Minimum wage is already “livable”

Yes, definitely. Back in the “old days,” poor people lived very modestly of course, but the neighborhoods were safe. It was completely different.

Well that and because there was little in the way of social programs, everybody tried to better themselves which meant people working a lot of hours. Today with social programs as we discussed, they work just enough hours to keep their government goodies, and the rest of the time they spend on the street robbing people, making noise, shootings and so forth. We really can't compare today's poor with those of yesteryear.
Well, if you knew me personally, you’d know how honest I am. But I don’t understand why what I’ve told you strikes you as unbelievable. Do you really think I couldn’t afford a $5,000 European cruise once a year? It‘s part of the upper-middle lifestyle that people who earn close to $100,000 can enjoy. Why so doubtful?
People who do not earn nor have money should Never talk about it here.
That’s why he can’t believe what you say. Same true for lots of libbie postings.
Well that and because there was little in the way of social programs, everybody tried to better themselves which meant people working a lot of hours. Today with social programs as we discussed, they work just enough hours to keep their government goodies, and the rest of the time they spend on the street robbing people, making noise, shootings and so forth. We really can't compare today's poor with those of yesteryear.
Sadly, that’s true. Back in the old days, if you wanted to better yourself, or just provide as best you could for your family, you worked hard.…often six days a week. And that was before air-conditioning, so it was a long, hot day in a sweatshop.

The other way to better yourself, especially if you were a kid, was to study, study, study so you could get a scholarship to college, rather than goof off on the street corner after school getting into trouble.

Alas, the world has changed in that regard - and not necessarily for the better.
Yes, definitely. Back in the “old days,” poor people lived very modestly of course, but the neighborhoods were safe. It was completely different.
Back in the old day poor people were encourage d to become not poor but it was their initiative and responsibility to enact. There was even some (triple gasp pearl clutch) shame associated with the situation.
Now it’s throw money their way and weep about their plight and condemn those who have applied themselves and try and Force money out of them
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Sadly, that’s true. Back in the old days, if you wanted to better yourself, or just provide as best you could for your family, you worked hard.…often six days a week. And that was before air-conditioning, so it was a long, hot day in a sweatshop.

The other way to better yourself, especially if you were a kid, was to study, study, study so you could get a scholarship to college, rather than goof off on the street corner after school getting into trouble.

Alas, the world has changed in that regard - and not necessarily for the better.

Anytime it changes for the Democrat way it's for the worst as we are experiencing today and have been as time moved on.
People who do not earn nor have money should Never talk about it here.
That’s why he can’t believe what you say. Same true for lots of libbie postings.
Not sure what you’re saying. Do you mean people who neither earn or have money tend to lie about it here, and pretend they do? Or is it inappropriate to speak about?

Not sure if you were in that section of this thread, but it came up that anything under $100,000 didn’t classify as the middle class, and I was trying to inject a dose of reality. I think some liberals have a very skewed idea of what a decent income is.
Back in the old day poor people were encourage d to become not poor but it was their initiative and responsibility to enact. There was even some (triple gasp pearl clutch) shame associated with the situation.
Now it’s throw money their way and weep about their plight and condemn those who have applied themselves and try and Force money out of them
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: a sense of shame can be a good thing. It’s what’s missing from this country nowadays.
Not sure what you’re saying. Do you mean people who neither earn or have money tend to lie about it here, and pretend they do? Or is it inappropriate to speak about?

Not sure if you were in that section of this thread, but it came up that anything under $100,000 didn’t classify as the middle class, and I was trying to inject a dose of reality. I think some liberals have a very skewed idea of what a decent income is.
Thanks for asking
People ranting about the evils of money and the obligation to give it to the poor have no experience in creating wealth, nor even really just simply working for a living , and since they are inexperienced and unfamiliar with money then they don’t know what they are talking about and should not talk.
Thanks for asking
People ranting about the evils of money and the obligation to give it to the poor have no experience in creating wealth, nor even really just simply working for a living , and since they are inexperienced and unfamiliar with money then they don’t know what they are talking about and should not talk.
Well, I sure agree with you there. This thread proves what you say!
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: a sense of shame can be a good thing. It’s what’s missing from this country nowadays.
It has been removed because weepers feel it’s too harsh, racist, prejudice, meanie poo, to hold others accountable for the situation they are in. Responsibility is a supremicist thing. Don’t talk down to them nor insist they be responsible - That’s sooooo mean.
Feelings is all the steam that they have and when that collides with facts then anything from tantrums to murderous violence breaks out.
And back to the thread topic.

$7.25 ($14K yearly) isn't "livable" anywhere in this country.

Lisa here spends more than a third of that on cruises every year.

And oh you say...only a million and a half Americans are trying to make do on minimum wage?

