Might as well be a democrat...

The current situation in the Republican primaries DEMANDS an "open" convention.

No candidate has even half of the votes - or support - of the party. One third of Republicans want Trump, and 2/3 want a real Republican. It has been about the same since day 1, although those results have been distorted in states where Democrats and Independents have been permitted to vote I the Republican primaries.

Trump is trying to create the narrative that if he has a plurality of the delegate-votes going into the convention then he "deserves" the nomination. But this is baloney. The only states where Trump has even a chance of winning a majority of the Republican votes are New York and New Jersey, where his obnoxious personality and gargantuan ego are not an immediate turn-off.

ANY of the dozen or so former Republican aspirants would be better than Trump, both from a policy and an electability standpoint. And by the way, Trump is Toast. His candidacy will basically implode tomorrow. His narrative of invincibility will be totally deflated. ("Kasich is taking away my votes!" Yeah, right).
The funny thing is that Kasich has been a Republican much longer than Trump. :lol:
Under normal circumstances, Kasich would be a considered a strong and qualified Republican candidate.

Of course, these ain't normal circumstances.

Kasich is a candidate I could totally vote for since Paul left the race. I'll vote third party again this election cycle. I can't wait to be smugly lectured by people for daring to not vote for their team in the next several months.
So is a "real republican" a person that supports unfair trade, failed illegal immigrant policies and band-aids?
The funny thing is that Kasich has been a Republican much longer than Trump. :lol:
Under normal circumstances, Kasich would be a considered a strong and qualified Republican candidate.

Of course, these ain't normal circumstances.

Kasich is a candidate I could totally vote for since Paul left the race. I'll vote third party again this election cycle. I can't wait to be smugly lectured by people for daring to not vote for their team in the next several months.
Paul was my #1. I defend trump but I wont be voting for him in November. I don't like trump, I just like many of his policies. He is a fuckin clown. I thought I could get over that but I cant... Looks like Johnson if I even vote at all!
The funny thing is that Kasich has been a Republican much longer than Trump. :lol:
Under normal circumstances, Kasich would be a considered a strong and qualified Republican candidate.

Of course, these ain't normal circumstances.

Kasich is a candidate I could totally vote for since Paul left the race. I'll vote third party again this election cycle. I can't wait to be smugly lectured by people for daring to not vote for their team in the next several months.
Paul was my #1. I defend trump but I wont be voting for him in November. I don't like trump, I just like many of his policies. He is a fuckin clown. I thought I could get over that but I cant... Looks like Johnson if I even vote at all!

I was one of the 50,000 or so that proudly voted for Johnson in PA during the last Presidential election.
So is a "real republican" a person that supports unfair trade, failed illegal immigrant policies and band-aids?
Ronald Reagan Quote - "The person who agrees with you 80% of the time is a friend and an ally. Not a 20% traitor"
I agree with that; but considering those issues are big issues, they aint my friends..
I prefer Americans over anyone else and I do NOT think globalism is the answer.
At least he's not scary as shit. I'd vote for him. Moderation isn't the dirty word some people believe it to be.
"He would be the same old same old globalist fucking over Americans, but at least he doesn't say mean things" :lol:
That wasn't my point at all, TN. You guys have gotten me kinda used to mean things. Trump scares me because -- you know-- his positions are scary. Cruz scares me because he won't be able to get one damned thing done and he's too conservative for my taste. Sanders? Who knows what a Democratic Socialist would bring? and Clinton--the thought makes me shudder. Kasich looks good in comparison.
Yes he is a rino. Yes he will,help feather the nest of the inside the beltway group and he will succumb to more cultural erosion in the name of bipartisanship but.........

He is the only one on the podium who has balanced the budget. He has more legislative accomplishments and experience than the hildabeast. He is the only one more experienced in foreign affairs than hipporee. And sadly but importantly he can attract more democrats than any other candidates especially with his leave no on behind mantra. Like the stones said, you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you'll get what you need.

And as usual candy as a progressive loves to look back and take the gains of a conservative us and claim them as hers. Let's see................

