Minimum wage is already “livable”

How much would she have earned working weekends? $7.25 per hr. X 16 hours, less 15% withholding, works out to $394 per month - less transportation of $30 per month, less the $280 for food stamps gives her a net gain of $164 per month, less transportation back and forth to work - $20 per day. It's really not worth their while to do it, especially considering that if she gets fired or losses her job, it's a long ordeal to get back.

First off I don't know any job around here that starts off at minimum wage. At the least she could have earned $10.00 per hour which 10 hours a day would have grossed her $200.00 per weekend. By the end of the month (X5) that would have been $1,000 a month minus taxes which she would have gotten all back at the end of the year when she filed because as far as government is concerned, she's a single mother of two since the couple was not married for that reason and also under poverty level.
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That was not my question, that was from the one you have on ignore.

Personally I think the whole thing is just a big story you tell people on the internet.
Yup….that’s what liberals do. When faced with facts that show the fallacy of their beliefs, they just call out liar. Weren’t you the one who said I lied about my vacations in Europe because it shows that a person earning (just) under $100k can have a nice lifestyle, and you don’t think so?

I‘ve noticed a real pattern with leftists: when faced with an argument they can’t refute, they resort to “liar!” or “racist!” It really is a very childish attempt to bring to a close an argument you are losing.
Yup….that’s what liberals do. When faced with facts that show the fallacy of their beliefs, they just call out liar. Weren’t you the one who said I lied about my vacations in Europe because it shows that a person earning (just) under $100k can have a nice lifestyle, and you don’t think so?

And so far all we have is your word they took place. People make all sorts of claims on the internet, should we believe everything anyone says on this forum?
Only a modest amount of smarts is needed to figure out out to drive and park a truck.

As far as welding is concerned, people who are welders weld the same metal and pipes together all of the time. They don't have to know metallurgy, just the techniques for the metal that they are working with every day.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I weld (poorly) and I know that it's a skill that takes years of experience and knowledge to master
There are tons of people on the lower ends of the federal government, with high school educations, below-average IQs, and some modest computer skills, who are earning $60,000 and $70,000 a year, a have have a pension waiting for them.

Yup….that’s what liberals do. When faced with facts that show the fallacy of their beliefs, they just call out liar.
You make a lot of claims (like the former) that you consider to be fact that are nothing but opinion...opinion based on ideology and nothing else
WTF year was that? I got out into the workforce in the late 70's and you could never afford most any of those things on minimum wage. Minimum wage was $2.65 an hour. A cheap no frills apartment was in the $200.00 a month area. You are FOS because I'm not that much younger than you. I was there. I know what was going on during that time unless you are 100 years old or something.

by the late 70's the fake 'Oil Crisis had been going for a few years, also the global food shortage, so inflation was already massive, which is why you're oblivious to how high it actually is. Reagan didn't 'defeat inflation', he merely slowed it down; a 3% inflation rate in 1982 is more in unadjusted dollars than a 6% rate in 1973; it compounded annually the same as compound interest does, same as it does today and all they way back to 1969. You're the one who is FOS. A brand new Plymouth Road Runner could be had for around over $2,500 when I was in high school with a 383 and 4 in the floor. IF you lived in NTC yeah, stuff was a lot higher. Most people didn't live there, though.
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And so far all we have is your word they took place. People make all sorts of claims on the internet, should we believe everything anyone says on this forum?
Well, if you knew me personally, you’d know how honest I am. But I don’t understand why what I’ve told you strikes you as unbelievable. Do you really think I couldn’t afford a $5,000 European cruise once a year? It‘s part of the upper-middle lifestyle that people who earn close to $100,000 can enjoy. Why so doubtful?
Well, if you knew me personally, you’d know how honest I am.

And if you knew me personally you would know I am not a lib as you call me. yet here we are.

But I don’t understand why what I’ve told you strikes you as unbelievable. Do you really think I couldn’t afford a $5,000 European cruise once a year? It‘s part of the upper-middle lifestyle that people who earn close to $100,000 can enjoy. Why so doubtful?

You had a whole list of things, but if the cruise was only 5 grand then clearly I was mistaken.

I also wonder if you have children, having children and making 100 grand is very different than making that without children.
The boarding houses are for very low wage workers who for whatever reason has chosen not to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities America offers. We provide Pell Grants for poor people so that they can receive vocational training to better themselves, and move up to the lower-middle class.

