More Proof Diversity is Politically Damaging to America

You guys aren't going to get the wall you were promised.

You guys aren't going to get the millions of deportations you were promised.


Maybe you should start dealing with reality.

That was a very strange answer.

The Op is making the claim that diversity is politically damanging to America.

Dont' you want to argue AGAINST that?

Cause your post made no effort to do so.

Do you agree or disagree with the OP?

What is being "politically damaging to America" in the first place? What does this phrase mean?

Please notice that the OP is making a connection between being a diverse population and supporting a certain political party rather than the other one. What is the connection between being "non-diverse," if there is such a thing, and a political party? "Diversity" just means that we are all here, regardless of race, sex, creed, ethnicity, or anything else, and none of us is leaving.

Diversity does not mean "we are all here, regardless of..."

It means that the "we" is a mix of cultures and ethnic groups and what have you, instead of a the more traditional demographics.

And with the way that the new populations are NOT assimilating into the normal bi-partisan breakdown of the country,

the two party system could very well collapse.

Plenty of liberals have been gloating about that for years. Rightwinger started a thread a while back, doing so.

It is difficult to believe that you have not heard of this before.
The "cultural appropriation" madness is the clearest example of how we continue to isolate one ethnic group from others.

That's the opposite of assimilation.

Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a better example.

Well, other than the race baiting of course.

But your example is very good too.
but they get turned off by the right catering only to the white race.


They get turned off of the gop by a lying and corrupt media who report false stories and fake allegations as if they were fact. The shit on the daily news is a damn joke. EVERYTHING is sensationalized beyond epic proportions
Immigrants today ARE assimilating just as those before them did.

Considering that half of our people are ashamed of our culture to the point of denying that we HAVE a culture,

I dont' see how that can be true.
Diversity isn't a strength. Diversity is the problem most of the time. Cowboys and Indians, Blacks and Whites, Jews and Muslims, The North and The South, Sicilians and Napolitanos, the Crips and the Bloods to name just a few. You show me diversity and I'll more often than not show you a dispute.
) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
You are such a Nazi against brown people.
He's just scared, and lashing out. Impotent rage.

I like stats and facts...why don’t you?
I love stats and facts. They're a critical component of intelligent analysis, and absolutely required to make an effective argument.

However, somehow you guys haven't quite figured out that they're not the ONLY element in making an effective argument.

Other important elements are (a) the messenger themselves and (b) the way the message itself is delivered.

In this case, the messengers are repulsive and the way they deliver the message is shallow, ignorant and comically tone deaf.

So that's on you to fix, not me. Or don't.

Haha... that’s one hell of a spin right there Mac.
You seem to have a weird obsession with how things are’s as if how something is said Trumps what is being said. That’s fucking weird.
Look bud, statistics and facts don’t change based on how they are know this..right?
Are you suggesting that some super ignorant people refuse to let FACTS resonate because they aren’t delivered in a soft, soothing tone?
As I said, somehow you guys haven't quite figured this out yet.

Speaking of facts, there's plenty of material out there that indicates the way we communicate is at least as important as what we say.

This isn't exactly a secret.

If you don't care, great. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, then. Go get 'em.

You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
He's just scared, and lashing out. Impotent rage.

I like stats and facts...why don’t you?
I love stats and facts. They're a critical component of intelligent analysis, and absolutely required to make an effective argument.

However, somehow you guys haven't quite figured out that they're not the ONLY element in making an effective argument.

Other important elements are (a) the messenger themselves and (b) the way the message itself is delivered.

In this case, the messengers are repulsive and the way they deliver the message is shallow, ignorant and comically tone deaf.

So that's on you to fix, not me. Or don't.

Haha... that’s one hell of a spin right there Mac.
You seem to have a weird obsession with how things are’s as if how something is said Trumps what is being said. That’s fucking weird.
Look bud, statistics and facts don’t change based on how they are know this..right?
Are you suggesting that some super ignorant people refuse to let FACTS resonate because they aren’t delivered in a soft, soothing tone?
As I said, somehow you guys haven't quite figured this out yet.

Speaking of facts, there's plenty of material out there that indicates the way we communicate is at least as important as what we say.

