More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Yes, I do blame “ black people” for “ black on Black “ Violence. Black leaders and “Community Self Help Groups?” Instead of total condemnation? Nothing about kids bing literally killed while sleeping in their beds? OK with me.
Dude. You are just repeating what you have wrote. Let's move it on.

So if this is a major worry and concern for you. So what are you doing to solve it ?

And what are you doing to solve the fact that most white people are killed by white ? Where are the white leaders to condemn ?

I could spend all day and night pointing out the crimes of whites








You have more than enough sicko's and criminal in the white race than to be worrying about the sicko's and criminals in the black people.

I know there are black criminals but the root of the black criminality is largely economic at source. You talk like black people want to get in trouble, want to do a 5 to 10 in Shawshank.

The search for the perfect victim is as impossible. Everyone EVEN YOU has done or said things in your life that you are not proud of.

I have.

I'm pretty sure IM2 - Asclepias MizMolly - Correll - Meathead Andylusion - westwall - squeeze berry have done some dark shit in their lives or said things that they ain't proud of

No one is perfect dude.

the primary drive of crime is not economics but the breakdown of the family.

both for white and black crime i support pro-family polices.

the idea is a single breadwinner, probably the father, and a stay at home mom to take care of the children.

we make that the norm and crime drops across the board.
Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti Says DWP Will Shut Off Water And Power At Homes That Throw Large Parties

This will only be enforced against poor Black people

Even if it does get enforced for celebrities and rich people who throw parties, they can afford to rent a generator and a water tanker anyway so it will only be a minor inconvenience for them
No, if they tried to do that in the 'hood they would get shot. Only the folks living in the 'burbs will be affected.
They don't have to go in the "hood" to switch of the water and power. It's all done remotely
Power yes, but water? In most cities, they have to get pretty near to the actual building to shut specific water down to a particular building, otherwise, they would shut water down to whole city blocks.
Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti Says DWP Will Shut Off Water And Power At Homes That Throw Large Parties

This will only be enforced against poor Black people

Even if it does get enforced for celebrities and rich people who throw parties, they can afford to rent a generator and a water tanker anyway so it will only be a minor inconvenience for them
No, if they tried to do that in the 'hood they would get shot. Only the folks living in the 'burbs will be affected.
They don't have to go in the "hood" to switch of the water and power. It's all done remotely

Not for individual homes. That has to be done at the house. They only have the ability to knock whole grids off remotely.
Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti Says DWP Will Shut Off Water And Power At Homes That Throw Large Parties

This will only be enforced against poor Black people

Even if it does get enforced for celebrities and rich people who throw parties, they can afford to rent a generator and a water tanker anyway so it will only be a minor inconvenience for them
No, if they tried to do that in the 'hood they would get shot. Only the folks living in the 'burbs will be affected.
They don't have to go in the "hood" to switch of the water and power. It's all done remotely
Power yes, but water? In most cities, they have to get pretty near to the actual building to shut specific water down to a particular building, otherwise, they would shut water down to whole city blocks.

That's true for electric
Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti Says DWP Will Shut Off Water And Power At Homes That Throw Large Parties

This will only be enforced against poor Black people

Even if it does get enforced for celebrities and rich people who throw parties, they can afford to rent a generator and a water tanker anyway so it will only be a minor inconvenience for them
No, if they tried to do that in the 'hood they would get shot. Only the folks living in the 'burbs will be affected.
They don't have to go in the "hood" to switch of the water and power. It's all done remotely
Power yes, but water? In most cities, they have to get pretty near to the actual building to shut specific water down to a particular building, otherwise, they would shut water down to whole city blocks.

That's true for electricity too.
Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti Says DWP Will Shut Off Water And Power At Homes That Throw Large Parties

This will only be enforced against poor Black people

Even if it does get enforced for celebrities and rich people who throw parties, they can afford to rent a generator and a water tanker anyway so it will only be a minor inconvenience for them
Lol ok. Just dream shit up to justify your hate.
Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti Says DWP Will Shut Off Water And Power At Homes That Throw Large Parties

This will only be enforced against poor Black people

Even if it does get enforced for celebrities and rich people who throw parties, they can afford to rent a generator and a water tanker anyway so it will only be a minor inconvenience for them
Lol ok. Just dream shit up to justify your hate.
Yeah, I don't see how this is a racial thing.

There are plenty of very rich black comedians, actors and rappers in pedowood. They can afford to throw parties and rent amenities as well.

