her political posititions is so unique that she gets more coverage on rightwing media than other Republican congressmen?

It's one thing to be proud of the party's first black congresswoman. It's quite another to insist she was elected because she is black. I can admit there are Repubs who judge by skin color. Can you admit the same about Dems?

If he can't that's a problem.

I think RW can. I think YOU can't.
All humans are racist. Feel better now?
Mia Love is an asset to the Republican Party. She is a much more sensible face of the party to the black community than batshit crazy Allen West
you're prolly right but I'll reserve judgement until i see her votes in the house.

She is a freshman congresswoman. She will vote kneejerk republican like the rest of them
Is she a conservative darling, on the issues?

This is what she says about Social Security and Medicare:

Seniors have spent their entire working lives paying into Medicare and Social Security, and they deserve all the benefits they receive from those programs. As a member of Congress, I will fight to protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security to ensure our seniors receive the benefits they deserve. We owe a special debt of gratitude to Utah’s seniors, and I remain committed to upholding and enhancing their quality of life.

...isn't that the Democratic position? lol Sounds like something Bernie Sanders would say.

Senior Benefits Medicare and Social Security Mia Love for Congress

Really? Repubs don't defend SS? Aren't you loony lefties always whining that the GOP is the party of the old peeps?
It's one thing to be proud of the party's first black congresswoman. It's quite another to insist she was elected because she is black. I can admit there are Repubs who judge by skin color. Can you admit the same about Dems?

If he can't that's a problem.

I think RW can. I think YOU can't.

All humans are racist. Feel better now?

I feel fine, thanks. You are rationalizing your racism. All humans have racist sentiments. Most manage to restrain them. Some don't bother trying to. Not all humans are racists.

RACIST: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Mia Love is an asset to the Republican Party. She is a much more sensible face of the party to the black community than batshit crazy Allen West
you're prolly right but I'll reserve judgement until i see her votes in the house.

She is a freshman congresswoman. She will vote kneejerk republican like the rest of them

Yeah, and no Dem ever votes kneejerk Dem. You've already judged her and she hasn't even been sworn in. Your sour grapes are so palpable I can taste 'em through my monitor.
It's one thing to be proud of the party's first black congresswoman. It's quite another to insist she was elected because she is black. I can admit there are Repubs who judge by skin color. Can you admit the same about Dems?

If he can't that's a problem.

I think RW can. I think YOU can't.

All humans are racist. Feel better now?

I feel fine, thanks. You are rationalizing your racism. All humans have racist sentiments. Most manage to restrain them. Some don't bother trying to. Not all humans are racists.

RACIST: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Believe as you wish. It's perfectly a normal human trait. Your first reaction to this statement will help you understand:

Asians have higher IQs than whites.

Your first reaction was to race, not rationality.
Mia Love is an asset to the Republican Party. She is a much more sensible face of the party to the black community than batshit crazy Allen West
you're prolly right but I'll reserve judgement until i see her votes in the house.

She is a freshman congresswoman. She will vote kneejerk republican like the rest of them

Yeah, and no Dem ever votes kneejerk Dem. You've already judged her and she hasn't even been sworn in. Your sour grapes are so palpable I can taste 'em through my monitor.

Every freshman in congress votes kneejerk for their party. Mavericks don't last long
I feel fine, thanks. You are rationalizing your racism. All humans have racist sentiments. Most manage to restrain them. Some don't bother trying to. Not all humans are racists.

RACIST: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

Believe as you wish. It's perfectly a normal human trait. Your first reaction to this statement will help you understand:
Asians have higher IQs than whites.
Your first reaction was to race, not rationality.

Thank you. The FACT that Asians have higher IQs does not mean I feel other races are inferior to Asians. Blacks can run faster and jump higher than whites. That fact doesn't mean whites and Asians are inferior.
I feel fine, thanks. You are rationalizing your racism. All humans have racist sentiments. Most manage to restrain them. Some don't bother trying to. Not all humans are racists.

RACIST: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

Believe as you wish. It's perfectly a normal human trait. Your first reaction to this statement will help you understand:
Asians have higher IQs than whites.
Your first reaction was to race, not rationality.

