Minimum wage is already “livable”

Nope. $17 isn’t possible. It would cause a MASSIVE increase up the entire grade scale, and wipe out businesses entirely.

I’m OK with $10.
$10 is not even close to the rise in cost of living over the last 12 years

Time to pay the piper
I wonder if the people who are whining about the current rate of inflation are also the same people who are opposed to raising the minimum wage.

I bet there's a lot of overlap.
Nope. $17 isn’t possible. It would cause a MASSIVE increase up the entire grade scale, and wipe out businesses entirely.

I’m OK with $10.
So your thought experiment was just a fantasy not based in reality.
And P.S. Where’s your compassion for the small business owner who will lose his business, after years of sacrifice and hard work and risk, and after hanging on by a thread through COVID shutdowns, because you want him to pay more than marker rate to people with minimal job skills?

I have little compassion for people who have built their own "success" by having the federal government subsidize the low minimum wage jobs with food stamps, Section 8 housing vouchers, and Medicaid. If your business isn't paying a living wage, it doesn't deserve the government's wage supplements and should close. Especially considering that their "success" is being funded with deficit spending, paid for my middle class voters.

Your small business owner received a 14% tax cut in 2018 which Donald Trump promised would be passed on the workers in bonuses and wage increases, and that most certainly did not happen.

Last but certainly not least, Republican Administrations have refused to prosecute large corporations hiring illegal immigrants, and they have repeated refused to change immigration laws, or increase penalties for those hiring illegals. It's a win/win for Republicans: They get to allow their big donors to hire illegal immigrants with impunity, to frighten the locals into not asking for raises; and they get to claim that Democrats favour "open borders" when Democrats crack down on employers.

Guess which party actually reduces illegal immigration, and which party stops illegals from crossing the border.

I've read similar stories.

Several years ago I rented to a family who was getting behind on rent. They were unmarried with two kids. He had a full-time job, but refused to work more than 40 hours. She stayed home with the kids.

When I seen it was a problem I called them to my apartment to discuss it. I gave them the perfect solution. When he was home on weekends, she could get a part-time job for extra income. Not only would they catch up on their rent and keep a place to live, but the residual money they could use to get a better vehicle than that piece of junk he drove around that he was constantly fixing.

They wouldn't even consider it. For the kids, she was getting $280.00 in food stamps a month. So I had to evict them. Later I sued him for all the back rent and some damages. Since it went through court, it was public record for any future landlord to see.

All that to keep their food stamps.
Yup, sad. Sad that so many people feel entitled to government assistance programs that they willingly try to reduce their income in order to qualify. They view the government money as just a source of income, and factor that in as they would any earned income.

Honestly, what this country is missing is a sense of shame of being on welfare, and a sense of pride in being self-supporting.
What are you talking about?! As a business owner, I paid the same tax rate on my income as any employee paid on his. There was no business rate - that’s for the corporations with big revenues.

You are clueless about small business owners.

Did you not create a Corporation for your business to shield you from personal liability? Hell, even most of the farmers I work with have done that.
I wonder if the people who are whining about the current rate of inflation are also the same people who are opposed to raising the minimum wage.

I bet there's a lot of overlap.
We are whining about the inflation caused by Biden’s idiotic policies.
Did you not create a Corporation for your business to shield you from personal liability? Hell, even most of the farmers I work with have done that.
Nope. Discussed the pros and cons with my advisors, and we decided not to go that way. Of course, I was small potatoes. I bought liability insurance in case anyone hurt themselves on my business property.

Did you form a corporation for your small business?
Nope. Discussed the pros and cons with my advisors, and we decided not to go that way. Of course, I was small potatoes. I bought liability insurance in case anyone hurt themselves on my business property.

Did you form a corporation for your small business?

I do not own a business, but if I did I sure would. As I said, almost all of the farmers we work with are LLCs, too much risk involved not to be.

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