Not sure how this is a white supremacy thing more than it is a rich people thing. . .
And what are you doing to solve the fact that most white people are killed by white ? Where are the white leaders to condemn ?

I could spend all day and night pointing out the crimes of whites
You obviously have no grasp of mathematic formulas such as ratio.

We know why bro.
Trayvon Martin was in a plot designed by his father to get Zimmerman's gun, kill him, and be crowned the leader of the South Florida Bloods. . . Seems kind of odd that they wait until the next morning to call Trayvon, and find out that the police have his phone.
This is a lie.
What was the reason why they were not worried about Trayvon not returning home that night???
Yeah, only white people have the ability to conjure up a plan to steal someone's gun. No way a black gangsta and his wanna-be kid could do it - Black people are just not that smart.
Trayvon loves you.jpg

So, I am wondering why Zimmerman is obligated to obey the police orders, but guys like George Floyd, and Michael Brown are not? Is there some kind of privilege granted based on civic merit, or something?
Except they did obey the police. Leave the meth alone.
That is a lie. Leave the meth alone.
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Secondly how does a black person killing black person affect white people ? Without being a mind reader I'm pretty confident in saying that you don't give a sh*t about black on black violence. Yet your up here posting about giving this fake concern like you care.
Black on Black crime affects white people, because Black people are disregarding it in a biased effort to condemn white police officers who have to deal with the overwhelming population of criminal and disorderly Black people that Black on Black crime germinates; and then condemning the rest of the white people for not doing enough to save the Black gangsta types who allow themselves to get into the precarious situations with police.

Black on Black crime allows Black gangstas to populate, and believe that they can "run" their neighborhoods as they believe is necessary, and that includes disregarding "the talk" that their parents supposedly give them.

But if I'm wrong and this pains you so much (After all your doing enough posting about it) then tell everyone in USMB what you are doing about it.
I am trying to inform Black people of the opportunity to get rid of white police in their communities by providing black people a more reliable governing system than the system that was designed by slave-owning white supremacists, 200 years ago when blood-letting was still an acceptable form of medicine; but like you, black people are too stupid to accept it, because you are hoping that some black person will figure out how to oppress white people by exercising the government that oppressed Black people that was designed by the white supremacists, and that white people will accept the oppression, because it is the just thing to do, and crawl into their holes and let Black people run things - even though Black people cannot subdue Black on Black crime on their own.

:auiqs.jpg:It is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious what Black people are hoping will happen.:laughing0301:


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Yes, I do blame “ black people” for “ black on Black “ Violence. Black leaders and “Community Self Help Groups?” Instead of total condemnation? Nothing about kids bing literally killed while sleeping in their beds? OK with me.
Dude. You are just repeating what you have wrote. Let's move it on.

So if this is a major worry and concern for you. So what are you doing to solve it ?

And what are you doing to solve the fact that most white people are killed by white ? Where are the white leaders to condemn ?

I could spend all day and night pointing out the crimes of whites








You have more than enough sicko's and criminal in the white race than to be worrying about the sicko's and criminals in the black people.

I know there are black criminals but the root of the black criminality is largely economic at source. You talk like black people want to get in trouble, want to do a 5 to 10 in Shawshank.

The search for the perfect victim is as impossible. Everyone EVEN YOU has done or said things in your life that you are not proud of.

I have.

I'm pretty sure IM2 - Asclepias MizMolly - Correll - Meathead Andylusion - westwall - squeeze berry have done some dark shit in their lives or said things that they ain't proud of

No one is perfect dude.
No doubt. Whites here and in most of America need to drop their silly beliefs about others and start cleaning up their own houses. Whites elected a crook as a leader then sit in here lecturing us about black crime. Horace Seldon said it best:

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”
Trayvon Martin was in a plot designed by his father to get Zimmerman's gun, kill him, and be crowned the leader of the South Florida Bloods. . . Seems kind of odd that they wait until the next morning to call Trayvon, and find out that the police have his phone.
This is a lie.
What was the reason why they were not worried about Trayvon not returning home that night???
Yeah, only white people have the ability to conjure up a plan to steal someone's gun. No way a black gangsta and his wanna-be kid could do it - Black people are just not that smart.View attachment 372277

So, I am wondering why Zimmerman is obligated to obey the police orders, but guys like George Floyd, and Michael Brown are not? Is there some kind of privilege granted based on civic merit, or something?
Except they did obey the police. Leave the meth alone.
That is a lie. Leave the meth alone.
Everything you've said here is wrong. That's the way it is. Your upcoming repetition of racist trash is expected, so as you do that for the rest of your life, I'm going to laugh at the fact that I have got you figured out.
What I’m doing about it? Tell us first what YOU are doing about Blacks killing Blacks.
I'm not the one who is posting about it. You are.

