Minimum wage is already “livable”

I do not own a business, but if I did I sure would. As I said, almost all of the farmers we work with are LLCs, too much risk involved not to be.
Ah….you don’t own a business. That explains why your understanding of the small bus world is so wrong.

I don’t know about the farming business. I know about my business, and there were other paths that made incorporating unnecessary.
What are you talking about?! As a business owner, I paid the same tax rate on my income as any employee paid on his. There was no business rate - that’s for the corporations with big revenues.

You are clueless about small business owners.

You're the one who is clueless. Yet another example of how ignorant you are about business and economics. You claim to be a business owner, but display ZERO evidence that you have the first clue about running a business.

Anyone who owns a small business should be incorporated as a limited liability privately held corporation, if for no other reason than for spouses/owners to protect their home and personally held assets, and to split the income derived for tax purposes. And contrary to your assertion that small businesses don't pay the same rates as the big corporation, you're subject to the same tax rates as the big corporations. This is how we spot the liars on the internet.

As a retired law clerk with more than 30 years experience specializing in corporation, commercial and real estate law, any business with more than $35,000 per year of income, or any level of business debt, should be privately incorporated, both for the tax benefits, but the legal protections of limiting the business liabilities to the business assets, provides.

If you really do own a business, it's not surprising that you're struggling at the moment. Anyone who believes the Republican kool-aid on business or economics, is too gullible to be truly successful.
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Ah….you don’t own a business. That explains why your understanding of the small bus world is so wrong.

I don’t know about the farming business. I know about my business, and there were other paths that made incorporating unnecessary.

"Other paths"? What other path protects private assets, reduces tax liability, and allows income splitting between spouses? What other path allows you to take money out of your business as a "stock dividend", thereby reducing tax rates on corporate earnings? Do tell.
To me, “livable” is how every member of my family lived when we were first starting out: either renting a room in someone’s house, or sharing a two- or three-bedroom apartment with others. I considered myself “living” doing that - I took the subway to work, did my job, bought groceries, and other basics.
In Canada we aspire to better than that and we do better too as a rule. In my humble Canadian opinion, Americans need to aspire to better and be getting better.
America is the richest country in the world!
The huge income inequality in America spells out clearly that there's no sharing of the wealth.
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Ah….you don’t own a business. That explains why your understanding of the small bus world is so wrong.

I don’t know about the farming business. I know about my business, and there were other paths that made incorporating unnecessary.

Just think, had you done so you could have enjoyed that nice big tax break...oh well.
They can't even afford a 600 square foot apartment.
The OP walks right into it by making the claim that Americans must lower their expectations, when in fact it's quite obvious that Americans need to raise their expectations.

His debate is a train wreck right from the beginning!
I have little compassion for people who have built their own "success" by having the federal government subsidize the low minimum wage jobs with food stamps, Section 8 housing vouchers, and Medicaid. If your business isn't paying a living wage, it doesn't deserve the government's wage supplements and should close. Especially considering that their "success" is being funded with deficit spending, paid for my middle class voters.

Your small business owner received a 14% tax cut in 2018 which Donald Trump promised would be passed on the workers in bonuses and wage increases, and that most certainly did not happen.

Last but certainly not least, Republican Administrations have refused to prosecute large corporations hiring illegal immigrants, and they have repeated refused to change immigration laws, or increase penalties for those hiring illegals. It's a win/win for Republicans: They get to allow their big donors to hire illegal immigrants with impunity, to frighten the locals into not asking for raises; and they get to claim that Democrats favour "open borders" when Democrats crack down on employers.

Guess which party actually reduces illegal immigration, and which party stops illegals from crossing the border.

Sounds like the government should get out of the business of subsidizing low wages then, right? Look at what's happening now. People won't work for less than $15/hr, which means the jobs that are really necessary are going to pay more than that, and the others will vanish. That's the market in operation.
Sounds like the government should get out of the business of subsidizing low wages then, right? Look at what's happening now. People won't work for less than $15/hr, which means the jobs that are really necessary are going to pay more than that, and the others will vanish. That's the market in operation.
Why should WE pay to support the employees of someone else?
Why should WE pay to support the employees of someone else?
Because WE decided to do so. WE elected the politicians that promised to take care of everyone, WE let them raise our taxes and create massive welfare programs to do exactly that. WE demand low prices so the poor can afford to buy TV's. WE demanded that corporate taxes be set high enough to drive jobs overseas.

WE did this, and you know it.
Just think, had you done so you could have enjoyed that nice big tax break...oh well.

Just think, had you done so you could have enjoyed that nice big tax break...oh well.
You just admitted that you never owned a business, and thus you don’t know of the pros and cons of forming a corporation. I don’t want to take the time to educate you now because it would digress too far from the topic at hand.
You just admitted that you never owned a business, and thus you don’t know of the pros and cons of forming a corporation. I don’t want to take the time to educate you now because it would digress too far from the topic at hand.

I will just sit back and wait for you to answer the Dragonlandy's questions.
I have her on ignore from weeks ago. She was just too ridiculous.

Well, let me help then...

"Other paths"? What other path protects private assets, reduces tax liability, and allows income splitting between spouses? What other path allows you to take money out of your business as a "stock dividend", thereby reducing tax rates on corporate earnings? Do tell.
I have her on ignore from weeks ago. She was just too ridiculous.

here is her other post...look forward to your answers...

You're the one who is clueless. Yet another example of how ignorant you are about business and economics. You claim to be a business owner, but display ZERO evidence that you have the first clue about running a business.

Anyone who owns a small business should be incorporated as a limited liability privately held corporation, if for no other reason than for spouses/owners to protect their home and personally held assets, and to split the income derived for tax purposes. And contrary to your assertion that small businesses don't pay the same rates as the big corporation, you're subject to the same tax rates as the big corporations. This is how we spot the liars on the internet.
Why should WE pay to support the employees of someone else?
Thanks for the thanks. If my reply isn't just ignored, it really does bring the chickens home. It's far past time the facts be acknowledged.
It's their own asses that are in the grinder!
The solution is so obvious and simple but in a way that's really what Trump suggested and led them to believe, but then he didn't deliver!

Not to suggest that they won't still claim he delivered.

Biden's 3.7T was right on target and easily affordable if the attitudes became that of breaking down the income inequality wall.
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here is her other post...look forward to your answers...

You're the one who is clueless. Yet another example of how ignorant you are about business and economics. You claim to be a business owner, but display ZERO evidence that you have the first clue about running a business.

Anyone who owns a small business should be incorporated as a limited liability privately held corporation, if for no other reason than for spouses/owners to protect their home and personally held assets, and to split the income derived for tax purposes. And contrary to your assertion that small businesses don't pay the same rates as the big corporation, you're subject to the same tax rates as the big corporations. This is how we spot the liars on the internet.
Excuse me, but I just told you that I don’t want to hear what she says, and so you post it for me? She’s an extreme leftist, and not even American. And she knows nothing about how I paid taxes in relation to my business earnings.
Work was never designed to provide food clothing medicine and housing to one or two people to be able to fully have all their needs met. That concept is an emotional introduction by libetsls
Work IS to produce goods and labor for the employer and get paid for doing so. How you handle that and get paid is on You and not for society to. mitigate. Might want to consider that (thought; I know) before having a slew of kids and demanding a 500k house on 80k family income or before importing multipl, non contributory family members. Well may have to take a 3 bedroom apartment or share a house. Demanding that wages make the house work for you is bullshit ass backwards. The residence must fit the work and not the other way around with society propping that up.

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