Minimum wage is already “livable”

The market will survive with a minimum wage, but it would be nice if well-intentioned liberals could open their ears and minds long enough to understand that not everything can be made better artificially. You really do limit upward mobility for the people at the very bottom when you create a minimum wage, and especially if you're going to raise it. You aren't actually making anybody more valuable to the market. You're not actually improving the job situation for poor people in the United States. With all due respect I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how markets work.
Completely backwards. What's limiting upward mobility is letting the markets squeeze the workers with the government's help.
You intentionally ignore logic in favor of emotional soapboxing. You're not making a point right now.
I am just agreeing with you that poor people deserve what they get and are not worth wasting our hard earned money while we could be giving larger tax cuts to the wealthy
They will just sell the food you give them and spend the money on cheap whisky and cigarettes. You know how poor people are.

I have a better idea

We lock the dumpsters behind McDonalds. If poor people come and sweep the parking lots and wash the windows, we let them pick out what they want from the dumpster

We can also set up a road kill distribution center where deserving poor people can pick out squashed squirrels, raccoons and possums.
Why let good meat go to waste?
More sarcasm, I see. Nobody here suggested any of that.

How HORRIBLE of us to suggest that poor people who don’t like having to rent a room and would rather have an apartment take advantage of the free Pell Grants (what a great opportunity we Americans give to poor people who want to improve their lives) and enroll in night school or take an online program.
I am just agreeing with you that poor people deserve what they get and are not worth wasting our hard earned money while we could be giving larger tax cuts to the wealthy
We can all very clearly see what you're doing.
That deflects from his point. You're limiting the market for both the employer and employee. That's not ideal at all, and it won't achieve the result you want.
Starvation isn't a deflection, and that's what many people would face without government assistance. Think, man! We are allowing the corporations to line their pockets with our tax money when we make it possible to pay their employees less than a living wage. Why would you want that to continue?
I am just agreeing with you that poor people deserve what they get and are not worth wasting our hard earned money while we could be giving larger tax cuts to the wealthy
We have the richest fattest poor people in the world
you want the government to pay people to stay home and impede these businesses from hiring staff and getting people back to work?
Where did I say anything about that? Why don't you address what I said instead of what you wish or imagine I did?
Starvation isn't a deflection, and that's what many people would face without government assistance. Think, man! We are allowing the corporations to line their pockets with our tax money when we make it possible to pay their employees less than a living wage. Why would you want that to continue?
You mistakenly believe we can improve the situation by making minimum wage mandates. There are other ways to approach this situation that I'd be open-minded to. I just think it's very clear to anybody that truly understands economics that a minimum wage is not going to reduce poverty or create more opportunities for poor people.
IKR? That leftist must think we’re stupid. (If we were, we’d be leftists ourselves.)
I consider myself left in a number of ways. I just take issue with a few different things, such as minimum wage. I don't think it does what they want it to do. I think it's well-intentioned but flawed.
I see people buying candy and soda with them all the time.

Those are not restricted.

This is what they cannot buy with an EBT card, according to the USDA website...

  • Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, or tobacco
  • Vitamins, medicines, and supplements. If an item has a Supplement Facts label, it is considered a supplement and is not eligible for SNAP purchase.
  • Live animals (except shellfish, fish removed from water, and animals slaughtered prior to pick-up from the store).
  • Foods that are hot at the point of sale
I consider myself left in a number of ways. I just take issue with a few different things, such as minimum wage. I don't think it does what they want it to do. I think it's well-intentioned but flawed.
Left? That’s why I have a hard time figuring you out!

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