Minimum wage is already “livable”

I’m just helping you out with your condescending blame the victim rant.
The poor people have it too good screed

It is easy for you to look down on people and sneer that they shouldn’t have children, have any time off, should be happy with three hots and a cot, any enjoyment in life is a travesty
I’m not blaming poor people - I’m recognizing that people earning low wages are responsible for their own lack of skills that make them worth relatively little to employers. I’m all for them taking night classes - or even easier, Zoom classes - and learning some basic skills.

You on the other hand on the one looking down on poor people. Why do you think they’re so incapable of bettering themselves?

And as far as children, yes….people who can’t afford them shouldn’t have them.
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A little (long) personal story that seems applicable here.

My father in law came to this country with virtually nothing (had to leave everything behind in his escape) and didn’t speak the language. He had a wife and a young daughter back in his Communist home country that was coming over to meet him. He lived in what I would call a closet with his brother in law in NYC. He was a highly educated(valedictorian of his engineering class), successful engineer in his home country. He was forced to worked jobs in the US far below his skillset because of the language barrier. They moved out of the city because it was too expensive and the living conditions were horrible, even compared to their Communist home country. He moved to CT where the housing costs were a little more reasonable.

My mother in law came to the US with my wife. She worked as a live-in housekeeper and she had the same problem as my father in law. She was college educated, but didn’t speak the language. They needed a place to live and this seemed like the best option. They are Christians and joined a church where they would get some hand me down clothes for my wife, who was an elementary aged child who also didn’t speak the language. My father in law went to school at night to get a job in the medical industry, which the felt was a good career with a steady income. Once he completed his degree, his wife went back to school and got her BS here in the US, again in the medical industry.

Meanwhile, my wife, who didn’t speak a word English, with her parent’s encouragement and support, managed to excel in school from the onset, pick up the language and went on to win literary awards in high school, on to a prestigious university via scholarship(no AA necessary) and then to medical school.

My wife’s parents are now retired with a very comfortable nest egg due to hard work, persistence, being humble enough to work jobs well below their capabilities and not being extravagant when they couldn’t afford it. They could have stood with their hands out complaining about just how bad they had it. Instead, they chose to better themselves by taking the initiative to succeed and doing whatever it took. From the day they arrived, they have been staunch Republicans because they saw the Democrats promoting ideals that pave the way to the exact form of government from which they escaped. They continue to be hardcore Republicans and have absolutely no sympathy for the lazy, entitled mentality the Democrats promote.

The bottom line…there are plenty of opportunities to succeed in the US if you work for them. Democrats need to stop supporting the litany of excuses from folks who claim there aren’t.
Oh gosh, we are so in the same page on so many levels.

There are indeed opportunities galore here. We even give Pell Grants to poor people so that every one of them could, at the minimum, get a free vocationally-oriented community college education and move to the lower-middle class.

And that’s the minimum. For those with the drive and intelligence to do more, they can get academic transfer scholarships to the 4-year state university. That, combined with Pell Grants, practically covers the entire nut.

And if they’re exceptionally bright and motivated, they can do what my dad did (RIP, Dad). He took a job with a university that gave free tuition to employees, and got a paid-for grad degree. From a poor NYC tenement to an upper-middle class salary in 10 years.

He always said how much he appreciated this country in that it provided opportunity for people like him - poor kids who wanted more for themselves (and their future families). Nowadays, all you hear is leftisrs screaming to give more money to people who don’t have the motivation to better themselves. To the contrary, you INCENTIVIZE people to better themselves by providing the tools to do so.

Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish type of thing.
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I’m not blaming poor people - I’m recognizing that people earning low wages are responsible for their own lack of skills that make them worth relatively little to employers. I’m all for them taking night classes - or even easier, Zoom classes - and learning some basic skills.

You on the other hand on the one looking down on poor people. Why do you think they’re so incapable of bettering themselves?

And as far as children, yes….people who can’t afford them shouldn’t have them.

