More Birth Control = Fewer Abortions

Fundamentalists in all religions seek to control women's sexuality. Female genital mutilation in Africa is the removal of a woman's clitoris in the belief that if women can't derive pleasure from sex, they won't be unfaithful.

What the Christian fundamentalists have wrought by insisting their daughters make "chastity pledges" is damaging on a number of levels and is a fine example of "unintended consequences".

1. It teaches young women that the only thing of value that they will bring to their marriage is their "virginity". Their only value as a human being is between their legs. If they're not a virgin, they won't be able to get a good husband.

That's not something we should be teaching our daughters. That their sexuality is the only thing of value they have to offer their husbands. That their intelligence, their talents and their abilities have no value if they have been "defiled".

2. This is the unintended consequences part. Since vaginal sex is prohibited until marriage, these sweet young things are now engaging in sex acts that as a teenager I had no idea even existed. Admittedly I was pretty naive as a teenager but these girls are giving blow jobs and engaging in anal intercourse routinely in order to keep that precious hymen intact until the wedding night just like they promised.

The unintended consequences would by hysterically funny if they weren't so sad.

But according to Bill Clinton, none of that counts as sex, as you can't get pregnant, so what's the problem?
No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.

If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

State and local governments should tax accordingly so they can fund these projects and not expect the Federal Government to do their job.

I have no issue with having free programs but prefer it to be on the Local and State level instead...

But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Get together with all of your liberal friends and start a free sex telethon! Take the money raised and fund it, but don't expect everyone to have to fork over money for Horny Hank and Hot Pants Patty to explore each others nether regions!
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Whose been trying to limit birth control?? Haven’t heard anyone trying to do this.

If you’re talking about people not on board with throwing birth control around for “free” that’s a different subject entirely. But if it means we can ban abortion if birth control is free, I’m down for that.

You haven't been paying attention. Republicans have been very vocal in saying that access to birth control isn't "good for women". That it encourages "immoral behaviour". It's really none of their business but Republicans are all about "freedom" except when it comes to women and sex. Then we have to be controlled as much as possible.

Really? Who said that? Is that a plank in the Republican Party platform?

Your imagination is getting the best of you again, Canuck!
If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

State and local governments should tax accordingly so they can fund these projects and not expect the Federal Government to do their job.

I have no issue with having free programs but prefer it to be on the Local and State level instead...

But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Get together with all of your liberal friends and start a free sex telethon! Take the money raised and fund it, but don't expect everyone to have to fork over money for Horny Hank and Hot Pants Patty to explore each others nether regions!
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Whose been trying to limit birth control?? Haven’t heard anyone trying to do this.

If you’re talking about people not on board with throwing birth control around for “free” that’s a different subject entirely. But if it means we can ban abortion if birth control is free, I’m down for that.

You haven't been paying attention. Republicans have been very vocal in saying that access to birth control isn't "good for women". That it encourages "immoral behaviour". It's really none of their business but Republicans are all about "freedom" except when it comes to women and sex. Then we have to be controlled as much as possible.

Really? Who said that? Is that a plank in the Republican Party platform?

Your imagination is getting the best of you again, Canuck!

You obviously don't read much do you?

Trump’s relentless war against birth control
State and local governments should tax accordingly so they can fund these projects and not expect the Federal Government to do their job.

I have no issue with having free programs but prefer it to be on the Local and State level instead...

But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Get together with all of your liberal friends and start a free sex telethon! Take the money raised and fund it, but don't expect everyone to have to fork over money for Horny Hank and Hot Pants Patty to explore each others nether regions!
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Whose been trying to limit birth control?? Haven’t heard anyone trying to do this.

If you’re talking about people not on board with throwing birth control around for “free” that’s a different subject entirely. But if it means we can ban abortion if birth control is free, I’m down for that.

You haven't been paying attention. Republicans have been very vocal in saying that access to birth control isn't "good for women". That it encourages "immoral behaviour". It's really none of their business but Republicans are all about "freedom" except when it comes to women and sex. Then we have to be controlled as much as possible.

Really? Who said that? Is that a plank in the Republican Party platform?

Your imagination is getting the best of you again, Canuck!

You obviously don't read much do you?

Trump’s relentless war against birth control

I usually don't read "News Weak" and apparently you cannot read.

What was in that article that conflicted in any way with what I said?

Not a damn thing!

You just have your panties knotted up and can't decide whether to shit or go blind!

It is not a war against birth control. It is an attempt to keep from forcing employers to cover it if they do not want to provide it for the employees. If you can't handle the fact that your employer doesn't charge you out the ass for your share of the premium, and you want to pay for it yourself, go right ahead!

