Missouri Republicans tackle the big problems right off the bat....

/----/ Like everything else - you're wrong wrong wrong.


However, many historians argue that the necktie we see today is the latest evolution of the “cravat” from the seventeenth century. A cravat is a light neck scarf that was worn by Croatian mercenaries who worked for Louis XIII, and then for his successors. These cravats were colorful and helped in holding the jacket together. More than this utility, however, the French emperor was impressed by the mercenaries’ apparent fashion sense—and he wasn’t the only one!

By the time Louis XIV got onto the throne, these cravats had taken Paris by storm! Starched linen ruffs that French noblemen used to wear were quickly being replaced with bright cravats. Cravats were loose and supposedly looked better than linen ruffs.
I said what it meant to me, which is why I never wear one.
The legislature is now formally dressed and can tackle important issues like not allowing CRT to not be taught where it is not taught, border issues with illegals and how long hair lengths should be, but not a damn thing for the homeless or inflation.
The legislature is now formally dressed and can tackle important issues like not allowing CRT to not be taught where it is not taught, border issues with illegals and how long hair lengths should be, but not a damn thing for the homeless or inflation.
/----/ "but not a damn thing for the homeless or inflation."
Ah contraire, my little Libtard Moonbat friend. Dementia Joe signed the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022, and NYC houses homeless illegals in $500 a night hotels. Those problems have been solved by democRATs. Ain't ya proud?
The first order of business in any session of a legislature is to get the rules established. Who is complaining about the dress code? Every employer has one. Do the D's think that the legislators should have to wear uniforms or something?

It's the REPUBLICANS who are all bent out of shape over what the WOMEN are wearing. They're not passing rules to control MEN!

Are the women going to have to bend over to make sure their pants aren't too low cut, like my daughter did in high school?
It's the REPUBLICANS who are all bent out of shape over what the WOMEN are wearing. They're not passing rules to control MEN!

Are the women going to have to bend over to make sure their pants aren't too low cut, like my daughter did in high school?


Actually, you have it backwards here. Guys doing time in the joint aren't allowed to wear neckties, only when they get out can they overcome that restriction and regain that freedom.

Actually, the leftists just want anything to kvetch about so that we're not looking at what's important -- their Imposter In Chief in the White House and his junkie progeny.

Their MSM masters easily keep them distracted from what truly matters.

We are not so easily distracted.

It's the REPUBLICANS who are all bent out of shape over what the WOMEN are wearing. They're not passing rules to control MEN!

Are the women going to have to bend over to make sure their pants aren't too low cut, like my daughter did in high school?
/----/ You've already been proven wrong. Give it up Libtard.
The proposal was made by a woman to clarify existing dress codes.

Men also must adhere to a dress code in the Chambers with male lawmakers required to wear "business attire, including coat, tie, dress trousers, and dress shoes or boots."
/----/ You've already been proven wrong. Give it up Libtard.
The proposal was made by a woman to clarify existing dress codes.

Men also must adhere to a dress code in the Chambers with male lawmakers required to wear "business attire, including coat, tie, dress trousers, and dress shoes or boots."

Makes tremendous sense, the people don't want to see their legislators looking like bums.

And since men wear different clothes than broads do, it makes sense they'd have different dress codes.

Or is the Leftist proposal to mandate the dames all be Trannies and cross dressers, so they can masquerade in men's duds?

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