Military Officials Say Trump Approved Raid Without Sufficient Prep


That 'Valuable Intel' From The Yemen Raid? It Was 10 Years Old

A terrorist video released on Friday by the Pentagon to show what it called intelligence gleaned by the recent raid in Yemen actually was made about 10 years ago, it acknowledged.

Defense officials canceled a briefing they had called to discuss the value of the information recovered from Yemen and took the video off the website of the U.S. Central Command. They circulated clips from a video that showed how to prepare explosives without knowing it had already been public.
That 'Valuable Intel' From The Yemen Raid? It Was 10 Years Old

FAKE NEWS....try your phony baloney someplace else, loser.

That 'Valuable Intel' From The Yemen Raid? It Was 10 Years Old

A terrorist video released on Friday by the Pentagon to show what it called intelligence gleaned by the recent raid in Yemen actually was made about 10 years ago, it acknowledged.

Defense officials canceled a briefing they had called to discuss the value of the information recovered from Yemen and took the video off the website of the U.S. Central Command. They circulated clips from a video that showed how to prepare explosives without knowing it had already been public.
That 'Valuable Intel' From The Yemen Raid? It Was 10 Years Old

FAKE NEWS....try your phony baloney someplace else, loser.
Thanks for playing AND losing...
If you like I had nothing, I would be doing the same thing as you...
NO I wouldn't, I'm smarter than you...

I've seen empty cement buckets smarter than you are.
You are stupid enough to believe they would be aka the "fake news clowns."
Ruh roh for Dems. In their haste to smear President Trump they are calling for a briefing and/or an inquiry as to how this supposedly "all went wrong".

Problem is that this was all planned on Obama's watch.

"At the White House, press secretary Sean Spicer said the raid had been approved in December by the Pentagon, and that Obama administration recommended greenlighting the operation.

But the next moonless night, which the military sought for the raid, was not until after Trump had been sworn into office. The new president ultimately approved the mission, according to the White House.

“This was a very, very well thought-out and executed effort,” Spicer said."

House Dem wants briefing on Yemen raid

He had to do it. And it was a success...and if it wasn't a success that part was Obama fault.
What say you now Trumpsters?

"The Navy SEAL raid in Yemen last week had a secret objective — the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, who survived and is now taunting President Donald Trump in an audio message.

Military and intelligence officials told NBC News the goal of the massive operation was to capture or kill Qassim al-Rimi, considered the third most dangerous terrorist in the world and a master recruiter.

But while one SEAL, 14 al Qaeda fighters and civilians including an 8-year-old girl were killed during a firefight, al-Rimi is still alive and in Yemen, multiple military officials said.

The deadly Navy SEAL raid in Yemen last week had a secret target
The President does not plan SOF military missions.
But Tramp said HE has a "secret" plan for defeating ISIS and he knows more than the generals, so why would a hands-on take-charge boss let his inferiors do the planning when he has a better plan all along?
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The President does not plan SOF military missions.
But Tramp said HE has a "secret" plan for defeating ISIS and he knows more than the generals, so why would a hands-on take-charge boss let his inferiors do the planning when he has a better plan all along?

Because he replaced all of Obama's minions with people like Mattis who knows how to win.
The President does not plan SOF military missions.
But Tramp said HE has a "secret" plan for defeating ISIS and he knows more than the generals, so why would a hands-on take-charge boss let his inferiors do the planning when he has a better plan all along?
Because he replaced all of Obama's minions with people like Mattis who knows how to win.
Except he just lost.
The President does not plan SOF military missions.
But Tramp said HE has a "secret" plan for defeating ISIS and he knows more than the generals, so why would a hands-on take-charge boss let his inferiors do the planning when he has a better plan all along?

Because he replaced all of Obama's minions with people like Mattis who knows how to win.

Then why did he humiliate America in Yemen?
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


If you actually believe that 19 boxcutter welding "terrorists" buttfucked the CIA, NSA, the Pentagon, the FBI and NORAD all being directed by a CIA asset (that was also known as Tim Osman) in a cave and in front of the whole world and then quickly got their act together to prevent another attack? You are beyond fucking stupid......

