Minimum wage is already “livable”

Perhaps but I don't think that would work today. Lower income people were less of a problem years ago whereas today, they are a major problem in areas government puts them.
Dragging Down the True Value of Minimum-Wage Work

Everybody's skirting the issue. The downside in all this is caused by Aframs. It's the same with blaming Democrat mayors for what their minority constituents really cause.
The tough thing is both sides of the how to help people/ or how to get people to help them self's, have reasonable points. Compromise that would work reasonably well is out of the question. Why????
Dindus and Can-Dus

Because Whites and minorities need to be treated differently. So separate values for proven lazy, incompetent, and absenteeing workers would be realistic, but the ideology on both sides forbids realism.
Well that and because there was little in the way of social programs, everybody tried to better themselves which meant people working a lot of hours. Today with social programs as we discussed, they work just enough hours to keep their government goodies, and the rest of the time they spend on the street robbing people, making noise, shootings and so forth. We really can't compare today's poor with those of yesteryear.
Poverty-Pimps With Pens

And those who write about them are different. James T. Farrell really made his own Irish bad element look immature, foolish, and not worth making excuses for in his Studs Lonigan trilogy. The pampered witch doctors who write about their community's own worthless group are all about blaming Whitey.
Sadly, that’s true. Back in the old days, if you wanted to better yourself, or just provide as best you could for your family, you worked hard.…often six days a week. And that was before air-conditioning, so it was a long, hot day in a sweatshop.

The other way to better yourself, especially if you were a kid, was to study, study, study so you could get a scholarship to college, rather than goof off on the street corner after school getting into trouble.

Alas, the world has changed in that regard - and not necessarily for the better.
Education Means Your Daddy Buying You a Job. That's Why the Plutes Make It Sound Respectable.

College is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. The reward is not worth the sacrifice demanded by the economic bullies.

So I suggest that people with mental talent get a full-time job and a part-time job. Live off the part-time job, such like college students do, and save all the wages from the full-time job. From that nest egg they can start their own businesses. Unlike the Diploma Dumbos, they will be without debt and will have grown up.
Back in the old day poor people were encourage d to become not poor but it was their initiative and responsibility to enact. There was even some shame associated with the situation.
Now it’s weep about their plight and condemn those who have applied themselves
Crocodile Tears From Whiteys Hating Whitey

Quit believing that the Liberals are touchy-feely. They just want to exclude White people who weren't born rich. Money wasted on minorities could be used the same way the Preppy Progressives used their allowances in college.
It has been removed because weepers feel it’s too harsh, racist, prejudice, meanie poo, to hold others accountable for the situation they are in. Responsibi
Feelings is all the steam that they have and when that collides with facts then anything from tantrums to murderous violence breaks out.
One-Hundred Percent Tax on Inheritances Over $100,000

They are not "weepers"! They are vicious entitled masters of Birth-Class Supremacy. They are cold-blooded nation-wreckers with no feelings at all except, "God must be on my side if he made me be born rich."
By ”give them some help,” you mean just give them money.

Better to help them by providing them with the tools to learn more of a skill, and we do that by providing free vocational training - or even an A.A. degree - in a field of their choice.
Preppies Control All Our Thoughts on Getting a Job

Students whose Daddies are rich get a comfortable allowance. Giving the entitled an unsurmountable advantage is the only thing about education that matters.

"Free training" is still work without pay. Those who have the talent for the training need to be paid the same student wage that they could get by working instead of going to these slave schools.
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It is that simple. How do I know? I did it myself.

Help is best when a person does it for themselves, not have somebody do it for them. The way you help is reduce government benefits so people have to try harder and eventually they will stumble across something that may change their entire life.
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Never to the Fatherest

All that is one-sided hypocrisy unless you eliminate birth privileges. No one has the right to the next generation's winners and losers by setting up their own next generation halfway to the finish line. All Affirmative Action is bad: for Preppies, for no-talent brown-nosing class climbers, and for inferior minorities.
The Race Must Go to the Fastest, Never to the Fatherest

All that is one-sided hypocrisy unless you eliminate birth privileges. No one has the right to the next generation's winners and losers by setting up their own next generation halfway to the finish line. All Affirmative Action is bad: for Preppies, for no-talent brown-nosing class climbers, and for inferior minorities.

To be honest, I didn't understand anything you said like I don't understand 80% of what you usually post.
4 or 5 14k living together will work in most places.
Your work does not entitle you to live alone in a 250-500 k house and nowhere is employment “responsible” to make it so. Liberal cart before horse as Always

Only if all of them are single and working full time. God forbid they marry or have children.
Government shouldn't be in the business of giving anybody a raise except government workers. If you need to make more than minimum wage, get a job that pays more than minimum wage. It can't get much simpler than that.

