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Mineapolis Cops Quit in Droves, lol

Wow, you mean treating cops like they were the enemy causes them to leave?

Who'd a thunk it?

MINNEAPOLIS - The sound of gunfire has become so familiar across North Minneapolis that Cathy Spann worries she has grown numb to it.
Day and night the bullets zip through this predominantly Black neighborhood, hitting cars and homes and people. The scores of victims have included a 7-year-old boy, wounded in a drive-by shooting; a woman who took a bullet that came through her living room wall while she was watching television with her family; and a 17-year-old girl shot in the head and killed.
Spann, a longtime community activist who works for the Jordan Area Community Council, cannot recall another time when things were this bad - not even when the city was branded "Murderapolis," during a spike in violence in the mid-1990s.
The police are not as much a presence as they used to be, Spann said, noting that sometimes when neighbors call 911, officers are delayed in responding or don't come at all.
"If you want to talk about pandemics, we're dealing with a pandemic of violence," Spann said on a recent afternoon, just as word came of two more nearby shootings. "We're under siege. You wake up and go to bed in fear, because you don't know what's going to happen next. . . . And our city has failed to protect us."
Nearly six months after George Floyd's death here sparked massive protests and left a wide swath of the city burned and destroyed, Minneapolis is grappling with dueling crises: an unprecedented wave of violence and droves of officer departures that the Minneapolis Police Department warns could soon leave the force unable to respond to emergencies.
Homicides in Minneapolis are up 50%, with nearly 75 people killed across the city so far this year. More than 500 people have been shot, the highest number in more than a decade and twice as many as in 2019. And there have been more than 4,600 violent crimes - including hundreds of carjackings and robberies - a five-year high.
Most of the violence has happened since Floyd's death on Memorial Day, which some experts attribute in part to the lingering anger over the slaying and the effects of the coronavirus, including job losses and the closure of community centers and other public spaces.
Minneapolis police say they have struggled to respond. They have faced a surge of officer departures in the wake of Floyd's death and the outcry against police. In June, a city council majority vowed to defund and dismantle the department and replace it with a new agency focused on a mix of public safety and violence prevention - a move that could go before voters in 2021.

Burn to the ground, Mineapolis. You voted these Marxists into government so it is your won damned fault.

And go fuck yourselves while you are at it.

Yep, this falls under the category of "be careful what you wish for, you just may get it".

The evidence of the cops being the hood guys is right in front of you, and you refuse to see it. The very people who live there are asking for their help, yet you know better.
Do some cops break the law? Yes.
Do some cops abuse authority? Yes.
Should those cops be punished? Yes.
But to act as if it’s some insane thing that happens is nuts. Find me a single profession where there are no bad actors. The priest hood? Laughable

Okay, you kind of hit on a point here. Most priests aren't pedophiles... But the entire Catholic Organization took steps to protect and hide pedophiles for years, going all the way up to Popes JP2 and Benedict XVI.

The police have the same problem. It's not just that they have guys like Darren Chauvin or Jason van Dyke, it's that they police departments, police unions and cities defend them for years. Until something tragic happens.

But what has happened is police being used to as another tool to cause division for political points. Rather than just punishing cases of misconduct, and looking at what kind of reforms can be put in place to try to cut down on such instances (you can’t ever eliminate it), you and fools like you are attacking the entire institution. Dumbasses like Joe above who says that cops want to abuse “people Of color”.
What a moronic statement. And he either believes it, because he is a moron. Or he has a vested interest in dividing people, because he is a scumbag.

Or I live in the REAL World. Hey want to see something fun. Let's look at how cops treated a white man walking down the street with an assault rifle, and a black man doing the same.

I don’t know you. Maybe you genuinely want things to improve and you’re merely misguided. Maybe you are one of those scum who wants division. Maybe you just hate cops for whatever reason. Whatever it is, you really need to look at exactly what is happening. The evidence doesn’t support your position. At all.

Actually, the evidence shows the police shoot 1000+ Americans every year, compared to other advanced countries that only shoot a handful. I don't blame the police for all of that. Our failure to treat mental illness and the proliferation of guns are also part of the problem.