So obviously this upsets you. So all I'm asking is what are you doing about it ?

Also your argument makes the worth of black life conditional. Conditional on good behaviour, like low crime rates. Once blacks get black-on-black crime under control, then they can act as if their lives matter

Meanwhile the worth of white life is taken seriously, as not being conditional. When a white man goes into a kids school like Sandy Hook and shoots and kills and white kids no one says “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?

Seriously, if that doesn’t matter to the Black Community why should anybody else care?
So if you don't care about it then why are you talking about it. Or do you always talk about things you don't care about ?

Tell us please what our “ Black Leaders” Have said and done.
There is plenty being done about black-on-black crime, like by the Nation of Islam, but the white press is not particularly interested in reporting that either.

There is no shortage of blk ppl and groups in the cities working day in and day out to address the crime problem. The same is true in every major city in the country: Black folks mostly, doing the unheralded and ignored community-building, violence prevention, gang intervention, and conflict resolution work about which white people like you knows almost nothing.

The media doesn’t cover it — it’s not as sexy as a drive-by or mass shooting at a house party — but it’s happening every day.

Look at what Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, and Father Michael Pfleger at St. Sabina Catholic Church are doing. The same people who call out white racism and police misconduct are the ones who do the community self-help work about which the right is so animated.

As I said, even during segregation there were more blacks killed by other blacks than by whites or by cops generally, because people are more likely to be killed by people whom they live around.

The final point is: average street crime and violence is punished by the system (and no one defends it or says it's OK), while violence by agents of the state often isn't punished and millions seek to rationalize it. Ignoring these things so as to continue to push a "blame black people" ideology.

black violence is very expensive on white taxes and on salaries for hospital employees and for ambulances. I was paid to pronounce young black males killed by other black males BRAIN DEAD. What a waste of LIFE and a waste of money. ALL IS VANITY ---is a translation from King Solomon who actually said something ------that could be translated as

"agents of the state"???
Everything you've said here is wrong. That's the way it is. Your upcoming repetition of racist trash is expected, so as you do that for the rest of your life, I'm going to laugh at the fact that I have got you figured out.
OOOOHHHH you are so smart - I cannot compete.

And now, you are talking about, Reality - that is so cool. So philosophical!

Only Black people know reality.

What was the reason why they were not worried about Trayvon not returning home that night???
You can't even try to answer that question, can you???
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Secondly how does a black person killing black person affect white people ? Without being a mind reader I'm pretty confident in saying that you don't give a sh*t about black on black violence. Yet your up here posting about giving this fake concern like you care.
Black on Black crime affects white people, because Black people are disregarding it in a biased effort to condemn white police officers who have to deal with the overwhelming population of criminal and disorderly Black people that Black on Black crime germinates; and then condemning the rest of the white people for not doing enough to save the Black gangsta types who allow themselves to get into the precarious situations with police.

Black on Black crime allows Black gangstas to populate, and believe that they can "run" their neighborhoods as they believe is necessary, and that includes disregarding "the talk" that their parents supposedly give them.

But if I'm wrong and this pains you so much (After all your doing enough posting about it) then tell everyone in USMB what you are doing about it.
I am trying to inform Black people of the opportunity to get rid of white police in their communities by providing black people a more reliable governing system than the system that was designed by slave-owning white supremacists, 200 years ago when blood-letting was still an acceptable form of medicine; but like you, black people are too stupid to accept it, because you are hoping that some black person will figure out how to oppress white people by exercising the government that oppressed Black people that was designed by the white supremacists, and that white people will accept the oppression, because it is the just thing to do, and crawl into their holes and let Black people run things - even though Black people cannot subdue Black on Black crime on their own.

:auiqs.jpg:It is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious what Black people are hoping will happen.:laughing0301:



“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

Whites commit the most crime and have done so since 7-4-1776. Apparently whites are too stupid to figure out a way to stop it. All they can do is use the excuse of per capita and even when they do that, the number is low. So the next time I go to the store I am going to buy 100 dollars worth of groceries and pay the cashier 20 dollars.
Yes, I do blame “ black people” for “ black on Black “ Violence. Black leaders and “Community Self Help Groups?” Instead of total condemnation? Nothing about kids bing literally killed while sleeping in their beds? OK with me.
Dude. You are just repeating what you have wrote. Let's move it on.