If you want an employer that pays for your birth control, go find one that does! You probably weren't that valuable of an asset to your current employer if you spent all of your time worrying about paying for rubbers or birth control pills.

The most effective form of birth control you can have is a Hillary Clinton mask!
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Bullshit. Birth control is available in any drug store for low cost. People just need to take control of their own sex lives and stop asking government to do it for them.
Spoken like a true ignorant Trumpette.
But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Get together with all of your liberal friends and start a free sex telethon! Take the money raised and fund it, but don't expect everyone to have to fork over money for Horny Hank and Hot Pants Patty to explore each others nether regions!
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Whose been trying to limit birth control?? Haven’t heard anyone trying to do this.

If you’re talking about people not on board with throwing birth control around for “free” that’s a different subject entirely. But if it means we can ban abortion if birth control is free, I’m down for that.

You haven't been paying attention. Republicans have been very vocal in saying that access to birth control isn't "good for women". That it encourages "immoral behaviour". It's really none of their business but Republicans are all about "freedom" except when it comes to women and sex. Then we have to be controlled as much as possible.

Really? Who said that? Is that a plank in the Republican Party platform?

Your imagination is getting the best of you again, Canuck!

You obviously don't read much do you?

Trump’s relentless war against birth control

I usually don't read "News Weak" and apparently you cannot read.

What was in that article that conflicted in any way with what I said?

Not a damn thing!

You just have your panties knotted up and can't decide whether to shit or go blind!

It is not a war against birth control. It is an attempt to keep from forcing employers to cover it if they do not want to provide it for the employees. If you can't handle the fact that your employer doesn't charge you out the ass for your share of the premium, and you want to pay for it yourself, go right ahead!

If you want an employer that pays for your birth control, go find one that does! You probably weren't that valuable of an asset to your current employer if you spent all of your time worrying about paying for rubbers or birth control pills.

The most effective form of birth control you can have is a Hillary Clinton mask!

Health insurance regulations list a wide range of minimum coverages. Availability of good, safe birth control is a health issue. More so that your v]blue pills.

Quit using religion to discriminate.
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.

If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

State and local governments should tax accordingly so they can fund these projects and not expect the Federal Government to do their job.

I have no issue with having free programs but prefer it to be on the Local and State level instead...

But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Move to a state that does!

Or, you could pick up aluminum cans along the road and recycle them to buy rubbers!

Why would a woman buy rubbers? What kind of "women" do you have sex with?

But let to an ignorant misogynist POS top make birth control a woman issue as you asswipes make access fo birth control more difficult so you can later run screaming through the streeets "OMG OMG OMG abortions!!! abortions!"
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.
No one is forcing ANYONE to use birth control. It seems to be doing this country a public service by requiring employers to offer free birth control services in their insurance plans. This is allowing covered teens to access effective birth control, thereby dramatically reducing abortions and the generational impact of unwanted teen pregnancies when brought to term.
Where is it forcing anyone to use birth control?

Look at your words and see if you don't detect a problem. If you require a company to provide a service, somebody is damn sure going to have to pay for it, whether it be the employer or the employee. TANSTAAFL!

My wife is too old to get pregnant. Why should anyone have to pay for coverage, even if it is inexpensive, that no one is ever going to need?

The exact same reason some young married woman has to pay for menopause shit.

You people are just too fucking stupid to be alive.
Preventing unwanted pregnancy among both married and unmarried persons, treating such medical conditions such ovarian cysts, preventing pregnancies when medical conditions make pregnancy unsafe. Ask the AMA and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It's not up to the government to comment on "promiscuity," and the implication that husbands and wives are being promiscuous when they have relations is totally ridiculous.
It is important to note here that males do not get pregnant. so it is women who have to deal with problems relating to our ability to get pregnant. It is disingenuous to ignore this obvious fact.

No facts are being ignored and we are not talking about government commenting on promiscuity.

We are talking about private businesses not wanting to pay for insurance plans for their employees that cover birth control.
Don't you believe a private company has the right to purchase the products they want and not to be forced by the government to purchase products they don't want.
Thank you for continuing to turn this thread. I'd prefer an answer to my question.

Which question was that? I believe I have addressed all your issues.
To me, it just seems sensible that people who oppose abortion would want to do everything possible to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies to begin with.
Where is the error in my thinking there?

I support people using birth control. I reject that I should have to pay for it.
Do you buy their insurance policy?
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.

