More Proof Diversity is Politically Damaging to America

The republican party could make more effort to reach out to non-white races. All races have conservative people. Likely the majority of immigrants going to USA support free markets and capitalism compared to those who stay in their country, but they get turned off by the right catering only to the white race.
It is pretty sick how someone can think that providing basic rights to a constituency group and literally nothing else is somehow “catering”.

I can’t wait until I can mow you disgusting monsters down in the war.
The republican idea of catering to whites is denying rights for minorities.
This is because you people believe in white replacement theory.

Because there's totally no evidence of trying to subvert white people, right?

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I literally have hundreds of examples. But go on, keep sticking your head in the sand.
Lorde Inc? Some tiny modeling agency your complaining about.
sure, they shouldnt exclude white people. But they're tiny and insignificant.

Read the actual articles
Harvard magazine -- abolish white race.
This is about abolishing the notion of superiority of white race.

fewer white people. This is about including more african-americans in genetic research.

Your DNA is an Abomination By Rudy Martinez
read about that here. Editor apologized for publication.

African 405: the problem of whiteness
About an understanding of whiteness for the aim of helping dismantling white supremacy.

Thought Catalog article about diversity has been removed due to hateful/abusive content.

Remember when I told you I had hundreds? I wasn't kidding.

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But go ahead, keep pretending there's no anti-white agenda.
You'll run out of excuses before I run out of screenshots, I guarantee you that.
There is an anti-white agenda, but its fringe, and these people have no voice. There are right-wing racists in all races. But promoting diversity is the solution out of this.
America could end up going downhill really fast if we don't drastically change our immigration laws and policies.

<< The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals. >>

Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat
The republican party could make more effort to reach out to non-white races. All races have conservative people. Likely the majority of immigrants going to USA support free markets and capitalism compared to those who stay in their country, but they get turned off by the right catering only to the white race.
It’s politically correct to hate anything to do with conservatism, in fact they should not even exist as far as progressives are concerned
America could end up going downhill really fast if we don't drastically change our immigration laws and policies.

<< The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals. >>

Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat

All the term "diversity' means is that we are all here. The political parties either speak to our needs or they don't. Why speak in terms of a political party? The message that you are sending is that the republican party speaks only for one demographic group.

Or it could be that liberals are really good at race baiting minorities, and manage to win their votes by spreading fear and division.

FUnny, you could only think of one possible explanation for the numbers. Are you stupid?

Are you just pushing white straight males of a religious cult to be our leaders?

Note how you made a point in your previous post, and my post, addressed it, and offered my personal insight relating to your point.

While your "response" to my post, and I use the term in it's more general definition,

did not address anything I actually said, and asked me about something that was not based on anything I said, and seems to just be pulled from your ass,

with the sole intent of smearing me as a racist and a religious bigot.

Which, ironically, completely demonstrates my point, that the dem winning of minorities could be based on race baiting by people like you,

instead of anything we republicans do.

So, fuck you very much.
What is "race-baiting" or being a "liberal"? Do you want to be here with the rest of us or not?
If not, ship off.
America could end up going downhill really fast if we don't drastically change our immigration laws and policies.

<< The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals. >>

Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat
The republican party could make more effort to reach out to non-white races. All races have conservative people. Likely the majority of immigrants going to USA support free markets and capitalism compared to those who stay in their country, but they get turned off by the right catering only to the white race.
It is pretty sick how someone can think that providing basic rights to a constituency group and literally nothing else is somehow “catering”.

I can’t wait until I can mow you disgusting monsters down in the war.
The republican idea of catering to whites is denying rights for minorities.
This is because you people believe in white replacement theory.

Name the rights. No.

Name the best right you have to support that claim. oR STFU.
The most obvious is minority voting rights. North Carolina and Georgia voting is the most prevalent example. War on minority voters.
The republican party could make more effort to reach out to non-white races. All races have conservative people. Likely the majority of immigrants going to USA support free markets and capitalism compared to those who stay in their country, but they get turned off by the right catering only to the white race.
It is pretty sick how someone can think that providing basic rights to a constituency group and literally nothing else is somehow “catering”.

I can’t wait until I can mow you disgusting monsters down in the war.
I can’t wait until I can mow you disgusting monsters down in the war.

View attachment 276331
Your weak government won’t save you.

