Minimum wage is already “livable”

Well, let me help then...

"Other paths"? What other path protects private assets, reduces tax liability, and allows income splitting between spouses? What other path allows you to take money out of your business as a "stock dividend", thereby reducing tax rates on corporate earnings? Do tell.
Wow. You are just so sure that I pulled some fast ones with my business, aren’t you? I paid taxes, as personal income, on the total amount I earned, after all expenses. It’s called net income, and that’s what I owed taxes on. It’s not so complicated.

The mistake you're making, due to your hate of evil rich business owners, is that you assume we are all running some massive venture, with all sorts of income hiding. My business was small, and straight forward.
In Canada we aspire to better than that and we do better too as a rule. In my humble Canadian opinion, Americans need to aspire to better and be getting better.
America is the richest country in the world!
The huge income inequality in America spells out clearly that there's no sharing of the wealth.

Why should wealth be shared? People should just give away their money they earned?

Thomas Sowell.jpeg
I've read similar stories.

Several years ago I rented to a family who was getting behind on rent. They were unmarried with two kids. He had a full-time job, but refused to work more than 40 hours. She stayed home with the kids.

When I seen it was a problem I called them to my apartment to discuss it. I gave them the perfect solution. When he was home on weekends, she could get a part-time job for extra income. Not only would they catch up on their rent and keep a place to live, but the residual money they could use to get a better vehicle than that piece of junk he drove around that he was constantly fixing.

They wouldn't even consider it. For the kids, she was getting $280.00 in food stamps a month. So I had to evict them. Later I sued him for all the back rent and some damages. Since it went through court, it was public record for any future landlord to see.

All that to keep their food stamps.

How much would she have earned working weekends? $7.25 per hr. X 16 hours, less 15% withholding, works out to $394 per month - less transportation of $30 per month, less the $280 for food stamps gives her a net gain of $164 per month, less transportation back and forth to work - $20 per day. It's really not worth their while to do it, especially considering that if she gets fired or losses her job, it's a long ordeal to get back.
Wow. You are just so sure that I pulled some fast ones with my business, aren’t you? I paid taxes, as personal income, on the total amount I earned, after all expenses. It’s called net income, and that’s what I owed taxes on. It’s not so complicated.

The mistake you're making, due to your hate of evil rich business owners, is that you assume we are all running some massive venture, with all sorts of income hiding. My business was small, and straight forward.
Look they gotta insult you because they can’t nowhere near match you or even imagine to believe what self disciplined success is about
Why should wealth be shared? People should just give away their money they earned?

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It's a conversation that you aren't capable of understanding Ray. But I'll bite once and give you a chance.

We can make it as simple as you needing to understand that an employer isn't entitled to keep all the money earned by his business. Some of that money will go to wages and many other expenses.

That's deliberately very simplistic Ray, but it's most likely the only way of beginning to carry on a conversation with you.

Be careful Ray! We can discuss the topic like adults or you can spam it into oblivion again. I'm not partial to either anymore with you.
Yup, sad. Sad that so many people feel entitled to government assistance programs that they willingly try to reduce their income in order to qualify. They view the government money as just a source of income, and factor that in as they would any earned income.

Honestly, what this country is missing is a sense of shame of being on welfare, and a sense of pride in being self-supporting.

It's just the simple fact that our social programs being as generous as they are discourages people from bettering themselves. It sounds good on paper, but in the long run hurts everybody involved. If there is no reason to try, why should you? The problem is when you don't try because government is paying you not to, you never get ahead in life. There is no such thing as a senior SNAP's or welfare position.

This topic is a great example. Leftists talking about a living wage when we've never had a living wage from minimum wage in my life. The only thing that changed are the attitudes of the people because instead of trying harder, they just call government to make up for their lack of enthusiasm which of course they caused in the first place.
How much would she have earned working weekends? $7.25 per hr. X 16 hours, less 15% withholding, works out to $394 per month - less transportation of $30 per month, less the $280 for food stamps gives her a net gain of $164 per month, less transportation back and forth to work - $20 per day. It's really not worth their while to do it, especially considering that if she gets fired or losses her job, it's a long ordeal to get back.
You piece by piece breakdown if how someone either put themselves into a pickle or simply got there is an illustration of what thinkers and producers are able to avoid
Your teary eyed feeling that others who do try to take care of themselves are Morally Obligated to give up their earned resources and give that to others is just so deliciously liberal and a Huge Part of the emotional, communist governance that is being forced upon us and naturally we are rejecting.
So, call me a selfish, racist, immoral millionaire. It’s a compliment thank you.
I have little compassion for people who have built their own "success" by having the federal government subsidize the low minimum wage jobs with food stamps, Section 8 housing vouchers, and Medicaid. If your business isn't paying a living wage, it doesn't deserve the government's wage supplements and should close. Especially considering that their "success" is being funded with deficit spending, paid for my middle class voters.