If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

State and local governments should tax accordingly so they can fund these projects and not expect the Federal Government to do their job.

I have no issue with having free programs but prefer it to be on the Local and State level instead...

But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Get together with all of your liberal friends and start a free sex telethon! Take the money raised and fund it, but don't expect everyone to have to fork over money for Horny Hank and Hot Pants Patty to explore each others nether regions!

And when Patty gets pregnant & goes to the clinic or when Patty has a child & gets public assistance, you won't bitch about it., Noooooooooooooooooo.

Maybe [people shouldn't have sex? I'm sure you never ever had sex outside of marriage with a girl without coverage.
State and local governments should tax accordingly so they can fund these projects and not expect the Federal Government to do their job.

I have no issue with having free programs but prefer it to be on the Local and State level instead...

But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Get together with all of your liberal friends and start a free sex telethon! Take the money raised and fund it, but don't expect everyone to have to fork over money for Horny Hank and Hot Pants Patty to explore each others nether regions!
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Whose been trying to limit birth control?? Haven’t heard anyone trying to do this.

If you’re talking about people not on board with throwing birth control around for “free” that’s a different subject entirely. But if it means we can ban abortion if birth control is free, I’m down for that.

You haven't been paying attention. Republicans have been very vocal in saying that access to birth control isn't "good for women". That it encourages "immoral behaviour". It's really none of their business but Republicans are all about "freedom" except when it comes to women and sex. Then we have to be controlled as much as possible.

Really? Who said that? Is that a plank in the Republican Party platform?

Your imagination is getting the best of you again, Canuck!

You obviously don't read much do you?

Trump’s relentless war against birth control
That’s not a relentless war on birth control, that’s a ridiculous straw man argument.
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.

If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

Viagra treats a medical problem.

What affliction does birth control treat?

Yes I know about female issues. Most employers make exception when proscribed for those issues.
Here is the thing, when I complete my 40+ hours of work per week I have earned my money to spend how I want. I have also earned my right to use my insurance as I want. If you do not want your paid wages to go to birth control nobody sais you have to be an employer. My boss has no right to tell me what to do with my money or my insurance. I get freedom of religion and freedom from religion.
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Do you use BC?
But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Get together with all of your liberal friends and start a free sex telethon! Take the money raised and fund it, but don't expect everyone to have to fork over money for Horny Hank and Hot Pants Patty to explore each others nether regions!
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Whose been trying to limit birth control?? Haven’t heard anyone trying to do this.

If you’re talking about people not on board with throwing birth control around for “free” that’s a different subject entirely. But if it means we can ban abortion if birth control is free, I’m down for that.

You haven't been paying attention. Republicans have been very vocal in saying that access to birth control isn't "good for women". That it encourages "immoral behaviour". It's really none of their business but Republicans are all about "freedom" except when it comes to women and sex. Then we have to be controlled as much as possible.

Really? Who said that? Is that a plank in the Republican Party platform?

Your imagination is getting the best of you again, Canuck!

You obviously don't read much do you?

Trump’s relentless war against birth control
That’s not a relentless war on birth control, that’s a ridiculous straw man argument.

Why do Republicans want to shut down one of the leading sources, Planned Parenthood and want to make it so BC costs are not covered by some health insurance plans.

Oh yea there's a war alright . You're just too stupid to see it.
But if a state decides not to fund it, then what?

Get together with all of your liberal friends and start a free sex telethon! Take the money raised and fund it, but don't expect everyone to have to fork over money for Horny Hank and Hot Pants Patty to explore each others nether regions!
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Whose been trying to limit birth control?? Haven’t heard anyone trying to do this.

If you’re talking about people not on board with throwing birth control around for “free” that’s a different subject entirely. But if it means we can ban abortion if birth control is free, I’m down for that.

You haven't been paying attention. Republicans have been very vocal in saying that access to birth control isn't "good for women". That it encourages "immoral behaviour". It's really none of their business but Republicans are all about "freedom" except when it comes to women and sex. Then we have to be controlled as much as possible.

Really? Who said that? Is that a plank in the Republican Party platform?

Your imagination is getting the best of you again, Canuck!

You obviously don't read much do you?

Trump’s relentless war against birth control

I usually don't read "News Weak" and apparently you cannot read.

What was in that article that conflicted in any way with what I said?

Not a damn thing!

You just have your panties knotted up and can't decide whether to shit or go blind!

It is not a war against birth control. It is an attempt to keep from forcing employers to cover it if they do not want to provide it for the employees. If you can't handle the fact that your employer doesn't charge you out the ass for your share of the premium, and you want to pay for it yourself, go right ahead!