This isn't exactly a secret.

If you don't care, great. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, then. Go get 'em.

You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing
America could end up going downhill really fast if we don't drastically change our immigration laws and policies.

<< The more counties across the United States become diverse, the more quickly Democrat-majority they become, new analysis reveals. >>

Analysis: Increasingly Diverse U.S. Counties Quickly Turn Democrat
------------------------------------------------- of course , how could it be otherwise and that diversity messing thinga up is the plan Lenny .
I like stats and facts...why don’t you?
I love stats and facts. They're a critical component of intelligent analysis, and absolutely required to make an effective argument.

However, somehow you guys haven't quite figured out that they're not the ONLY element in making an effective argument.

Other important elements are (a) the messenger themselves and (b) the way the message itself is delivered.

In this case, the messengers are repulsive and the way they deliver the message is shallow, ignorant and comically tone deaf.

So that's on you to fix, not me. Or don't.

Haha... that’s one hell of a spin right there Mac.
You seem to have a weird obsession with how things are’s as if how something is said Trumps what is being said. That’s fucking weird.
Look bud, statistics and facts don’t change based on how they are know this..right?
Are you suggesting that some super ignorant people refuse to let FACTS resonate because they aren’t delivered in a soft, soothing tone?
As I said, somehow you guys haven't quite figured this out yet.

Speaking of facts, there's plenty of material out there that indicates the way we communicate is at least as important as what we say.

This isn't exactly a secret.

If you don't care, great. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, then. Go get 'em.

You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
I love stats and facts. They're a critical component of intelligent analysis, and absolutely required to make an effective argument.

However, somehow you guys haven't quite figured out that they're not the ONLY element in making an effective argument.

Other important elements are (a) the messenger themselves and (b) the way the message itself is delivered.

In this case, the messengers are repulsive and the way they deliver the message is shallow, ignorant and comically tone deaf.

So that's on you to fix, not me. Or don't.

Haha... that’s one hell of a spin right there Mac.
You seem to have a weird obsession with how things are’s as if how something is said Trumps what is being said. That’s fucking weird.
Look bud, statistics and facts don’t change based on how they are know this..right?
Are you suggesting that some super ignorant people refuse to let FACTS resonate because they aren’t delivered in a soft, soothing tone?
As I said, somehow you guys haven't quite figured this out yet.

Speaking of facts, there's plenty of material out there that indicates the way we communicate is at least as important as what we say.

This isn't exactly a secret.

If you don't care, great. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, then. Go get 'em.

You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.
Haha... that’s one hell of a spin right there Mac.
You seem to have a weird obsession with how things are’s as if how something is said Trumps what is being said. That’s fucking weird.
Look bud, statistics and facts don’t change based on how they are know this..right?
Are you suggesting that some super ignorant people refuse to let FACTS resonate because they aren’t delivered in a soft, soothing tone?
As I said, somehow you guys haven't quite figured this out yet.

Speaking of facts, there's plenty of material out there that indicates the way we communicate is at least as important as what we say.

This isn't exactly a secret.

If you don't care, great. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, then. Go get 'em.

You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.

Nope, just denial, ignorance, stupidity and the like.
As I said, somehow you guys haven't quite figured this out yet.

Speaking of facts, there's plenty of material out there that indicates the way we communicate is at least as important as what we say.

This isn't exactly a secret.

If you don't care, great. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, then. Go get 'em.

You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.

Nope, just denial, ignorance, stupidity and the like.
Well, we all can't be as intelligent, aware and informed as Trumpsters!
Haha... that’s one hell of a spin right there Mac.
You seem to have a weird obsession with how things are’s as if how something is said Trumps what is being said. That’s fucking weird.
Look bud, statistics and facts don’t change based on how they are know this..right?
Are you suggesting that some super ignorant people refuse to let FACTS resonate because they aren’t delivered in a soft, soothing tone?
As I said, somehow you guys haven't quite figured this out yet.

Speaking of facts, there's plenty of material out there that indicates the way we communicate is at least as important as what we say.

This isn't exactly a secret.

If you don't care, great. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, then. Go get 'em.

You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.
Why come here?
As I said, somehow you guys haven't quite figured this out yet.