The majority of people who the police shoot, are in need of being shot. Most aren't mental patients , they are criminals, and here in America, legitimate stores do not sell certified dirtbags firearms.
Or I live in the REAL World. Hey want to see something fun. Let's look at how cops treated a white man walking down the street with an assault rifle, and a black man doing the same.

First, allow me to apologize for calling you a dumb ass. You seem to be willing to actually discuss this honestly and thoughtfully, and I appreciate that. So thank you. Different view points are fine. Disagreeing is fine, as far as I’m concerned. I just get a bug up my ass when people seem to not actually think about what is said and just spew out their talking points. It really irks me. Anyway...
I wouldn’t put much stock in this as an example. Discounting the obviously higher percentage of black violent crime, let’s look at it ignoring all of that.
This is a case by case thing, and also area specific.
You take the same exact guy and do this with different cops, the outcome will be different. Have the same guy do it in different locations (town, state, whatever), the outcome will be different.
Every time it will be different. This isn’t proof of racism. It’s proof of different people reacting differently.

I’ll give you an anecdotal, if you’re interested.
I carry a gun. Have one on me, one in the car, etc. I have been pulled over many many times. Often times for petty shit, but whatever. I’ve always told the cops I have a firearm, and I hang my hands out the windows for them with interior lights on. I’ve gotten completely different reactions from different cops. Some could care less. Some chatted with me in a friendly manner, asking what I carry, what I think about that particular gun, etc. . Many times I was just let off with a warning about speeding. But in 2 seperate occasions the reaction was like I was a terrorist. Had “backup” called out for an “armed man”, had 4-5 cops show up, looking under the car, asking to look in the trunk, etc.
Now mind you, the last time this happened I was down the block from my office, in my scrubs. Handed the cop my permit, license, disclosed my weapon and location, even offered it to him to hold if he would like. Now I didn’t get dragged out or anythjng. They weeent rude. But the reaction with 7-8 cops showing up as backup had me asking one cop “sir, no offense, but what the fuck?”
Older cop just laughed and said “the guy was a rookie. Don’t worry, you’ll be out of here as soon as he goes through the motions.”
Greatly different reactions to me, the same person, doing the same exact thing, just different location and cops.
Wow, you mean treating cops like they were the enemy causes them to leave?

Who'd a thunk it?

MINNEAPOLIS - The sound of gunfire has become so familiar across North Minneapolis that Cathy Spann worries she has grown numb to it.
Day and night the bullets zip through this predominantly Black neighborhood, hitting cars and homes and people. The scores of victims have included a 7-year-old boy, wounded in a drive-by shooting; a woman who took a bullet that came through her living room wall while she was watching television with her family; and a 17-year-old girl shot in the head and killed.
Spann, a longtime community activist who works for the Jordan Area Community Council, cannot recall another time when things were this bad - not even when the city was branded "Murderapolis," during a spike in violence in the mid-1990s.
The police are not as much a presence as they used to be, Spann said, noting that sometimes when neighbors call 911, officers are delayed in responding or don't come at all.
"If you want to talk about pandemics, we're dealing with a pandemic of violence," Spann said on a recent afternoon, just as word came of two more nearby shootings. "We're under siege. You wake up and go to bed in fear, because you don't know what's going to happen next. . . . And our city has failed to protect us."
Nearly six months after George Floyd's death here sparked massive protests and left a wide swath of the city burned and destroyed, Minneapolis is grappling with dueling crises: an unprecedented wave of violence and droves of officer departures that the Minneapolis Police Department warns could soon leave the force unable to respond to emergencies.
Homicides in Minneapolis are up 50%, with nearly 75 people killed across the city so far this year. More than 500 people have been shot, the highest number in more than a decade and twice as many as in 2019. And there have been more than 4,600 violent crimes - including hundreds of carjackings and robberies - a five-year high.
Most of the violence has happened since Floyd's death on Memorial Day, which some experts attribute in part to the lingering anger over the slaying and the effects of the coronavirus, including job losses and the closure of community centers and other public spaces.
Minneapolis police say they have struggled to respond. They have faced a surge of officer departures in the wake of Floyd's death and the outcry against police. In June, a city council majority vowed to defund and dismantle the department and replace it with a new agency focused on a mix of public safety and violence prevention - a move that could go before voters in 2021.

