More Liberal Tolerance- Black Republican Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron Attacked in Disgusting Cartoon

Just more disgusting stuff from the left. Again warning blacks not to get off the porch or else.

Same as ever from the Democratic Party and their mouthpieces in the media.

Did you know

Cameron is the first Black major-party nominee for governor in Kentucky and would be the first Black Republican governor elected nationwide since Reconstruction.

I am curious to see if white Republicans in KY vote for him.
This must be a seat Republicans can't win if they nominate the normal Republican so they found a black who might make a dent in the black vote. Sort of like how they ran Hershel Walker in GA.
Like with Herschel black folks aren't going to get tricked by that garbage.
Doesn't change my mind. I'm still voting for Cameron because beshear needs to fucking go.
Doesn't change my mind. I'm still voting for Cameron because beshear needs to fucking go.
Yea but you voted for Bush 1, Bush 2, Dole, Romney, McCain, then Trump.

And if you were from where George Santos lives, you would have voted for him too right?
Did you know Cameron is the first Black major-party nominee for governor in Kentucky and would be the first Black Republican governor elected nationwide since Reconstruction.

I am curious to see if white Republicans in KY vote for him.

  1. Democrat L. Douglas Wilder was the first Black person to be elected governor in 1990. He served one term in Virginia before leaving office to become a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University.
  2. Democrat Deval Patrick was elected governor of Massachusetts in 2007 and served two terms. He is now a professor at Harvard University.
  3. David Paterson, the only other contemporary Black governor, served as New York’s governor when he finished the remainder of former Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s (D) term from March 2008 to January 2011.


  1. Democrat L. Douglas Wilder was the first Black person to be elected governor in 1990. He served one term in Virginia before leaving office to become a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University.
  2. Democrat Deval Patrick was elected governor of Massachusetts in 2007 and served two terms. He is now a professor at Harvard University.
  3. David Paterson, the only other contemporary Black governor, served as New York’s governor when he finished the remainder of former Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s (D) term from March 2008 to January 2011.

Nope what? What are you saying nope to?
Just more disgusting stuff from the left. Again warning blacks not to get off the porch or else.

Same as ever from the Democratic Party and their mouthpieces in the media.

Uh, Cameron was the guy who ruled that it was okay for the cops to shoot Breonna Taylor in her own home.

Black people have good reason to resent him.

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