But while you can lead a horse to water, you can’t make him drink. So for those who do not wish to improve their market value, we will have modest living arrangements - boarding houses - so they can stay clean, safe, and comfortable.

You simply want us to move more to socialism, but all that does is bring the living standards of the middle class down so that the people who aren’t motivated to do better for themselves have more. That’s a disincentive both to poor people, and to middle income people.

The problem with that is where to put these boarding houses. Low income people will demand middle-class living just like they do with HUD, and that brings down the property values of the area like it did where I live.
Wow. You are just so sure that I pulled some fast ones with my business, aren’t you? I paid taxes, as personal income, on the total amount I earned, after all expenses. It’s called net income, and that’s what I owed taxes on. It’s not so complicated.

The mistake you're making, due to your hate of evil rich business owners, is that you assume we are all running some massive venture, with all sorts of income hiding. My business was small, and straight forward.

WOW, you really are that stupid. Where did I say you "pulled some fast ones"? But nice attempt at deflection into grievance and outrage. And you didn't even attempt to answer the question. And golly gee but you make a lot of false assumptions about me, none of which are true.

"Net income" does NOTHING to protect your personal assets from a business failure. "Net income" does nothing to allow you to split your income with your spouse. And "net income" doesn't allow you to take dividends on the stock you own.

Furthermore, if your business really is successful, you've done nothing to ensure you don't end up in a much higher tax bracket.

Again I ask, "What other paths" can you take in your business set up, other than incorporation, which reduces your basic tax rate to 21% max, protects your home and other personal assets from suit or seizure, allows for both income splitting and taking income as dividends to be taxed at an investment rate?

You've been really hard core about telling us all about how fiscally astute YOU are, and yet all you've done is posted vague talking points and generalities which don't even show demonstrate a superficial knowledge of business, finance or the economy.

As someone with 30 years experience in corporate and commercial law, and 10 years experience in branch banking before that, I'd really like to know how you achieve the benefits of incorporation without incorporating. Seriously.
You've been really hard core about telling us all about how fiscally astute YOU are, and yet all you've done is posted vague talking points and generalities which don't even show demonstrate a superficial knowledge of business, finance or the economy.

As someone with 30 years experience in corporate and commercial law, and 10 years experience in branch banking before that, I'd really like to know how you achieve the benefits of incorporation without incorporating. Seriously.
You seem awfully aggressive and nosy.
And if you knew me personally you would know I am not a lib as you call me. yet here we are.

You had a whole list of things, but if the cruise was only 5 grand then clearly I was mistaken.

I also wonder if you have children, having children and making 100 grand is very different than making that without children.
Yes, I did have a list of things - all true. I’ve been on numerous cruises, and I really enjoy them. Best vacation ever!

To answer your question, no children.
You seem awfully aggressive and nosy.
I know, right? I’m supposed to go through the analysis I went through with my advisors as we discussed the pros and cons of incorporating, and whether in my case, with my specific business, and with liability insurance available, it was necessary.
I wonder if the people who are whining about the current rate of inflation are also the same people who are opposed to raising the minimum wage.

I bet there's a lot of overlap.

I can't speak for everybody but yes I am for that reason. businesses having to pay more for labor causes an increase in the cost of goods and that aids the inflation. Given who we elected it's beyond our control, but if we can control it by not supporting a $15.00 minimum wage, then we do it.
The problem with that is where to put these boarding houses. Low income people will demand middle-class living just like they do with HUD, and that brings down the property values of the area like it did where I live.
That’s a new issue that has developed as leftists insist lower-income housing be placed within middle class neighborhoods. Back in the 40s and 50s NYC, boarding houses were in working class neighborhoods.
That’s a new issue that has developed as leftists insist lower-income housing be placed within middle class neighborhoods. Back in the 40s and 50s NYC, boarding houses were in working class neighborhoods.

Perhaps but I don't think that would work today. Lower income people were less of a problem years ago whereas today, they are a major problem in areas government puts them.
Yes, I did have a list of things - all true. I’ve been on numerous cruises, and I really enjoy them. Best vacation ever!

To answer your question, no children.

Then I apologize for my assumptions, I tend to view everything through the lenses of those that have kids to spend money on, those darn things are expensive, even when they are grown! :cool:
Perhaps but I don't think that would work today. Lower income people were less of a problem years ago whereas today, they are a major problem in areas government puts them.
Yes, definitely. Back in the “old days,” poor people lived very modestly of course, but the neighborhoods were safe. It was completely different.

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