Greatest amount of debt of any country in the world ever...
Largest amount of racial division in decades..........
Largest shrinkage of the middle class in 50 years......
Smallest military since beginning of World War Two........
Worst world ranking in education in 50 years.....
Most dangerous world political situation since World War Two...
Highest cost of healthcare and education of any country in the world.
Nation in the most divisive state since the sixties
Greatest wealth disparity in nations history.

Yep candy, nation is in the best shape ever.
At least he's not scary as shit. I'd vote for him. Moderation isn't the dirty word some people believe it to be.
"He would be the same old same old globalist fucking over Americans, but at least he doesn't say mean things" :lol:
That wasn't my point at all, TN. You guys have gotten me kinda used to mean things. Trump scares me because -- you know-- his positions are scary. Cruz scares me because he won't be able to get one damned thing done and he's too conservative for my taste. Sanders? Who knows what a Democratic Socialist would bring? and Clinton--the thought makes me shudder. Kasich looks good in comparison.
which positions are scary to you?
At least he's not scary as shit. I'd vote for him. Moderation isn't the dirty word some people believe it to be.
"He would be the same old same old globalist fucking over Americans, but at least he doesn't say mean things" :lol:
That wasn't my point at all, TN. You guys have gotten me kinda used to mean things. Trump scares me because -- you know-- his positions are scary.
Not to worry, if you don't like Trump positions now wait a week and he'll change them again.

Cruz scares me because he won't be able to get one damned thing done and he's too conservative for my taste.
You say that like it's a BAD thing, getting nothing done is better alternative to making things worse, right? and if you believe he's not going to get anything done, what difference does it make how conservative he is? Heck if Cruz promised to do absolutely nothing, I might even be persuaded to vote for him. :D