So if this is a major worry and concern for you. So what are you doing to solve it ?

And what are you doing to solve the fact that most white people are killed by white ? Where are the white leaders to condemn ?

I could spend all day and night pointing out the crimes of whites








You have more than enough sicko's and criminal in the white race than to be worrying about the sicko's and criminals in the black people.

I know there are black criminals but the root of the black criminality is largely economic at source. You talk like black people want to get in trouble, want to do a 5 to 10 in Shawshank.

The search for the perfect victim is as impossible. Everyone EVEN YOU has done or said things in your life that you are not proud of.

I have.

I'm pretty sure IM2 - Asclepias MizMolly - Correll - Meathead Andylusion - westwall - squeeze berry have done some dark shit in their lives or said things that they ain't proud of

No one is perfect dude.
No doubt. Whites here and in most of America need to drop their silly beliefs about others and start cleaning up their own houses. Whites elected a crook as a leader then sit in here lecturing us about black crime. Horace Seldon said it best:

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

"Whites" the resident racist has spewed forth his dogma. All hail the racist.
What I’m doing about it? Tell us first what YOU are doing about Blacks killing Blacks.
I'm not the one who is posting about it. You are.

So obviously this upsets you. So all I'm asking is what are you doing about it ?

Also your argument makes the worth of black life conditional. Conditional on good behaviour, like low crime rates. Once blacks get black-on-black crime under control, then they can act as if their lives matter

Meanwhile the worth of white life is taken seriously, as not being conditional. When a white man goes into a kids school like Sandy Hook and shoots and kills and white kids no one says “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?

Seriously, if that doesn’t matter to the Black Community why should anybody else care?
So if you don't care about it then why are you talking about it. Or do you always talk about things you don't care about ?

Tell us please what our “ Black Leaders” Have said and done.
There is plenty being done about black-on-black crime, like by the Nation of Islam, but the white press is not particularly interested in reporting that either.

There is no shortage of blk ppl and groups in the cities working day in and day out to address the crime problem. The same is true in every major city in the country: Black folks mostly, doing the unheralded and ignored community-building, violence prevention, gang intervention, and conflict resolution work about which white people like you knows almost nothing.

The media doesn’t cover it — it’s not as sexy as a drive-by or mass shooting at a house party — but it’s happening every day.

Look at what Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, and Father Michael Pfleger at St. Sabina Catholic Church are doing. The same people who call out white racism and police misconduct are the ones who do the community self-help work about which the right is so animated.

As I said, even during segregation there were more blacks killed by other blacks than by whites or by cops generally, because people are more likely to be killed by people whom they live around.

The final point is: average street crime and violence is punished by the system (and no one defends it or says it's OK), while violence by agents of the state often isn't punished and millions seek to rationalize it. Ignoring these things so as to continue to push a "blame black people" ideology.

black violence is very expensive on white taxes and on salaries for hospital employees and for ambulances. I was paid to pronounce young black males killed by other black males BRAIN DEAD. What a waste of LIFE and a waste of money. ALL IS VANITY ---is a translation from King Solomon who actually said something ------that could be translated as

"agents of the state"???
But whites commit more crime. And you worked in the inner city. What about the suburban white male or female who dies from a drug overdose or drunk driving because of drugs or alcohol purchased from whites? Your racism has made you stupid.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”
Yes, I do blame “ black people” for “ black on Black “ Violence. Black leaders and “Community Self Help Groups?” Instead of total condemnation? Nothing about kids bing literally killed while sleeping in their beds? OK with me.
Dude. You are just repeating what you have wrote. Let's move it on.

So if this is a major worry and concern for you. So what are you doing to solve it ?

And what are you doing to solve the fact that most white people are killed by white ? Where are the white leaders to condemn ?

I could spend all day and night pointing out the crimes of whites








You have more than enough sicko's and criminal in the white race than to be worrying about the sicko's and criminals in the black people.

I know there are black criminals but the root of the black criminality is largely economic at source. You talk like black people want to get in trouble, want to do a 5 to 10 in Shawshank.

The search for the perfect victim is as impossible. Everyone EVEN YOU has done or said things in your life that you are not proud of.

I have.