Do you realize just how radical you are sounding? In this current atmosphere, you might want to tone that down a bit. It's not funny, or even remotely a joking manner.
The atmosphere is exactly why I am sounding "radical".

This country is finished. I am not joking.

You are not joking, you are a joke. America will still be the greatest country in the world long, long after you are nothing but the worthless dust of a racist, ignorant waste of oxygen.

This kind of nonsense is the nasty waste product of the internet. Too many fools and hateful losers venting their impotent frustrations.
America could end up going downhill really fast if we don't drastically change our immigration laws and policies.

<< The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals. >>

Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat

All the term "diversity' means is that we are all here. The political parties either speak to our needs or they don't. Why speak in terms of a political party? The message that you are sending is that the republican party speaks only for one demographic group.

Or it could be that liberals are really good at race baiting minorities, and manage to win their votes by spreading fear and division.

FUnny, you could only think of one possible explanation for the numbers. Are you stupid?

Are you just pushing white straight males of a religious cult to be our leaders?

Note how you made a point in your previous post, and my post, addressed it, and offered my personal insight relating to your point.

While your "response" to my post, and I use the term in it's more general definition,

did not address anything I actually said, and asked me about something that was not based on anything I said, and seems to just be pulled from your ass,

with the sole intent of smearing me as a racist and a religious bigot.

Which, ironically, completely demonstrates my point, that the dem winning of minorities could be based on race baiting by people like you,

instead of anything we republicans do.

So, fuck you very much.
What is "race-baiting" or being a "liberal"? Do you want to be here with the rest of us or not?
If not, ship off.

Your use of evasive stupidity is noted and dismissed.

We will be here forever, in your face. Your desire otherwise, is you being a bigot and a racist.

And dishonest and cowardly, because you lie(d) to hide your true intent.
America could end up going downhill really fast if we don't drastically change our immigration laws and policies.

<< The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals. >>

Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat
The republican party could make more effort to reach out to non-white races. All races have conservative people. Likely the majority of immigrants going to USA support free markets and capitalism compared to those who stay in their country, but they get turned off by the right catering only to the white race.
It is pretty sick how someone can think that providing basic rights to a constituency group and literally nothing else is somehow “catering”.

I can’t wait until I can mow you disgusting monsters down in the war.
The republican idea of catering to whites is denying rights for minorities.
This is because you people believe in white replacement theory.

Name the rights. No.

Name the best right you have to support that claim. oR STFU.
The most obvious is minority voting rights. North Carolina and Georgia voting is the most prevalent example. War on minority voters.

Dude. Minority voters were excited about the election of a minority President and turned out in larger than normal numbers.

It is not surprising that that did not carry over to the next candidate who was NOT a minority.

To invent a race baiting conspiracy to explain that, is literally insane.

Thank you for demonstrating that you are insane, and that your claims are insane race baiting shit.
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

That was a very strange answer.

The Op is making the claim that diversity is politically damanging to America.

Dont' you want to argue AGAINST that?

Cause your post made no effort to do so.

Do you agree or disagree with the OP?
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

What makes you so sure of that?
Have you not noticed the rage and growing hatred for wetbacks? Real Americans have woke the fuck up...Nobody including yourself can show us that we benefit in any way by their fact all statistics and facts prove the contrary.
It’s happening better wrap your head around it now....La Familia is headed home soon. Sorry
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

That was a very strange answer.

The Op is making the claim that diversity is politically damanging to America.

Dont' you want to argue AGAINST that?

Cause your post made no effort to do so.

Do you agree or disagree with the OP?
As with virtually everything else, it depends, and I agree with both ends of this, depending on the individual issue.

In general, I disagree with "diversity" when it is forced and not organic. I don't like seeing people punished for not complying with forced diversity.

At the same time, it's clear to me that there are (still) people who are bigots, without the ability to look beyond their preconceived notions and worldview.

If minorities gravitate towards the Democratic Party, I think it's more because they are repulsed by the GOP, than being attracted to the Democrats.

Look at post 93, for example.
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

What makes you so sure of that?
Have you not noticed the rage and growing hatred for wetbacks? Real Americans have woke the fuck up...Nobody including yourself can show us that we benefit in any way by their fact all statistics and facts prove the contrary.
It’s happening better wrap your head around it now....La Familia is headed home soon. Sorry
I guess we'll find out. Maybe you really think you're still going to get the wall and mass deportations, who knows.
Diversity of people is not damaging to our country. Diversity of CULTURE is.

