More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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From the sorry we exaggerated the warming in the oceans department.....

From the San Diego Tribune:
“When we were confronted with his insight it became immediately clear there was an issue there,” he said. “We’re grateful to have it be pointed out quickly so that we could correct it quickly.”

“Our error margins are too big now to really weigh in on the precise amount of warming that’s going on in the ocean,” Keeling said. “We really muffed the error margins.”

Ralph Keeling prepared a guest post at RealClimate, explaining the issues from their perspective.

We would like to thank Nicholas Lewis for first bringing an apparent anomaly in the trend calculation to our attention.

Ralph Keeling behaved with honesty and dignity by publicly admitting these errors and thanking Nic Lewis.

Got to hand it to Anthony Watts.. He can sure dig up the winners. I was very happy to see that the scientists acted with integrity and ethical clarity dealing with the errors pointed out... To bad the IPCC and NOAA cant or wont learn from this..

Admitting mistakes in a ‘hostile environment’
/----/ Quick - send Al Bore more money
NYT drops to new low.... Claims plagues will be worse with AGW and we must act now...

New York Times Suggests Global Warming Might Be Worse Than Biblical Plagues

I guess this is one way you can verify that the socialists and authoritarian control fanatics are losing... Now they are appealing to more un-provable and un-testible things... Now God is mad.... I wonder if they read further and noted that God sent those things due to mans disobedience to Gods laws (homosexuality, infidelity, blasphemy, etc) and not imagined faults like AGW...

With the earth entering a massive cooling cycle they are grasping at anything and everything..
Hey JC.....oh boy. Nut buster cold today here in NYC. St00pid. With the wind, felt like 10 degrees.
Skook, 13 inches in parts of Chitown through this morning overnight. Now it's getting even colder. ouch, one wet snow storm. Felt like I was throwing pure water rather than snow. wrecked my snowblower. Now I have to fix that in the cold or get a new one. crap!!!!
Hey JC.....oh boy. Nut buster cold today here in NYC. St00pid. With the wind, felt like 10 degrees.
Skook, 13 inches in parts of Chitown through this morning overnight. Now it's getting even colder. ouch, one wet snow storm. Felt like I was throwing pure water rather than snow. wrecked my snowblower. Now I have to fix that in the cold or get a new one. crap!!!!

Hey man....that sucks on your snowblower. Of course, it busts at the beginning of the season for you! We are lucking out tonight as a heavy rain belt moves through......same that whalloped you with snow. I heard Chicago got hammered over the weekend.......dang, and December is still a few days away.
Hey JC.....oh boy. Nut buster cold today here in NYC. St00pid. With the wind, felt like 10 degrees.
Skook, 13 inches in parts of Chitown through this morning overnight. Now it's getting even colder. ouch, one wet snow storm. Felt like I was throwing pure water rather than snow. wrecked my snowblower. Now I have to fix that in the cold or get a new one. crap!!!!

Hey man....that sucks on your snowblower. Of course, it busts at the beginning of the season for you! We are lucking out tonight as a heavy rain belt moves through......same that whalloped you with snow. I heard Chicago got hammered over the weekend.......dang, and December is still a few days away.
Snooks, single digit lows tonight!!
still snowing in Chicago, flurries, but still snowing. Too funny. This is a machine that is a winter maker, not a warmer maker. I challenge any those warmest fools to explain the NH colder pattern. floor's all theirs.
From the sorry we exaggerated the warming in the oceans department.....

From the San Diego Tribune:
“When we were confronted with his insight it became immediately clear there was an issue there,” he said. “We’re grateful to have it be pointed out quickly so that we could correct it quickly.”

“Our error margins are too big now to really weigh in on the precise amount of warming that’s going on in the ocean,” Keeling said. “We really muffed the error margins.”

Ralph Keeling prepared a guest post at RealClimate, explaining the issues from their perspective.

We would like to thank Nicholas Lewis for first bringing an apparent anomaly in the trend calculation to our attention.

Ralph Keeling behaved with honesty and dignity by publicly admitting these errors and thanking Nic Lewis.

Got to hand it to Anthony Watts.. He can sure dig up the winners. I was very happy to see that the scientists acted with integrity and ethical clarity dealing with the errors pointed out... To bad the IPCC and NOAA cant or wont learn from this..

Admitting mistakes in a ‘hostile environment’
/----/ Watch this video and see a LIbtard schooled.
Watch Carly Fiorina Make Mincemeat Of Katie Couric On Climate Change | Mark Simone | 710 WOR
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