We love open borders and immigrants like the 911 high jackers who we allowed to go to flight school so they could fly Jumbo Jets in to buildings and kill people.

Trust Lefty. He's always got America's back. That's why he has no problem letting every Tom Dick And Harry come in here without any scrutiny.
All I know is that America is less safe from Donald Trump's failed mission to Yemen.

But yet leftards believe that keeping the southern border wide open and flying thousands of muslims is TOTALLY safe.....go figure.

I don't want to call you a lying bitch, however your ignorance compels me to do so...
How about you post a link to where any Democratic Official stated that:
believe that keeping the southern border wide open and flying thousands of muslims is TOTALLY safe
The President does not plan SOF military missions.
But Tramp said HE has a "secret" plan for defeating ISIS and he knows more than the generals, so why would a hands-on take-charge boss let his inferiors do the planning when he has a better plan all along?
Because he replaced all of Obama's minions with people like Mattis who knows how to win.
Except he just lost.

Lost what?

Apparently you are under some misconception. No surprise there, as your liberalism-addled brain barely functions.
The issue of recently Deceased Navy SEAL Ryan Owens is far from over if you ask his father. There is a lengthy article in this morning's Miami Herald that takes to task the issue and asks relevant questions about the failed mission.

"When they brought William “Ryan” Owens home, the Navy SEAL was carried from a C-17 military plane in a flag-draped casket, onto the tarmac at Dover Air Force Base, as President Donald Trump, his daughter, Ivanka, and Owens’ family paid their respects.

It was a private transfer, as the family had requested. No media and no bystanders, except for some military dignitaries.

Owens’ father, Bill, had learned only a short time before the ceremony that Trump was coming. Owens was sitting with his wife, Marie, and other family members in the solemn, living room-like space where the loved ones of the fallen assemble before they are taken to the flight line.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to see him,’’ Owens recalled telling the chaplain who informed him that Trump was on his way from Washington. “I told them I don’t want to meet the President.”

It had been little more than 24 hours since six officers in dress uniform knocked on the door to Owens’ home in Lauderdale-by-the-Sea. It was not yet daylight when he answered the door, already knowing in the pit of his stomach what they had come to tell him.

Now, Owens cringed at the thought of having to shake the hand of the president who approved the raid in Yemen that claimed his son’s life — an operation that he and others are now calling into question.

“I told them I didn’t want to make a scene about it, but my conscience wouldn’t let me talk to him,” Owens said Friday, speaking out for the first time in an interview with the Miami Herald.

Owens, also a military veteran, was troubled by Trump’s harsh treatment of a Gold Star family during his presidential campaign. Now Owens was a Gold Star parent, and he said he had deep reservations about the way the decision was made to launch what would be his son’s last mission.

Ryan and as many as 29 civilians were killed Jan. 28 in the anti-terrorism mission in Yemen. What was intended as a lightning raid to grab cellphones, laptops and other information about terrorists turned into a nearly hour-long firefight in which “everything went wrong,” according to U.S. military officials who spoke to the New York Times.

Bill Owens said he was assured that his son, who was shot, was killed early in the fight. It was the first military counter-terrorist operation approved by the new president, who signed the go-ahead Jan. 26 — six days into his term.

“Why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasn’t even barely a week into his administration? Why? For two years prior, there were no boots on the ground in Yemen — everything was missiles and drones — because there was not a target worth one American life. Now, all of a sudden we had to make this grand display?’’

Read more here: Slain SEAL’s dad wants answers: ‘Don’t hide behind my son’s death’

Admiral Rockwell Tory, post: 16516162,
Because he replaced all of Obama's minions with people like Mattis who knows how to win.

Mattis has changed nothing from Obama!s counter terrorism policy including assuring Iraqis we won't steal their oil and not agreeing with Trump's other hysterical rants and falsehoods.

Also Flynn's replacement agrees with Obama big time on this.

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KTLA › 2017/02/25 › term-radical-islam...
AMP - 13 hours ago - H.R. McMaster said jihadist terrorists aren't true to their professed religion and that the use of the phrase “radical ...

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