More Liberal Tolerance- Black Republican Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron Attacked in Disgusting Cartoon

The Left doesn't own "tolerance" any more than the Right owns "morality".
What's bullshit?

Can you elaborate on that or is that extent of your of knowledge of the topic?
That "Southern Strategy" flip floppitty lie told by Democrats. I know all about it. Apparently more than you.

Republicans voted for The Civil Rights Act, not Democrats.
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That "Southern Strategy" flip floppitty lie told by Democrats.

So you have a credible source that refutes it?

Not cartoon videos from Prager U or blogs from the 2000 mules guy but an actual credible historical reference?
Do you have a credible source that proves it true?

I also recommend just about any history book in a any public library in the United States.
nah that’s in fact what that is…always defending “racial jungle” joey xiden…scared he’s gonna take your black card for not supporting him at every demklan rally
Pull up a post of me defending Joe, I can pull up plenty of you defending the Orange Hater. He wants you on your knees, but not counting his money.
Pull up a post of me defending Joe, I can pull up plenty of you defending the Orange Hater. He wants you on your knees, but not counting his money.
This post right here is anohter example of you defending him by deflecting to Trump.

I also recommend just about any history book in a any public library in the United States.
All bullshit written by Democommies way later than when all that stuff happened.

Check the publishing dates, if you can.

How much do you want to bet it's in zero Encyclopedias published before 2008, hmm?
All bullshit written by Democommies way later than when all that stuff happened.

Check the publishing dates, if you can.

How much do you want to bet it's in zero Encyclopedias published before 2008, hmm?
So all the history books, encyclopedias, and historical articles is one big conspiracy to malign Republicans. Typical trumper conspiracy deflection.

Not sure about before 2008. Send me a copy of the hard bound editions and I can look for you. Did you have a credible source that supports your contention?

Let's hit this from a different angle. 2 questions.

Why do people in the south have southern accents?

Why have I never seen noted in any history books what must have been the largest human cross migration in history as Democrats physically moved from the south to the north and Republicans vice versa?
This post right here is anohter example of you defending him by deflecting to Trump.
Sorry, that weak ass argument isn't going to fly. Show where I have defended Biden, you can't so you post this type of bullshit. See black folks weren't excited about Biden, we just wanted Trump's racist ass gone.
Sorry, that weak ass argument isn't going to fly. Show where I have defended Biden, you can't so you post this type of bullshit. See black folks weren't excited about Biden, we just wanted Trump's racist ass gone.
you’ll always deflect
i’m not making a claim about xiden. his racism is well documented
No your dumbass keeps claiming I am a Biden supporter and defending Biden and then when asked to produce the goods you come with the bullshit posts, because you can't produce any posts where I am defending Biden.
No your dumbass keeps claiming I am a Biden supporter and defending Biden and then when asked to produce the goods you come with the bullshit posts, because you can't produce any posts where I am defending Biden.
haha i just responded to your post defending him

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