Migrant kids outperform local kids

Many legal immigrants coming to America are coming from societies where regardless of how hard you work, or how talented you are, your life trajectory is pretty much fixed by your place of birth, ethnicity, religion, or some other uncontrollable factor.

When they come to America they see countless examples of people who have achieved great success even though their families had no money, held no positions, or had no political leverage. It's like going into a candy store where all the candy on the top floor is free; all you have to do is to climb those flights of stairs to get it - and most people are just too lazy to do that.

When you tell such people that you can be a doctor, a lawyer, a business executive, a business owner, or pretty much anything you want to be, if you are just willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve what you want, they see that as a tremendous benefit. And it's something that Americans overlook, simply because we are too accustomed to seeing it.

And that's why there are so many first-generation Americans who are doctors and successful business owners.

But thanks to the late Ted Kennedy and his self-destructive immigration law, most current immigrants are just here to either collect government goodies, or to work at menial jobs that "Americans won't do." We won't see many of their kids growing up to be doctors.


I have pointed out the obvious truth, supported with links to article on South Korean laws and quotes from a South Korean, that high levels of competition have negative impacts on health and family life and detracts from other activities and happiness.....

I asked you if you'd ever been to South Korea, seen South Korean schools, met South Korean families and their children and gotten to know them personally. You ignored this question because the answer highlights your weak-minded clinging to stereotypes and ignorance.

And now we go back to your bizarre belief system that only direct experience counts......

What we're back to is YOUR obstinately ignorant belief that reading part of a newspaper article once makes you an 'expert' and that real-world, first-person experience of many years in great volume means nothing if it challenges your weak-minded stereotypes and excuses for un-American laziness.

You are against play for adults? They should be working to succeed?....


So, you do think that adults should be all work and no play.

Screw that shit.

I went camping over the weekend. It was fun. I saw old friends. We sat around and played card games and drank wine.

It was fun.

You're just the kind of flaccid loser the democrat party needs. You can go on bullshit fabricated disability, lay around your obamapartment getting drunk and high on 'medicinal' substances, and make calls on your obamaphone to your fellow lazy good-for-nothings.

Empty blather.

I have pointed out the obvious truth, supported with links to article on South Korean laws and quotes from a South Korean, that high levels of competition have negative impacts on health and family life and detracts from other activities and happiness.....

I asked you if you'd ever been to South Korea, seen South Korean schools, met South Korean families and their children and gotten to know them personally. You ignored this question because the answer highlights your weak-minded clinging to stereotypes and ignorance.

And now we go back to your bizarre belief system that only direct experience counts......

What we're back to is YOUR obstinately ignorant belief that reading part of a newspaper article once makes you an 'expert' and that real-world, first-person experience of many years in great volume means nothing if it challenges your weak-minded stereotypes and excuses for un-American laziness.

Your need to find excuses to dismiss me as a source, instead of reasonably explaining why you disagree with my reasoning or supporting your claim that increasing competition benefits the UK or the US.

Ironically, that is intellectually lazy and morally cowardly of you.

I have pointed out the obvious truth, supported with links to article on South Korean laws and quotes from a South Korean, that high levels of competition have negative impacts on health and family life and detracts from other activities and happiness.....

I asked you if you'd ever been to South Korea, seen South Korean schools, met South Korean families and their children and gotten to know them personally. You ignored this question because the answer highlights your weak-minded clinging to stereotypes and ignorance.

And now we go back to your bizarre belief system that only direct experience counts......

What we're back to is YOUR obstinately ignorant belief that reading part of a newspaper article once makes you an 'expert' and that real-world, first-person experience of many years in great volume means nothing if it challenges your weak-minded stereotypes and excuses for un-American laziness.

Your need to find excuses to dismiss me as a source, .....

When have you ever established yourself as anything in any way like a source? All you have offered is ignorance, stereotyping, and your own personal weakness. Where is the 'source' in any of that?
Migrant kids? Not 'immigrant' kids? How does a migrant, a person fleeing another country, learn to speak the new language so quickly that they can excel?
Migrant kids? Not 'immigrant' kids? How does a migrant, a person fleeing another country, learn to speak the new language so quickly that they can excel?

I think you're confusing "migrant" with "refugee."
Migrant kids? Not 'immigrant' kids? How does a migrant, a person fleeing another country, learn to speak the new language so quickly that they can excel?

I think you're confusing "migrant" with "refugee."

thanks, you're right.
migrating, especially of people; migratory.
a person or animal that migrates.
Also called migrant worker. a person who moves from place to place to get work, especially a farm laborer who harvests crops seasonally.

So, what is the difference between migrant and immigrant then?
Migrant kids? Not 'immigrant' kids? How does a migrant, a person fleeing another country, learn to speak the new language so quickly that they can excel?

I think you're confusing "migrant" with "refugee."

thanks, you're right.
migrating, especially of people; migratory.
a person or animal that migrates.
Also called migrant worker. a person who moves from place to place to get work, especially a farm laborer who harvests crops seasonally.

So, what is the difference between migrant and immigrant then?


verb (used without object), immigrated, immigrating.
to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.
to pass or come into a new habitat or place, as an organism.
verb (used with object), immigrated, immigrating.
to introduce as settlers:
to immigrate cheap labor.
the definition of immigrate
so are migrants people who migrate within the same country of birth? And immigrants are people who come from other countries?
so are migrants people who migrate within the same country of birth? And immigrants are people who come from other countries?

So to use this in an example would be something like: The internally displaced Syrians are migrating in Syria, whereas the outdisplaced Syrians would be immigrating into other Countries.
so are migrants people who migrate within the same country of birth? And immigrants are people who come from other countries?

So to use this in an example would be something like: The internally displaced Syrians are migrating in Syria, whereas the outdisplaced Syrians would be immigrating into other Countries.

So when an immigrant becomes a citizen or not, and he/she begins moving around freely in the new land, he/she becomes a migrant?
So maybe, as the Title of this Thread is, 'Migrant kids outperform local kids' might be very true.
The sentence "Migrant students ‘more motivated to learn’ - BBC News" and 'Migrant kids outperform local kids' may not be the same.
Here is a site from D.O.E. Migrant Education Program in relations to Migrant schools.

Program Description
Funds support high quality education programs for migratory children and help ensure that migratory children who move among the states are not penalized in any manner by disparities among states in curriculum, graduation requirements, or state academic content and student academic achievement standards. Funds also ensure that migratory children not only are provided with appropriate education services (including supportive services) that address their special needs but also that such children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet. Federal funds are allocated by formula to SEAs, based on each state’s per pupil expenditure for education and counts of eligible migratory children, age 3 through 21, residing within the state.
But regardless, the sentence, 'migrant students, more motivated to learn' could be very true also. The news article is from BBC which is out of the U.K, I believe.
if the 'migrants' in the U.K. which may be more 'immigrants' than U.K Britons, are more motivated to learn, how are the Britons doing as far as keeping their seats in the schools?

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