Thank you. The FACT that Asians have higher IQs does not mean I feel other races are inferior to Asians. Blacks can run faster and jump higher than whites. That fact doesn't mean whites and Asians are inferior.
What do you think the Asians feel?
Mia is not a token or a trophy. She is the real thing. The far right can stop with the racism nonsense and clean up their own rats' nests.

Leave the liberals to die in the swamp of their own problems with race.

And in what alternate universe is it wrong to shine the light on the monumental hypocrisy exhibited by the left on the race card?

It's monumental hypocrisy to do so when we have so many on the far right in the party that are racists and very loud about it. We need to take the log out of our own eye first.
Watching the lefty and the righty racists above clearly vindicates my position of cleaning out our own racist rats.
Is she a conservative darling, on the issues?

This is what she says about Social Security and Medicare:

Seniors have spent their entire working lives paying into Medicare and Social Security, and they deserve all the benefits they receive from those programs. As a member of Congress, I will fight to protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security to ensure our seniors receive the benefits they deserve. We owe a special debt of gratitude to Utah’s seniors, and I remain committed to upholding and enhancing their quality of life.

...isn't that the Democratic position? lol Sounds like something Bernie Sanders would say.

Senior Benefits Medicare and Social Security Mia Love for Congress

Really? Repubs don't defend SS? Aren't you loony lefties always whining that the GOP is the party of the old peeps?

Conservatives want to end SS and Medicare.
But that's what our far right is doing talking about black Dems still voting for their party, calling them ignorant and other things. That's certainly racist and needs to be called out and stopped.

you just can't bring yourself to criticize your fellow dems....so you go off topic and bash the so called far right

Is she a conservative darling, on the issues?

This is what she says about Social Security and Medicare:

Seniors have spent their entire working lives paying into Medicare and Social Security, and they deserve all the benefits they receive from those programs. As a member of Congress, I will fight to protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security to ensure our seniors receive the benefits they deserve. We owe a special debt of gratitude to Utah’s seniors, and I remain committed to upholding and enhancing their quality of life.

...isn't that the Democratic position? lol Sounds like something Bernie Sanders would say.

Senior Benefits Medicare and Social Security Mia Love for Congress

Really? Repubs don't defend SS? Aren't you loony lefties always whining that the GOP is the party of the old peeps?

Conservatives want to end SS and Medicare.
Reactionaries. Actual conservative understand the third-rail of politics. Those we really don't have any more.
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.

Really? I always thought that was a Conservative thing.

Haven't you guys been claiming that Obama was only elected because he was black for the last 6 years?

so "you guys" haven't been calling the right racists for not liking obama or his polices for the last 6 years?
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.

Really? I always thought that was a Conservative thing.

Haven't you guys been claiming that Obama was only elected because he was black for the last 6 years?

I believe that is why Dems voted for him. Color is a big thing for them. And before Obama nominated Sonja for the supreme court, he had decided in advance that the person must be a Hispanic woman. Instead of looking to see who the best candidates were and going from there, he said it was time for a Hispanic and ended up finding one that wasn't the best qualified, but met the ethic and gender requirements.

The left claims that the right disagrees with Obama because he's black. I guess that is why the right also disagreed with the real first black president, Clinton.

Now the left says that the right agrees with Mia because she is black. So, according to liberals, the right supports people because they are black and they oppose people because they are black. Either way, the race card is played automatically.

well said
Yurt, condemning Republicans for hypocritically calling out racism when we have racists like you yapping away? Yup, will do it every time. Prove you are not a racist, Yurt. You can't do it, you far right racist.
Funny how liberals are always so focused on race that they claim it's the reason why people get rejected or elected.

Really? I always thought that was a Conservative thing.

Haven't you guys been claiming that Obama was only elected because he was black for the last 6 years?

so "you guys" haven't been calling the right racists for not liking obama or his polices for the last 6 years?

Just like Yurt calling the left racists for whatever.
The far right is far too obsessed with race: their background forces them to project on the far left.

once again defending the left and bashing the right. as if the far left or middle left isn't focused on race. how many times have we read that obama is not liked because of his skin color?

stfu uber liberal
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