I'm pretty sure IM2 - Asclepias MizMolly - Correll - Meathead Andylusion - westwall - squeeze berry have done some dark shit in their lives or said things that they ain't proud of

No one is perfect dude.
No doubt. Whites here and in most of America need to drop their silly beliefs about others and start cleaning up their own houses. Whites elected a crook as a leader then sit in here lecturing us about black crime. Horace Seldon said it best:

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

"Whites" the resident racist has spewed forth his dogma. All hail the racist.
Your racism precedes you. Whites did get trump elected. Horace Seldon is white.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”
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Yes, I do blame “ black people” for “ black on Black “ Violence. Black leaders and “Community Self Help Groups?” Instead of total condemnation? Nothing about kids bing literally killed while sleeping in their beds? OK with me.
Dude. You are just repeating what you have wrote. Let's move it on.

So if this is a major worry and concern for you. So what are you doing to solve it ?

And what are you doing to solve the fact that most white people are killed by white ? Where are the white leaders to condemn ?

I could spend all day and night pointing out the crimes of whites








You have more than enough sicko's and criminal in the white race than to be worrying about the sicko's and criminals in the black people.

I know there are black criminals but the root of the black criminality is largely economic at source. You talk like black people want to get in trouble, want to do a 5 to 10 in Shawshank.

The search for the perfect victim is as impossible. Everyone EVEN YOU has done or said things in your life that you are not proud of.

I have.

I'm pretty sure IM2 - Asclepias MizMolly - Correll - Meathead Andylusion - westwall - squeeze berry have done some dark shit in their lives or said things that they ain't proud of

No one is perfect dude.
No doubt. Whites here and in most of America need to drop their silly beliefs about others and start cleaning up their own houses. Whites elected a crook as a leader then sit in here lecturing us about black crime. Horace Seldon said it best:

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

"Whites" the resident racist has spewed forth his dogma. All hail the racist.
Your racism precedes you. Horace Seldon is white.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

I'm talking about YOU. Everything you say is preceded by "whites".

That makes you racist.
What I’m doing about it? Tell us first what YOU are doing about Blacks killing Blacks.
I'm not the one who is posting about it. You are.

So obviously this upsets you. So all I'm asking is what are you doing about it ?

Also your argument makes the worth of black life conditional. Conditional on good behaviour, like low crime rates. Once blacks get black-on-black crime under control, then they can act as if their lives matter

Meanwhile the worth of white life is taken seriously, as not being conditional. When a white man goes into a kids school like Sandy Hook and shoots and kills and white kids no one says “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?

Seriously, if that doesn’t matter to the Black Community why should anybody else care?
So if you don't care about it then why are you talking about it. Or do you always talk about things you don't care about ?

Tell us please what our “ Black Leaders” Have said and done.
There is plenty being done about black-on-black crime, like by the Nation of Islam, but the white press is not particularly interested in reporting that either.

There is no shortage of blk ppl and groups in the cities working day in and day out to address the crime problem. The same is true in every major city in the country: Black folks mostly, doing the unheralded and ignored community-building, violence prevention, gang intervention, and conflict resolution work about which white people like you knows almost nothing.

The media doesn’t cover it — it’s not as sexy as a drive-by or mass shooting at a house party — but it’s happening every day.

Look at what Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, and Father Michael Pfleger at St. Sabina Catholic Church are doing. The same people who call out white racism and police misconduct are the ones who do the community self-help work about which the right is so animated.

As I said, even during segregation there were more blacks killed by other blacks than by whites or by cops generally, because people are more likely to be killed by people whom they live around.

The final point is: average street crime and violence is punished by the system (and no one defends it or says it's OK), while violence by agents of the state often isn't punished and millions seek to rationalize it. Ignoring these things so as to continue to push a "blame black people" ideology.

black violence is very expensive on white taxes and on salaries for hospital employees and for ambulances. I was paid to pronounce young black males killed by other black males BRAIN DEAD. What a waste of LIFE and a waste of money. ALL IS VANITY ---is a translation from King Solomon who actually said something ------that could be translated as

"agents of the state"???
But whites commit more crime. And you worked in the inner city. What about the suburban white male or female who dies from a drug overdose or drunk driving because of drugs or alcohol purchased from whites? Your racism has made you stupid.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”

white commit more crime?? where do whites commit "more crime" per capita? Did you graduate grammar school? Did you ever read a journal in any field of
science? Can you manage to define your terms.
I worked in an inner city hospital. The CRIME I saw there consisted of BULLET TO THE HEAD from the local catchment area which was culturally diverse depending upon in which direction one walked.. Other crimes consisted of rapes with head trauma and sometimes
bullet trauma. Your first step could be---DEFINE CRIME. There was a time that suicide was deemed a crime in various states. I believe that there is no state that still criminalizes suicide
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