Zone1 Mormons who have apostatized or stopped going to Church

You can’t claim any of this. You can’t cognitively reason anything to be a teacher. You need concrete terms that are mostly reasoned out with many words, ideas, analogies and things like this in the Bible.
Many non-members have woken up and been given great testimonies that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and have been baptized.
Sure, people that are gullible and don't have Bible knowledge or the Holy Spirit. Many have also become Jehovah Witnesses, Scientologists, Hindus, muslims, etc, etc. There are many false religions and prophets in the world. So?
Sure, people that are gullible and don't have Bible knowledge or the Holy Spirit. Many have also become Jehovah Witnesses, Scientologists, Hindus, muslims, etc, etc. There are many false religions and prophets in the world. So?
Yep, there are many false religions. There are 40,000 Christian Churches that teach some points against each other. That’s why the splinter groups. The Christian Churches really don’t have that chief cornerstone or rock of salvation.
When someone goes into any of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints anywhere in the world, the same doctrine is taught. Paul traveled the old world trying to keep the churches in line doctrinally. When he died, no one took his place. It’s called apostasy as he said in the Bible. Now, 40,000 different doctrines with little unity. So glad to know God has established prophets and apostles again to unite the doctrines of the Lord’s Church never to be given to another.
Yep, there are many false religions. There are 40,000 Christian Churches that teach some points against each other. That’s why the splinter groups. The Christian Churches really don’t haveaa

that chief cornerstone or rock of salvation.
When someone goes into any of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints anywhere in the world, the same doctrine is taught. Paul traveled the old world trying to keep the churches in line doctrinally. When he died, no one took his place. It’s called apostasy as he said in the Bible. Now, 40,000 different doctrines with little unity. So glad to know God has established prophets and apostles again to unite the doctrines of the Lord’s Church never to be given to another.
That's another false narrative. I've heard the exact same script from Jehovah's Witnesses. So you and the Jehovah's Witnesses have the exact same reason to justify your religion as the only true Christian church. What does that tell you?
Joseph Smith is in the Bible?

God having a wife?

Jesus and Satan "spirit brothers"?

No. And I say this with hopes that you will understand.
You remember that Jesus said he would not reveal all. What makes you think they have?
To your first point, did the OT prophets give the exact name Jesus Christ to the people? No.
Let’s just say “if” the Lord was going to restore his Church, he would have to do it through a prophet as Amos revealed that the Lord only reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. That word “secrets” should also handle God having a wife and we have a mother in heaven.
We’ve covered the concept that our heavenly parents have had billions of spirit children including Jehovah and Lucifer. Can you tell me who ALL the hosts of heaven are and were? No you can’t. So, until you can, it’s open to our belief that we are all literally brothers and sisters.
You remember that Jesus said he would not reveal all. What makes you think they have?
To your first point, did the OT prophets give the exact name Jesus Christ to the people? No.
Let’s just say “if” the Lord was going to restore his Church, he would have to do it through a prophet as Amos revealed that the Lord only reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. That word “secrets” should also handle God having a wife and we have a mother in heaven.
We’ve covered the concept that our heavenly parents have had billions of spirit children including Jehovah and Lucifer. Can you tell me who ALL the hosts of heaven are and were? No you can’t. So, until you can, it’s open to our belief that we are all literally brothers and sisters.
How long have you been a mormon?
That's another false narrative. I've heard the exact same script from Jehovah's Witnesses. So you and the Jehovah's Witnesses have the exact same reason to justify your religion as the only true Christian church. What does that tell you?
I got it from the Bible.
Well, that's quite a problem because both of you claim that your religion is the only true Christian religion.
Well, there's no reason to go with yours if you don't make that claim. Why would I follow a not true Christian church?
Well, there's no reason to go with yours if you don't make that claim. Why would I follow a not true Christian church?
There is no true Christian organization. Paul preached Jesus and so did the disciples. Some day just take the time to read one of Paul's letters and notice that he preaches Jesus and that's all. Who He is, who we are in Him. The Church is the body of Christ, regardless of the denomination or organization you belong to. That's Biblical.
There is no true Christian organization. Paul preached Jesus and so did the disciples. Some day just take the time to read one of Paul's letters and notice that he preaches Jesus and that's all. Who He is, who we are in Him. The Church is the body of Christ, regardless of the denomination or organization you belong to. That's Biblical.
That’s what you think. Not so. Jesus said to enter the kingdom of heaven after resurrection you have to first be baptized. The Priesthood is the authority to baptize. So, you are wrong.
That’s what you think. Not so. Jesus said to enter the kingdom of heaven after resurrection you have to first be baptized. The Priesthood is the authority to baptize. So, you are wrong.
And that's what you think. You don't understand that every believer is a priest according to Peter. This is what religious cults do, invent a hierarchy of elites and levels of offices. You don't understand the body of Christ. The lds believe that they are the only true believers. How arrogant.

People also ask

Where in Bible does it say we are priests?

1 Peter 2:9

The first is 1 Peter 2:9, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” Within the context of Peter's statement, he rests the church's identity as a royal priesthood in ...

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) › ...

The Priesthood of All Believers - The Gospel Coalition


Which scripture says we are a royal priesthood?

1 Peter 2:9 NIV

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. ”
And that's what you think. You don't understand that every believer is a priest according to Peter. This is what religious cults do, invent a hierarchy of elites and levels of offices. You don't understand the body of Christ. The lds believe that they are the only true believers. How arrogant.

People also ask

Where in Bible does it say we are priests?

1 Peter 2:9

The first is 1 Peter 2:9, “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” Within the context of Peter's statement, he rests the church's identity as a royal priesthood in ...
View attachment 895574
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) › ...