If you want an employer that pays for your birth control, go find one that does! You probably weren't that valuable of an asset to your current employer if you spent all of your time worrying about paying for rubbers or birth control pills.

The most effective form of birth control you can have is a Hillary Clinton mask!
Legalizing discrimination again.
“So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?”

Because it’s pursuing the failed, wrongheaded conservative agenda hostile to sound, responsible public policy, and the unintended negative consequences of that agenda.
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.

If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

Viagra treats a medical problem.

What affliction does birth control treat?

Yes I know about female issues. Most employers make exception when proscribed for those issues.
Here is the thing, when I complete my 40+ hours of work per week I have earned my money to spend how I want. I have also earned my right to use my insurance as I want. If you do not want your paid wages to go to birth control nobody sais you have to be an employer. My boss has no right to tell me what to do with my money or my insurance. I get freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

When an employer provides healthcare insurance to the employees, the employer is buying the insurance package.
The employer should be the one to decide what is included and not included in the package.
If you do not like the package the employer has purchase, you can get a different job.
Your employer is not telling you what to do with your money. The employer is choosing what to do with his money.
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.

If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

Viagra treats a medical problem.

What affliction does birth control treat?

Yes I know about female issues. Most employers make exception when proscribed for those issues.
Here is the thing, when I complete my 40+ hours of work per week I have earned my money to spend how I want. I have also earned my right to use my insurance as I want. If you do not want your paid wages to go to birth control nobody sais you have to be an employer. My boss has no right to tell me what to do with my money or my insurance. I get freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

When an employer provides healthcare insurance to the employees, the employer is buying the insurance package.
The employer should be the one to decide what is included and not included in the package.
If you do not like the package the employer has purchase, you can get a different job.
Your employer is not telling you what to do with your money. The employer is choosing what to do with his money.

Wrong on every score. The health insurance is part of MY compensation. Part of what I'm paid for doing the job. You're basically saying that your employer gets to decide what I do with my pay check.

If I applied for a job and the employer healthcare package didn't include birth control, I would refuse the job. Not because I need birth control, but because this is not the kind of employer I would want to give my talents or abilities to help.
No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.

If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

Viagra treats a medical problem.

What affliction does birth control treat?

Yes I know about female issues. Most employers make exception when proscribed for those issues.
Here is the thing, when I complete my 40+ hours of work per week I have earned my money to spend how I want. I have also earned my right to use my insurance as I want. If you do not want your paid wages to go to birth control nobody sais you have to be an employer. My boss has no right to tell me what to do with my money or my insurance. I get freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

When an employer provides healthcare insurance to the employees, the employer is buying the insurance package.
The employer should be the one to decide what is included and not included in the package.
If you do not like the package the employer has purchase, you can get a different job.
Your employer is not telling you what to do with your money. The employer is choosing what to do with his money.

Wrong on every score. The health insurance is part of MY compensation. Part of what I'm paid for doing the job. You're basically saying that your employer gets to decide what I do with my pay check.

If I applied for a job and the employer healthcare package didn't include birth control, I would refuse the job. Not because I need birth control, but because this is not the kind of employer I would want to give my talents or abilities to help.

Isn't that what I said?
No government official is preventing anyone from getting birth control.
All that is happening is the removal of mandates forcing people to do things against their will.
I thought you were against rape.

If there's no funding or mandates many women will not have access to birth control. Insurance covers viagra no questions asked. Why can't birth control be treated the same?

Viagra treats a medical problem.

What affliction does birth control treat?

Yes I know about female issues. Most employers make exception when proscribed for those issues.
Here is the thing, when I complete my 40+ hours of work per week I have earned my money to spend how I want. I have also earned my right to use my insurance as I want. If you do not want your paid wages to go to birth control nobody sais you have to be an employer. My boss has no right to tell me what to do with my money or my insurance. I get freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

When an employer provides healthcare insurance to the employees, the employer is buying the insurance package.
The employer should be the one to decide what is included and not included in the package.
If you do not like the package the employer has purchase, you can get a different job.
Your employer is not telling you what to do with your money. The employer is choosing what to do with his money.

Wrong on every score. The health insurance is part of MY compensation. Part of what I'm paid for doing the job. You're basically saying that your employer gets to decide what I do with my pay check.

If I applied for a job and the employer healthcare package didn't include birth control, I would refuse the job. Not because I need birth control, but because this is not the kind of employer I would want to give my talents or abilities to help.

That is your choice. Everyone should have that choice. Does that make sense now?

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