Speaking of facts, there's plenty of material out there that indicates the way we communicate is at least as important as what we say.

This isn't exactly a secret.

If you don't care, great. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, then. Go get 'em.

You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.
Why come here?
Because I feel like it.
You like stats huh?
Ask yourself a couple simple SCARY questions...statistically speaking, if we all woke up tomorrow and magically every single illegal was gone and not one could ever enter our country again, would we be a more prosperous nation, a more productive nation, a safer nation, a nation offering a higher quality of life to its citizens...etc etc.
Then ask yourself why and the FUCK don’t I get behind the FUCK WETBACKS movement like every other sane, good, real American has?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.

Nope, just denial, ignorance, stupidity and the like.
Well, we all can't be as intelligent, aware and informed as Trumpsters!

Cool...but admit this; it’s quite fascinating that seemingly intelligent people can convince themselves that Mexicans have the right to fuck our people over because their country is a corrupt, disgusting shithole...You agree?
Because I prefer to live in reality, and because I would much rather address the core problem of illegal immigration: The fact that these people are so desperate to escape their fucked up, corrupt, shit hole counties: 4. >>> Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.

Nope, just denial, ignorance, stupidity and the like.
Well, we all can't be as intelligent, aware and informed as Trumpsters!

Cool...but admit this; it’s quite fascinating that seemingly intelligent people can convince themselves that Mexicans have the right to fuck our people over because their country is a corrupt, disgusting shithole...You agree?
They're not "fucking people over". They're desperate to escape.

I'd rather address the root problem.
Hahaha...too funny.
It’s what bleeding heart fools do…Inject complexity into a simple situation. They do this so that effective resolutions cease to be sought.
Look, Mexico’s problem is simple...Low iQ ignorance and indecency...too many people not enough resources. Face it bud, your people are disgusting human beings, They can’t stop making babies...fuck, animals in the wild know to limit fertility when resoources aren’t plentiful.
Stop the fucking excuse making...PLEASE
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.

Nope, just denial, ignorance, stupidity and the like.
Well, we all can't be as intelligent, aware and informed as Trumpsters!

Cool...but admit this; it’s quite fascinating that seemingly intelligent people can convince themselves that Mexicans have the right to fuck our people over because their country is a corrupt, disgusting shithole...You agree?
They're not "fucking people over". They're desperate to escape.

I'd rather address the root problem.

Errr, it is not our place to run Mexico for them.

Trying would be very tricky, and would generate huge resentment.

NOw segregating ourselves away from them, ie building a Wall, strongly controlling the border,

that is without our power and nothing anyone can rationally complain about.
Looks like we disagree. I'll have to somehow find a way to survive without your agreement.

Meanwhile, I'm not existing in fear, paranoia and anger.

Nope, just denial, ignorance, stupidity and the like.
Well, we all can't be as intelligent, aware and informed as Trumpsters!

Cool...but admit this; it’s quite fascinating that seemingly intelligent people can convince themselves that Mexicans have the right to fuck our people over because their country is a corrupt, disgusting shithole...You agree?
They're not "fucking people over". They're desperate to escape.

I'd rather address the root problem.

Errr, it is not our place to run Mexico for them.

Trying would be very tricky, and would generate huge resentment.

NOw segregating ourselves away from them, ie building a Wall, strongly controlling the border,

that is without our power and nothing anyone can rationally complain about.
We wouldn't be running Mexico for them. We'd be supporting American businesses and giving more trade dollars to our own neighbors instead of China, an adversary.

But never mind. If you think your approach is better, then get it done. We'll see how that works out, if it ever happens.
but its fringe, and these people have no voice.

Are you fucking kidding me? They're being published by the likes of WaPo, CNN, or the New York Post - and they have no voice?

I suppose you think think nobody reads these things either:

View attachment 276979

Certainly not THESE people. They most definitely aren't reading anti-white rhetoric, right?

View attachment 276982

Let me know as soon as you want me to stop handing your ass to you.
Those are just bigoted people.
They only have a voice because you give it to them.
But you can expect to hear more from these types due to hateful rhetoric from our president, and the rise of proud boys and the like.

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