Burn to the ground, Mineapolis. You voted these Marxists into government so it is your won damned fault.

And go fuck yourselves while you are at it.

I think all cops are bastards, all cops who don't work alone anyway

But even i was shocked when they indicted all four of them. Insanity

I'd get the fuck out of there if I was a cop too.
... The cops created their own problems and now they want us to ignore their incompetence and brutish nature and we are supposedly supposed to have empathy for the hired goons.

No. The cops are trying to stop the problem... CRIMINALS... but we continue to spit these social leeches back out onto the streets to reoffend. Start popping these human pimples known as criminals and the cops won’t have a need to use force as much.
OAN reporting Minneapolis has budgeted 500k to hire officers from other districts

Sweet Jesus demoquacks are stupid
OAN reporting Minneapolis has budgeted 500k to hire officers from other districts

Sweet Jesus demoquacks are stupid

That is sort of stupid. Minneapolis PD officers are leaving that hell hole for other, more civilized jurisdictions.

Why would people who already have a sweet gig in a low-crime town where they respect law and order come to a big failed city?
Indeed. Lawyers polled say they believe the police are lying in one case out of five. Twenty percent. That isn’t a problem according to you.
--you don't understand what you just posted!!!!!!!!!!
..I will highlight the idiocy/idiotic parts:
''''''Indeed. Lawyers polled say they believe the police are lying in one case out of five. Twenty percent. That isn’t a problem according to you.'''

lawyers polled believe = total bullshit

Why do they believe that? Sit in a courtroom. Listen to the testimony. You will believe it too if you have a modicum of honesty.
lawyers????!! lawyers???????????!!!
they lie all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS is your evidence??!!!!
every member can see that what I said about you is true

How about the cops?

Republican Orange County Deputies testified in court that they were never told it was illegal to lie on reports. How perfect do you have to be to know it is illegal to lie? Help me out Scooter.

Five cops from two different departments were caught lying. I guess they didn’t know either.

The Chiefs of police of New York and San Francisco have admitted that Testilying is a real problem. But what would the cops know about it?

The problem is you sound insane. You are out there like the Flat Earth idiots demanding that the others either convince you to your satisfaction that the world is round, or admit it is flat.

Only with you the cause celeb is police corruption. So you have more links you will ignore. And instead will vanish until the next thread and then rush in with the same old thing. I must think I am perfect. You are a drive by debater. You throw a firebomb and when proven wrong again drive off declaring victory.
........plain and simple--there is not a problem of police brutality or lying ---we've been over this before
---I've read your links before--and they prove the opposite of what you are saying
WRONG--I've been over this before----the cities/BLACKS are STUPID and pay out--when the cops are PROVEN--PROVEN to have done nothing wrong:

I think this is where you are a little confused. I'll give you an example you can understand.

OJ Got acquitted in the Criminal Trial, mostly because of POLICE MISCONDUCT.
He lost the CIVIL TRIAL, because the standard of proof was considerably lower.

Same thing with these trials. You might be able to acquit the cops on criminal conduct, but when it comes to civil liability, the cities know they are screwed if it gets to a jury happy to make these sad people less sad.

So yes, there are areas where reform should be agreed on. I doubt you’d find many who disagree. The problem is your side is not presenting it as such. You have segments who are demonizing the cops as awhole, saying dumb shit like Joe did previously (thry want to abuse people of color), and you aren’t putting clowns like that in their place. Many of Your politicians echo it And give that voice the mic. So naturally, people polarize and oppose you.

It’s all counter productive. The fact is if your fellow democrat politicians acted like grown ups and actually dealt with the issues (it is occurring in your democrat controlled cities), we wouldn’t be having this breakdown we now see.

Actually, this is where you are confused. I'm seeing a lot of that today.

The thing was, the Democratic Politicians have pushed the reforms... when Obama was in office, his DOJ was all over working with cities on Consent Decrees and reforms, efforts Trump and Sessions and Barr dropped the minute they got in.

And, yes, a lot of cops just like abusing people of color. We need to weed those people out.
WRONG--I've been over this before----the cities/BLACKS are STUPID and pay out--when the cops are PROVEN--PROVEN to have done nothing wrong:

I think this is where you are a little confused. I'll give you an example you can understand.