We used to embrace the melting pot approach where people came to this country, adopted our common culture, while adding in bits of their own.

Now, thanks to multiculturalists and idiotic identity politics, people now arrive on our shores with absolutely no interest in adopting our culture, often times with active antipathies against it.
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

What makes you so sure of that?
Have you not noticed the rage and growing hatred for wetbacks? Real Americans have woke the fuck up...Nobody including yourself can show us that we benefit in any way by their fact all statistics and facts prove the contrary.
It’s happening better wrap your head around it now....La Familia is headed home soon. Sorry
I guess we'll find out. Maybe you really think you're still going to get the wall and mass deportations, who knows.

Hahaha....You are a strange one Mac...look, this shit is simple; you either favor a wall and mass deportations or you prefer to watch this nation continue becoming the brown shithole it is destined to become if we stay on the current trajectory we’re on. It’s just that simple.
It’s weird that a seemingly intelligent person refuses to understand such simplicity.
The Repulican Party doesn't cater to blacks, or Hispanics, or transgendered or men, or women, or whites. They represent ALL American Citizens without regard to special interests.
Indeed. They reach out to people of all races who espouse the GOP's unrestricted profiteering and greed and kissing the ass of Big Business.
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

What makes you so sure of that?
Have you not noticed the rage and growing hatred for wetbacks? Real Americans have woke the fuck up...Nobody including yourself can show us that we benefit in any way by their fact all statistics and facts prove the contrary.
It’s happening better wrap your head around it now....La Familia is headed home soon. Sorry
I guess we'll find out. Maybe you really think you're still going to get the wall and mass deportations, who knows.

Hahaha....You are a strange one Mac...look, this shit is simple; you either favor a wall and mass deportations or you prefer to watch this nation continue becoming the brown shithole it is destined to become if we stay on the current trajectory we’re on. It’s just that simple.
It’s weird that a seemingly intelligent person refuses to understand such simplicity.
I know, it can only be one or the other, this over here or that one way over there.

Fortunately, I know that reality isn't like that, and I'm very glad I see life in that way.
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

What makes you so sure of that?
Have you not noticed the rage and growing hatred for wetbacks? Real Americans have woke the fuck up...Nobody including yourself can show us that we benefit in any way by their fact all statistics and facts prove the contrary.
It’s happening better wrap your head around it now....La Familia is headed home soon. Sorry
I guess we'll find out. Maybe you really think you're still going to get the wall and mass deportations, who knows.

Hahaha....You are a strange one Mac...look, this shit is simple; you either favor a wall and mass deportations or you prefer to watch this nation continue becoming the brown shithole it is destined to become if we stay on the current trajectory we’re on. It’s just that simple.
It’s weird that a seemingly intelligent person refuses to understand such simplicity.
I know, it can only be one or the other, this over here or that one way over there.

Fortunately, I know that reality isn't like that, and I'm very glad I see life in that way.

Cool, that’s awesome, good for you...keep perpetuating the mass degradation of this once great nation by increasing the number of brown people. This isn’t trivial for anyone not brown and sane. The facts are all over
You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

What makes you so sure of that?
Have you not noticed the rage and growing hatred for wetbacks? Real Americans have woke the fuck up...Nobody including yourself can show us that we benefit in any way by their fact all statistics and facts prove the contrary.
It’s happening better wrap your head around it now....La Familia is headed home soon. Sorry
I guess we'll find out. Maybe you really think you're still going to get the wall and mass deportations, who knows.

Hahaha....You are a strange one Mac...look, this shit is simple; you either favor a wall and mass deportations or you prefer to watch this nation continue becoming the brown shithole it is destined to become if we stay on the current trajectory we’re on. It’s just that simple.
It’s weird that a seemingly intelligent person refuses to understand such simplicity.
I know, it can only be one or the other, this over here or that one way over there.

Fortunately, I know that reality isn't like that, and I'm very glad I see life in that way.

Cool, that’s awesome, good for you...keep perpetuating the mass degradation of this once great nation by increasing the number of brown people. This isn’t trivial for anyone not brown and sane. The facts are all over
Good luck with all that!

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