Sanders? Who knows what a Democratic Socialist would bring?
See: Venezuela ....
At least he's not scary as shit. I'd vote for him. Moderation isn't the dirty word some people believe it to be.
"He would be the same old same old globalist fucking over Americans, but at least he doesn't say mean things" :lol:
That wasn't my point at all, TN. You guys have gotten me kinda used to mean things. Trump scares me because -- you know-- his positions are scary. Cruz scares me because he won't be able to get one damned thing done and he's too conservative for my taste. Sanders? Who knows what a Democratic Socialist would bring? and Clinton--the thought makes me shudder. Kasich looks good in comparison.
which positions are scary to you?
Nuclear stance, Muslim stance (due to possible repercussions from Muslim countries we now consider allies), and how he plans to halt globalization (which the GLOBE is involved in) and bring all our businesses back to America. I don't know much, but I seriously question how he plans to do that.
At least he's not scary as shit. I'd vote for him. Moderation isn't the dirty word some people believe it to be.
"He would be the same old same old globalist fucking over Americans, but at least he doesn't say mean things" :lol:
That wasn't my point at all, TN. You guys have gotten me kinda used to mean things. Trump scares me because -- you know-- his positions are scary. Cruz scares me because he won't be able to get one damned thing done and he's too conservative for my taste. Sanders? Who knows what a Democratic Socialist would bring? and Clinton--the thought makes me shudder. Kasich looks good in comparison.
which positions are scary to you?
Nuclear stance, Muslim stance (due to possible repercussions from Muslim countries we now consider allies), and how he plans to halt globalization (which the GLOBE is involved in) and bring all our businesses back to America. I don't know much, but I seriously question how he plans to do that.
His nuclear stance? What do you mean?
Its funny you consider some of those "allies" lol
So you are upset he wants to focus on our citizens/country? You want to keep getting less rich, so poor countries can be less poor?
BTW, you obviously are against totalitarianism(socialism as an example); what do you expect globalism will lead to?
The only way Kasich could win is in a power grab. In that sense he is more like a Sanders socialist. It's a dangerous game he is playing and it's chilling that he thinks an open convention could be "fun".
At least he's not scary as shit. I'd vote for him. Moderation isn't the dirty word some people believe it to be.
"He would be the same old same old globalist fucking over Americans, but at least he doesn't say mean things" :lol:
That wasn't my point at all, TN. You guys have gotten me kinda used to mean things. Trump scares me because -- you know-- his positions are scary. Cruz scares me because he won't be able to get one damned thing done and he's too conservative for my taste. Sanders? Who knows what a Democratic Socialist would bring? and Clinton--the thought makes me shudder. Kasich looks good in comparison.
which positions are scary to you?
Nuclear stance, Muslim stance (due to possible repercussions from Muslim countries we now consider allies), and how he plans to halt globalization (which the GLOBE is involved in) and bring all our businesses back to America. I don't know much, but I seriously question how he plans to do that.
His nuclear stance? What do you mean?
Its funny you consider some of those "allies" lol
So you are upset he wants to focus on our citizens/country? You want to keep getting less rich, so poor countries can be less poor?
BTW, you obviously are against totalitarianism(socialism as an example); what do you expect globalism will lead to?
I think things are more complicated than just 'pulling out' of the global economy. I'd like to know why we got involved in the first place and what will happen economically and politically in relation to other countries if we pull out.
Of course I want the US to do well, but it seems there is more to running the United States than just bottom line business decisions. Of course, that could all be a smoke screen to scare people away from voting for a man that would make it less easy for our large corporations to make billions and billions while workers at home collect food stamps.
I have heard several of Trump's speeches and interviews and he promises a lot, but it seems too good to be true. Even in his interviews, he doesn't answer the questions as to HOW this happens and what the consequences will be.
If you want to merrily thumb your nose at the Muslim nations in this world that work with us, I believe that is irresponsible. If you want to see nuclear proliferation because it costs us too much to protect countries that have agreed not to have nukes, I think you are playing with fire.
"He would be the same old same old globalist fucking over Americans, but at least he doesn't say mean things" :lol:
That wasn't my point at all, TN. You guys have gotten me kinda used to mean things. Trump scares me because -- you know-- his positions are scary. Cruz scares me because he won't be able to get one damned thing done and he's too conservative for my taste. Sanders? Who knows what a Democratic Socialist would bring? and Clinton--the thought makes me shudder. Kasich looks good in comparison.
which positions are scary to you?
Nuclear stance, Muslim stance (due to possible repercussions from Muslim countries we now consider allies), and how he plans to halt globalization (which the GLOBE is involved in) and bring all our businesses back to America. I don't know much, but I seriously question how he plans to do that.
His nuclear stance? What do you mean?
Its funny you consider some of those "allies" lol
So you are upset he wants to focus on our citizens/country? You want to keep getting less rich, so poor countries can be less poor?
BTW, you obviously are against totalitarianism(socialism as an example); what do you expect globalism will lead to?
I think things are more complicated than just 'pulling out' of the global economy. I'd like to know why we got involved in the first place and what will happen economically and politically in relation to other countries if we pull out.
Of course I want the US to do well, but it seems there is more to running the United States than just bottom line business decisions. Of course, that could all be a smoke screen to scare people away from voting for a man that would make it less easy for our large corporations to make billions and billions while workers at home collect food stamps.
I have heard several of Trump's speeches and interviews and he promises a lot, but it seems too good to be true. Even in his interviews, he doesn't answer the questions as to HOW this happens and what the consequences will be.
If you want to merrily thumb your nose at the Muslim nations in this world that work with us, I believe that is irresponsible. If you want to see nuclear proliferation because it costs us too much to protect countries that have agreed not to have nukes, I think you are playing with fire.
It has the potential to be crazy at first. And if a country were to retaliate, it could be worse. But we hold a lot of cards. Don't understand our economic power.. But it could has the potential to be awesome. Fixing something like this cant just magically go good..
They all do. But he has stated Congress will have to get off their ass. What else can he do? At least he doesn't threaten EOs and shit like past Presidents.. Granted, he isn't President yet..
Well, my thing is, and a lot of his supporters as well got to a point where they don't care about other countries. We haven't focuse don us in decades! Plus, the FBI has said they cant vet them properly, so why would anybody want them here anyways? Do people not understand terrorist numbers are in the millions? They are not stupid, and well funded.. Sometimes you have to be an asshole to protect what is yours.. Regardless of utopian rhetoric, we are still greedy/ruthless humans.

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