The Priesthood of All Believers - The Gospel Coalition


Which scripture says we are a royal priesthood?

1 Peter 2:9 NIV

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. ”
So, Moses was the head of a cult since he established a royal priesthood? You again assume your interpretation is correct. Not true. The Priesthood was well established during the time of Paul. The chosen people are those under the direction of the holy priesthood. Not everyone receives the priesthood authority to perform baptism or any other ordinance. Ordinance comes from the root word, “order.” God’s house is a house of order. Not anyone can do anything at any time. In Peter and Paul’s time there were offices in the Priesthood like apostleship, elders, high priests, bishops, deacons…you can’t just do what you want.
Half atheist half agnostic.
What i know for sure is that all religions are completely ridiculous. For those with soft heads.
I was once an atheist-agnostic/materialist, a naturalist until I began to do research using "radio sweepers" a.k.a. "Spirit/Ghost Boxes", about 8 years ago when I was living in Tucson, Arizona, and taking some courses at U of A. The method of using radios or other electrical devices to communicate with "spirits" is called ITC (i.e. Instrumental TeleCommunications), which includes the EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomenon, mostly done with voice recorders. You don't have to "believe" that this is real, you can do some simple, not-too-expensive experiments and confirm it for yourself, as I did, no faith required.

You can remain an atheist-agnostic because the paranormal doesn't "prove" the existence of a personal God or religious dogmas, but it does open the door to another dimension of life, that we don't fully understand yet. It will broaden your view of reality.

Here are some examples of two types of methods using radios:

Radio Sweepers:
John Huntington, US

Shannon a.k.a. "Mortis The Wizard", UK (He's a bit dramatic and even silly sometimes, but I know the phenomena he's filming is real out of my personal experience using radio-sweepers or "spirit boxes".)

Marcello Bacci, Italy (He didn't use radio sweepers, he used shortwave radios, which is a more advanced method of ITC, rendering even better results.):

Ernst Senkowski (German Physicist):

On National Television in Germany, back in 1983, Senkowski and Hans Otto Konig (An Acoutic Engineer), established contact with two intelligences that presented themselves as the deceased children of the mothers who were there with them during the event. The two women admitted that the spirits had the voices of their children:

Hans Otto Konig (German Acoustic Engineer): v=keOfFmHKvm0&list=PLGBiItTSb8uwiN6wpwMiVGIK5YW5bP2E6

Anabela Cordoso (ITC researcher and Portuguese diplomat, who collaborated with both Senkowski and Konig.):

Scole Experiments:

Seattle VIdeo-ITC:

You don't have to believe anything, just confirm it for yourself. Do what I did, and you will know for yourself, if it's true or not. No faith or belief is required.
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So, Moses was the head of a cult since he established a royal priesthood? You again assume your interpretation is correct. Not true. The Priesthood was well established during the time of Paul. The chosen people are those under the direction of the holy priesthood. Not everyone receives the priesthood authority to perform baptism or any other ordinance. Ordinance comes from the root word, “order.” God’s house is a house of order. Not anyone can do anything at any time. In Peter and Paul’s time there were offices in the Priesthood like apostleship, elders, high priests, bishops, deacons…you can’t just do what you want.
Now you're refusing the authority of Scripture. You obviously don't understand the difference between the OT and the NT. Jesus is the fulfillment. The beginning and the end. An OT priest was the intercession between God and man. Jesus was the final sacrifice. Now every believer has access to the Holy of Holies, the presence of God. Scripture says I'm a priest. You can't do anything about that.
So you just like to defend the Mormon Doctrine.
I don't expect or even desire to convince belligerent, rude, condescending, close-minded, anti-LDS polemicists. If I take the time and exert the effort to respond to your rhetoric it's for the sake of others, who might be genuinely searching for the truth and don't have a personal and irrational, emotionally charged ax to grind against my faith. I don't even bother with people like you unless you're on a forum like this spewing your vitriol against the LDS, which might confuse or even influence someone who is sincerely searching for God. I respond to your posts for them, not you.
Folks, this is the very sad way the Mormons "get" you. Accept that it's true, wait for the "burning in your bosom" (!?!) and then if you get that feeling, it's your "testimony". So no matter how many lies, inconsistencies and contradictions you come upon, you once had that "burning in your bosom" so just go with that.

And the lies are manifest.

In the Book of Mormon, so many historical inaccuracies. Big ones.

Look up the "Book of Abraham", a total fabrication of Joseph Smith.

Mormons then try to recast these posts as "Anti-Mormon". They're not; they're just the truth, which is hard for Mormons to hear.

I feel bad for Mormons. They're mostly well-intentioned people who are led very badly astray by a false teacher. :(
Your description can be applied to all Christians, not just Mormon Christians. There are a lot of problems with the Bible, and most honest, thoughtful Christians know that, but they don't care. Christianity for them is more experiential and it enriches their lives and creates a sense of belonging in a community where they feel like they are part of something valuable, even if it's not 100%, absolutely perfect with an "inerrant Holy Book". Even if all of the Biblical stories aren't historically accurate.

People identify as Christians, even when they know the Bible isn't perfect because of how a Christian way of life helps them cope with the challenges and pains of a mortal existence. You're not saying anything unique to Mormon Christians, this is true for all forms of Christianity (And all religions in general; Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. etc). You're pretending that your critique of the LDS doesn't apply to you too. Everything that you said in your attempt to discredit the Mormon Christian faith, can be said of Evangelicals with their Bible full of contradictions and fabrications (Ancient Middle Eastern Mythology, Greek-Platonic/Gnostic Philosophy..etc). Welcome to the club.
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