Minimum wage is already “livable”

Wrong. Not just wrong but COMPLETELY wrong. By providing income supports in the form of earned income credits, food stamps, Section 8, and Medicaid to low income workers, the government is artificially DEFLATING wages to low skill workers. Using such tactics, Walmart was able to reduce the gross income paid to all workers across the retail sector, while every American taxpayer was subsidizing Walmart employees to the tune of $2500 per year. Other retailers, large and small had to adopt similar pay practices in order to compete with Walmart.

At the same time that Walmart workers were "milking the system", Republicans were decrying workers refusing to worker longer hours in order not to lose benefits. Had the jobs not paid so little that the workers couldn't live on full time wages, workers would have been willing to work longer hours.

And here's the thing Lisa: At the same time Walmart is insisting it has to pay American workers minimum wage with income supports to remain competitive, it's paying $14 per hour to it's Canadian employees, and STILL manages to be the most profitable company in Canada - without raising its prices.

You need to stop pretending to be something you're not. Your stupidity and ignorance gives you away with every single post.

Good post, I think I will quote it for you.
So, What is wrong with everyone making more money as a result? LOL. Why is it that only executives and higher ups get huge salaries and bonuses? Why can't ppl get paid what they're worth? Way to argue for keeping stagnant wages for the last few decades....stagnant.

The problem with everybody making more money is what we are experiencing today, and that is everything costs more. You're really no further ahead. It creates inflation as we are seeing today.

People do get paid what they are worth. A job pays X amount of money and benefits, and an employer can get one of several people willing to take the job. That's what you are worth, and CEO, management or other executives are the exact same way.

How are wages stagnant when under President Trump, we hit a new median household income high? Prior to that median household income was on nearly a constant incline.
So you are saying some hard working people have to be poor. So give them some help. Problem solved.
And back to the thread topic.

$7.25 ($14K yearly) isn't "livable" anywhere in this country.

Lisa here spends more than a third of that on cruises every year.

And oh you say...only a million and a half Americans are trying to make do on minimum wage?

That doesn't include folks making $7.75...or $8/hour does it. Add a few million more to that working poor list

And raising the minimum wage to just $10/hr gives THEM a raise

Government shouldn't be in the business of giving anybody a raise except government workers. If you need to make more than minimum wage, get a job that pays more than minimum wage. It can't get much simpler than that.
Thanks for asking
People ranting about the evils of money and the obligation to give it to the poor have no experience in creating wealth, nor even really just simply working for a living , and since they are inexperienced and unfamiliar with money then they don’t know what they are talking about and should not talk.

I think a lot of complainers of the wealthy do work, but none have ever risked a dime of their own money outside of buying a house or contributing to a workplace IRA. So they get pissed off that their employer is in charge of their income instead of themselves.

People like ourselves who did make investments, worked all the time to make those investments profitable are frowned upon. While we had to give up a lot of things to make it happen, they were buying the newest iPhone and video game systems.
So you are saying some hard working people have to be poor. So give them some help. Problem solved.
By ”give them some help,” you mean just give them money.

Better to help them by providing them with the tools to learn more of a skill, and we do that by providing free vocational training - or even an A.A. degree - in a field of their choice.
Government shouldn't be in the business of giving anybody a raise except government workers. If you need to make more than minimum wage, get a job that pays more than minimum wage. It can't get much simpler than that.
If it were that simple this topic wouldn't BE a topic
By ”give them some help,” you mean just give them money.

Better to help them by providing them with the tools to learn more of a skill, and we do that by providing free vocational training - or even an A.A. degree - in a field of their choice.
And your idea of help is

Fuck's their fault
I think a lot of complainers of the wealthy do work, but none have ever risked a dime of their own money outside of buying a house or contributing to a workplace IRA. So they get pissed off that their employer is in charge of their income instead of themselves.

People like ourselves who did make investments, worked all the time to make those investments profitable are frowned upon. While we had to give up a lot of things to make it happen, they were buying the newest iPhone and video game systems.
That’s the problem with the liberal viewpoint. They view successful people who made the sacrifices and took the risks necessary to become successful as the evil “oppressors,” and the low earners who have not taken advantage of free training opportunities as the “oppressed.”

We see the same mindset everywhere as liberals divide people into only one of two groups - oppressors or oppressed.

Until we can get back to the days where people are applauded for taking risks and making sacrifices to become successful, rather than viewed with contempt and disdain, we will continue to see a drop in the overall caliber of the nation.
I think a lot of complainers of the wealthy do work, but none have ever risked a dime of their own money outside of buying a house or contributing to a workplace IRA. So they get pissed off that their employer is in charge of their income instead of themselves.

People like ourselves who did make investments, worked all the time to make those investments profitable are frowned upon. While we had to give up a lot of things to make it happen, they were buying the newest iPhone and video game systems.
Yup. It is a big risk to leave a secure job to start a business, and it takes a tremendous amount of effort and time. The reason we do that is a) the opportunity to run the show and be our own boss, and b) earn more money than we could as someone else’s employee. Then when we get there, there’s lots of resentment and jealousy. We see that on this thread.
Did we interrupt another of your self righteous screeds?
Why are you unable to respond to a question?
If it were that simple this topic wouldn't BE a topic

It is that simple. How do I know? I did it myself.

And your idea of help is

Fuck's their fault

Help is best when a person does it for themselves, not have somebody do it for them. The way you help is reduce government benefits so people have to try harder and eventually they will stumble across something that may change their entire life.
It is that simple. How do I know? I did it myself.

Help is best when a person does it for themselves, not have somebody do it for them. The way you help is reduce government benefits so people have to try harder and eventually they will stumble across something that may change their entire life.
Oh but you're "special". You're an internet hero.

Not everyone is so special.
Not special at all. That's why I'm telling you most everybody can do what I did. If you don't know what that is, just ask and I'll explain it.
I don't know if you have done ANY of the things you claim or how much help you got....this is the internet.

But I have seen enough if this world to know that what you claim is the outlier and not the norm.

I have succeeded moderately...but with the help of family and the GI Bill. Without that? Who knows. Things could have gone bad in any number of ways...and not everyone has that help.
I don't know if you have done ANY of the things you claim or how much help you got....this is the internet.

But I have seen enough if this world to know that what you claim is the outlier and not the norm.

I have succeeded moderately...but with the help of family and the GI Bill. Without that? Who knows. Things could have gone bad in any number of ways...and not everyone has that help.

This is true, but as for myself, I worked several minimum wage jobs when I was younger. If I didn't work a lot of overtime, I got a second job. When I decided that non-skilled blue collar work didn't pay satisfactory money, I decided to get into a career which was truck driving. I got my class B (straight truck) and then took my written and driving test for class A (tractor-trailer). I made a career out of it for nearly 30 years.

With the extra money I made I invested that in my rental property. Rental property doesn't pay well but it's good in the long term for when I retire which I am.

Help? Yes I had help. But it was to make things easier on me and not because of absolute necessity.

Like I said, nothing special about what I did.
The tough thing is both sides of the how to help people/ or how to get people to help them self's, have reasonable points. Compromise that would work reasonably well is out of the question. Why????

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