The Communists really have you brainwashed well. Businesses don't receive one cent from government because they have starting wage jobs, only the workers do. Want to cut that off? You have my total support.
Dems always push for the wrong solution. The right solution is to built tenement style housing like immigrants used to live in. This would be something the minimum wage workers could afford.
I suggested something similar upthread: boarding houses. They were very popular in New York well into the early 60s, and it was a good solution for unskilled workers. They had a warm room, a warm bed, some minimal furniture like a dresser, and a chair, and a shared bathroom right down the hall. Rent was payable in advance, by the week.
Cant do much about the past BUT if we had raised the min wage over the years a dollar or more every few years business would have had plenty of time to adjust to the increases, Look & see who voted against any raise for working people, but then the Senate voted Yes Every Time for a pay raise for them self's.
It's a conversation that you aren't capable of understanding Ray. But I'll bite once and give you a chance.

We can make it as simple as you needing to understand that an employer isn't entitled to keep all the money earned by his business. Some of that money will go to wages and many other expenses.

That's deliberately very simplistic Ray, but it's most likely the only way of beginning to carry on a conversation with you.

Be careful Ray! We can discuss the topic like adults or you can spam it into oblivion again. I'm not partial to either anymore with you.
A business owner isn’t entitled to keep all the money his business earns? He most certainly is. if he needs to hire someone to help perform some of the business duties, then he pays him the market rate and keeps the rest for himself. If he can do it all himself, then he keeps it all.

What you said is the same as if I said an employee isn’t entitled to keep all the money he earns. Taxes aside, he most certainly is.
I suggested something similar upthread: boarding houses. They were very popular in New York well into the early 60s, and it was a good solution for unskilled workers. They had a warm room, a warm bed, some minimal furniture like a dresser, and a chair, and a shared bathroom right down the hall. Rent was payable in advance, by the week.
People in China are being offered better than that Lisa. Aren't you compromising America's standing in the world?

Don't you think your country could and should do better?

15th. and 19th. but you're not offering any hope or solutions to stop America's slide!
It's a conversation that you aren't capable of understanding Ray. But I'll bite once and give you a chance.

We can make it as simple as you needing to understand that an employer isn't entitled to keep all the money earned by his business. Some of that money will go to wages and many other expenses.

That's deliberately very simplistic Ray, but it's most likely the only way of beginning to carry on a conversation with you.

Be careful Ray! We can discuss the topic like adults or you can spam it into oblivion again. I'm not partial to either anymore with you.

Quit making excuses because you constantly lose arguments with me. Yes, that's how a business operates. Since you avoided my question, one more time: should wealthy people just give away their money? If that's not what you meant, what did you mean?
Wow. You are just so sure that I pulled some fast ones with my business, aren’t you? I paid taxes, as personal income, on the total amount I earned, after all expenses. It’s called net income, and that’s what I owed taxes on. It’s not so complicated.

The mistake you're making, due to your hate of evil rich business owners, is that you assume we are all running some massive venture, with all sorts of income hiding. My business was small, and straight forward.

That was not my question, that was from the one you have on ignore.

Personally I think the whole thing is just a big story you tell people on the internet.
People in China are being offered better than that Lisa. Aren't you compromising America's standing in the world?

Don't you think your country could and should do better?

15th. and 19th. but you're not offering any hope or solutions to stop America's slide!
The boarding houses are for very low wage workers who for whatever reason has chosen not to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities America offers. We provide Pell Grants for poor people so that they can receive vocational training to better themselves, and move up to the lower-middle class.

But while you can lead a horse to water, you can’t make him drink. So for those who do not wish to improve their market value, we will have modest living arrangements - boarding houses - so they can stay clean, safe, and comfortable.

You simply want us to move more to socialism, but all that does is bring the living standards of the middle class down so that the people who aren’t motivated to do better for themselves have more. That’s a disincentive both to poor people, and to middle income people.
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