It is that simple. How do I know? I did it myself.

Help is best when a person does it for themselves, not have somebody do it for them. The way you help is reduce government benefits so people have to try harder and eventually they will stumble across something that may change their entire life.

Bullshit. If that were the case, your workers would be the happiest, healthiest, best educated working class in first world, with great opportunity for upward mobility based on natural talent and an willingness to work. Instead you have the least healthy population in the first world, and you're so divided you're on the brink of civil war.

You brag of how well you've done through hard work and prudence, without mentioning that you didn't marry or have children so as not to jeopardize your future retirement. I'll admit, all of my friends who never married or had children are a LOT better off financially than my friends who married and have children.

Instead, you're on the brink of civil war because your people are so tired and fed up of being screwed over in favour of oligarchs and multi-national corporations.,
4 or 5 14k living together will work in most places.
Your work does not entitle you to live alone in a 250-500 k house and nowhere is employment “responsible” to make it so. Liberal cart before horse as Always
What you're advocating is just short of slave labor.
Instead, you're on the brink of civil war because your people are so tired and fed up of being screwed over in favour of oligarchs and multi-national corporations.,

Not long ago Republicans realized that the GOP had been screwing them for decades and their answer was friggin Trump.

It wasn't an answer and they're STILL getting shafted
I keep hearing the left say that minimum wage, which is what the lowest 2% of Americans earn, needs to be increased to where it provides a “livable“ wage. The disconnect comes in what is considered livable - even for teens who barely squeaked through high school and have no job skills beyond that which can be taught to a middle schooler in half a day.

The left considers “livable” to be a middle class existence - a decent one-bedroom apartment, a car, a vacation. Where they miss is that is the level to which people should ASPIRE, and the desire to do so is what incentivizes one to get some vocational training (at a minimum).

To me, “livable” is how every member of my family lived when we were first starting out: either renting a room in someone’s house, or sharing a two- or three-bedroom apartment with others. I considered myself “living” doing that - I took the subway to work, did my job, bought groceries, and other basics.

And THAT is the lifestyle of someone right out of college, earning starting wages, or of a new high school graduate who has no real job skills to offer. In the case of the former, it will be temporary; in the case of the latter, it is rarely permanent as most people acquire job skills with experience.

Sure, minimum wage is "livable" - so long as the state subsidizes your existence.
Only if all of them are single and working full time. God forbid they marry or have children.

Bullshit. If that were the case, your workers would be the happiest, healthiest, best educated working class in first world, with great opportunity for upward mobility based on natural talent and an willingness to work. Instead you have the least healthy population in the first world, and you're so divided you're on the brink of civil war.

You brag of how well you've done through hard work and prudence, without mentioning that you didn't marry or have children so as not to jeopardize your future retirement. I'll admit, all of my friends who never married or had children are a LOT better off financially than my friends who married and have children.

Instead, you're on the brink of civil war because your people are so tired and fed up of being screwed over in favour of oligarchs and multi-national corporations.,

The only possibility of civil war in this country is when the Democrats finally admit they are Communists. I have nothing against people having children as long as they can support them. But having children you can't support and footing the bill to the taxpayers is what I'm against. As far as getting screwed over, the only people that did that in my life is government on several occasions, especially when that Kenyan lawn jockey was in the White House.

People come here from all over the world to have the opportunity we were born with. Our people were tricked by the Communists by being able to live off taxpayers instead of young healthy people working. No pride, no sense of self-satisfaction, no challenges. If you are met with the least challenge, email government and they'll send you a form on how they will take care of your problem instead of taking the initiative of doing it yourself.
That is codeword for "companies need cheap laborers".
Yes, and that's to be competitive and to prevent corporations from running off to China for lower cost labour and a more favourable marketplace.

Solutions must be found for America but the problems created by corporations running off are obvious and undeniable.
So you're prochoice. Hmmm

Shhhh...your racism is showing

What does pro-choice have to do with anything? I have some news for you, it takes action to have children. It's not something you're inflicted with. It's under your control. It's not like women walk down the street, all of a sudden become pregnant, and the only way to get rid of it is abortion.
What does pro-choice have to do with anything? I have some news for you, it takes action to have children.
I have news for you. People are gonna fuck and accidents happen.

But that doesn't bother you. You just wanna make their life hell if it does

They don't want to have that kid. You don't want them to have that kid...but you'd force em to and then complain that they did.

Does that make sense to you?

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