That doesn't include folks making $7.75...or $8/hour does it. Add a few million more to that working poor list

And raising the minimum wage to just $10/hr gives THEM a raise
And back to the thread topic.

$7.25 ($14K yearly) isn't "livable" anywhere in this country.

Lisa here spends more than a third of that on cruises every year.

And oh you say...only a million and a half Americans are trying to make do on minimum wage?

That doesn't include folks making $7.75...or $8/hour does it. Add a few million more to that working poor list

And raising the minimum wage to just $10/hr gives THEM a raise
4 or 5 14k living together will work in most places.
Your work does not entitle you to live alone in a 250-500 k house and nowhere is employment “responsible” to make it so. Liberal cart before horse as Always
The market rate is set when the government doesn’t interfere and inflate it artificially.

I myself never had a problem getting employees.

Wrong. Not just wrong but COMPLETELY wrong. By providing income supports in the form of earned income credits, food stamps, Section 8, and Medicaid to low income workers, the government is artificially DEFLATING wages to low skill workers. Using such tactics, Walmart was able to reduce the gross income paid to all workers across the retail sector, while every American taxpayer was subsidizing Walmart employees to the tune of $2500 per year. Other retailers, large and small had to adopt similar pay practices in order to compete with Walmart.

At the same time that Walmart workers were "milking the system", Republicans were decrying workers refusing to worker longer hours in order not to lose benefits. Had the jobs not paid so little that the workers couldn't live on full time wages, workers would have been willing to work longer hours.

And here's the thing Lisa: At the same time Walmart is insisting it has to pay American workers minimum wage with income supports to remain competitive, it's paying $14 per hour to it's Canadian employees, and STILL manages to be the most profitable company in Canada - without raising its prices.

You need to stop pretending to be something you're not. Your stupidity and ignorance gives you away with every single post.
Things are much more expensive now because employers have to offer more money to attract labor. That's kind of the point. All operating costs get passed to us consumers and even if you're making more money, you are no further ahead than when you made less three years ago.

You can't mandate increased wages on only one group of people. It creates a domino effect and everybody makes more money which is why (among other things) inflation is the worst it's been in 30 years.

So, What is wrong with everyone making more money as a result? LOL. Why is it that only executives and higher ups get huge salaries and bonuses? Why can't ppl get paid what they're worth? Way to argue for keeping stagnant wages for the last few decades....stagnant.

In 2000, in Michigan, I was 18 and making 9.00/hr. Adjusted for inflation that’s about 13.80/hr today. I had an apartment and a car and enough food to eat. People can live of that if they budget. Not easily, but are we really saying the expectation is that being poor should be easy? Being poor, by definition, means tight budgets and a lack of luxury.

And if you can do it in Michigan, you can definitely do it in Alabama.

Anyway, my point was a $15 minimum wage would be overkill in low income states like Alabama.

Actually your salary was equivalent to $14.90/hr in 2000, and Michigan is one of the cheapest states you can live in outside of Alabama. You're not going to sell anyone on $15/hr being decent money, even in Alabama. Of course, all of this is even assuming you're allowed to work 40 hours a week. I was paid equivalent to $12.20/hr in today's money over 20 years ago, but I wasn't allowed to work 40 hours a week. A great deal of ppl who work minimum age do not and they're not making $14.90 or $12.20/hr on top of that. If you are making $7.25/hr and working 20 hours a week, like i used to, you are probably going to be on welfare of some sort in Alabama. If you live in nyc, you're probably homeless.
The boarding houses are for very low wage workers who for whatever reason has chosen not to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities America offers. We provide Pell Grants for poor people so that they can receive vocational training to better themselves, and move up to the lower-middle class.

But while you can lead a horse to water, you can’t make him drink. So for those who do not wish to improve their market value, we will have modest living arrangements - boarding houses - so they can stay clean, safe, and comfortable.

You simply want us to move more to socialism, but all that does is bring the living standards of the middle class down so that the people who aren’t motivated to do better for themselves have more. That’s a disincentive both to poor people, and to middle income people.
Punishing people more doesn't bring positive results. It makes matters worse and America is full of examples of that.

I think the people on this site are starting to find out that the rubber meets the road and racism, hate, toxicity, and general unpleasantness is failing to make America better (great) again.
Punishing people more doesn't bring positive results. It makes matters worse and America is full of examples of that.

I think the people on this site are starting to find out that the rubber meets the road and racism, hate, toxicity, and general unpleasantness is failing to make America better (great) again.

America was the best it's ever been before the China flu. Yes, pushing people does bring positive results because that's the way it was here years ago. Most everybody trying, getting ahead, discovering new things about the working world as well as themselves. Success is the most rewarding feeling in the world. Too bad Democrat government has taken that away from people.

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