OJ Got acquitted in the Criminal Trial, mostly because of POLICE MISCONDUCT.
He lost the CIVIL TRIAL, because the standard of proof was considerably lower.

Same thing with these trials. You might be able to acquit the cops on criminal conduct, but when it comes to civil liability, the cities know they are screwed if it gets to a jury happy to make these sad people less sad.

So yes, there are areas where reform should be agreed on. I doubt you’d find many who disagree. The problem is your side is not presenting it as such. You have segments who are demonizing the cops as awhole, saying dumb shit like Joe did previously (thry want to abuse people of color), and you aren’t putting clowns like that in their place. Many of Your politicians echo it And give that voice the mic. So naturally, people polarize and oppose you.

It’s all counter productive. The fact is if your fellow democrat politicians acted like grown ups and actually dealt with the issues (it is occurring in your democrat controlled cities), we wouldn’t be having this breakdown we now see.

Actually, this is where you are confused. I'm seeing a lot of that today.

The thing was, the Democratic Politicians have pushed the reforms... when Obama was in office, his DOJ was all over working with cities on Consent Decrees and reforms, efforts Trump and Sessions and Barr dropped the minute they got in.

And, yes, a lot of cops just like abusing people of color. We need to weed those people out.
no--I just destroyed your crap
Agreed on the priests. It’s why I despise the Catholic Church and left.
I also agree that the police agencies cover shit up.
So does tye AMA. So does the bar. And on and on.
reforms are needed. Bad actors need to be nailed. Attacking all police and/or blaming them for problems is way out of line.

It seems you miss my point.

The problem isn't the bad cops, it's the way police departments cover for the bad cops.

Take the Laquan McDonald Shooting. The officer involved had 20 prior complaints of abusive behavior towards suspects and civilians, including one case where he dislocated a man's shoulder and the City had to pay out $375,000. (The man hadn't actually committed any crime.)

After the shooting, which involved shooting a teenager with a pocket knife 16 times, most of them when he was on the ground, five other cops filed completely bogus reports on what happened. The Chain of command reviewed the tape and found it "justified", the city paid the family 5 million with an NDA, and the FOP protected this guy for years. Even when the CPD fired him, the FOP gave him a custodial job until his trial came up.

The problem wasn't just a "bad actor", it was the entire production that kept him on the stage much too long.
Agreed on the priests. It’s why I despise the Catholic Church and left.
I also agree that the police agencies cover shit up.
So does tye AMA. So does the bar. And on and on.
reforms are needed. Bad actors need to be nailed. Attacking all police and/or blaming them for problems is way out of line.

It seems you miss my point.

The problem isn't the bad cops, it's the way police departments cover for the bad cops.

Take the Laquan McDonald Shooting. The officer involved had 20 prior complaints of abusive behavior towards suspects and civilians, including one case where he dislocated a man's shoulder and the City had to pay out $375,000. (The man hadn't actually committed any crime.)

After the shooting, which involved shooting a teenager with a pocket knife 16 times, most of them when he was on the ground, five other cops filed completely bogus reports on what happened. The Chain of command reviewed the tape and found it "justified", the city paid the family 5 million with an NDA, and the FOP protected this guy for years. Even when the CPD fired him, the FOP gave him a custodial job until his trial came up.

The problem wasn't just a "bad actor", it was the entire production that kept him on the stage much too long.
but there are not many bad cops to cover for
...I'm glad they shot that jackass--you people LOVE criminals for some reason
The majority of people who the police shoot, are in need of being shot. Most aren't mental patients , they are criminals, and here in America, legitimate stores do not sell certified dirtbags firearms.


First, most guns do start out at legitimate gun stores because they are just too easy to get. Every time there is a mass shooting, we find out the person had all sorts of problems with mental illness and criminality and they STILL were able to buy a gun.

but there are not many bad cops to cover for
...I'm glad they shot that jackass--you people LOVE criminals for some reason

One is too many.

Here's the thing. A bad cop who shoots someone, his life is often ruined as well, as far as going to prison, being unemployable, etc.

So wouldn't the sensible thing to do for all involved is to get these guys off the police forces before they kill someone and ruin their own lives?

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