While you are on your…..let’s all look down at poor people rant
I have another story you can tell your friends

I saw this guy with a “Will work for food” sign

So I offered him a job for $70,000, three weeks vacation and a Dental Plan

He turned me down.
You just can’t help poor people. They are lazy and shiftless and are not worthy of our help
Wouldn’t that mean that the low-wage labor market should have returned to normal once the extra $600 a week ended? (which I agree was stupid) Why aren’t they returning to those low paying jobs if the gravy train has ended?
Some are some aren't
While you are on your…..let’s all look down at poor people rant
I have another story you can tell your friends

I saw this guy with a “Will work for food” sign

So I offered him a job for $70,000, three weeks vacation and a Dental Plan

He turned me down.
You just can’t help poor people. They are lazy and shiftless and are not worthy of our help
Huh? You make up a story to counter my point, and then lace it with sarcasm? That tells me you have no argument as to what I, and others, are saying.
Looks like we got us an abortion supporter
That’s true, although birth control should be the first line of defense. Why would you assume otherwise? Only in the first trimester though. Different topic.
He's just pouting.
That’s what leftists do when you’ve argued them into a corner.

Aren’t you relieved that the signs are there that Americans have had enough of the socialist left and are voting the other way? Can’t wait for Midterms.
they should be restricted as to what they can buy with the money they get
I think we should go back to “special food stores” where people on food stamps should shop (using our money of course). It would be stocked with only good and basic food - milk, cheese, chicken, ground beef, fish, fruit, veggies, cereal, and bread.
Huh? You make up a story to counter my point, and then lace it with sarcasm? That tells me you have no argument as to what I, and others, are saying.
Just helping you out with your condescending thread

Now, everyone chime in

Poor people deserve what happens to them. They are lazy and dishonest and will just waste what we give them on luxuries they don’t deserve

NOW can you see why we need to give more tax cuts to the wealthy and stop wasting money on poor people?
I think we should go back to “special food stores” where people on food stamps should shop (using our money of course). It would be stocked with only good and basic food - milk, cheese, chicken, ground beef, fish, fruit, veggies, cereal, and bread.
Or the EBT cards they get can have restrictions on them
Just helping you out with your condescending thread

Now, everyone chime in

Poor people deserve what happens to them. They are lazy and dishonest and will just waste what we give them on luxuries they don’t deserve

NOW can you see why we need to give more tax cuts to the wealthy and stop wasting money on poor people?
You intentionally ignore logic in favor of emotional soapboxing. You're not making a point right now.
While you are on your…..let’s all look down at poor people rant
I have another story you can tell your friends

I saw this guy with a “Will work for food” sign

So I offered him a job for $70,000, three weeks vacation and a Dental Plan

He turned me down.
You just can’t help poor people. They are lazy and shiftless and are not worthy of our help

Nobody is saying we can’t help poor people. What we are saying is that they must do their part. Democrats evidently don’t think poor people have any obligation whatsoever to help themselves. It is your prerogative to allow your healthy 30 year old to live in your basement, to feed him, to clothe him and to give him spending money while he sits at home playing Fortnite all day, but don’t expect your neighbors to help pay for that nonsense.
Just helping you out with your condescending thread

Now, everyone chime in

Poor people deserve what happens to them. They are lazy and dishonest and will just waste what we give them on luxuries they don’t deserve

NOW can you see why we need to give more tax cuts to the wealthy and stop wasting money on poor people?
There is nothing condescending about pointing out that the very lowest paid (the bottom 2%) are still getting a livable wage when earning minimum wage - and that leftists such as you have redefined liveable to mean a middle-class lifestyle.

And your sarcasm is just showing how desperate you are to try to make your false point. If what you were saying was true, you wouldn’t need to do that.
I think we should go back to “special food stores” where people on food stamps should shop (using our money of course). It would be stocked with only good and basic food - milk, cheese, chicken, ground beef, fish, fruit, veggies, cereal, and bread.
They will just sell the food you give them and spend the money on cheap whisky and cigarettes. You know how poor people are.

I have a better idea

We lock the dumpsters behind McDonalds. If poor people come and sweep the parking lots and wash the windows, we let them pick out what they want from the dumpster

We can also set up a road kill distribution center where deserving poor people can pick out squashed squirrels, raccoons and possums.
Why let good meat go to waste?

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