Mrs carter has passed

Those who speak ill of the dead are destined to die a horrible death.
One shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but I fail to see why anyone would speak ill of Rosalynn; she seemed to be a lovely First Lady.
Actually I can’t imagine anyone, if they are honest about it, speaking ill of Jimmy either. Sure he wasn’t the greatest President but Carter tried. Not everyone is cut out for the Oval Office.
Carter in his personal life,is a decent human being.
Normally I would be really sad about a First Lady's passing.....but I've talked to a guy who worked in the White House when the Carters took over from Ford.....and he said that the Carter's were not very nice people. He was in White House communications....and was the same MOS that I was before I went SF.
Well, that didn’t take long
Who knows. However, Jimmy proved to be a bad leader.
His speeches were not only uninspiring but depressing.
His policies were hell on the economy.
We haven't had that bad of an economy since he left office, until Biden took over.
Right now the economy is as bad as it was during WWII.
Yes but unlike the current walking corpse Biden, Carter tried, he just wasn’t cut out for the job. Carter is also a decent human being.
Biden on the other hand is an all around POS who doesn’t care at all unless it’s money in his pocket.
One shouldn’t speak ill of the dead but I fail to see why anyone would speak ill of Rosalynn; she seemed to be a lovely First Lady.
Actually I can’t imagine anyone, if they are honest about it, speaking ill of Jimmy either. Sure he wasn’t the greatest President but Carter tried. Not everyone is cut out for the Oval Office.
Carter in his personal life,is a decent human being.
Compared the POS we have in there now, yep.

But compared to Gerald R Ford, not so much.
Normally I would be really sad about a First Lady's passing.....but I've talked to a guy who worked in the White House when the Carters took over from Ford.....and he said that the Carter's were not very nice people
She seemed like a nice woman. But I keep learning Democrats never are...
LBJ, Hillary, Ted Kennedy, Obama
Those who speak ill of the dead are destined to die a horrible death.
So anyone who calls JFK a philanderer should burn in Hell?

How about Joseph Stalin......what a POS that guy was. Killed 25 million of his own people.

Hitler.....murdered 6 million Jews.

Am I going to die a horrible death because I told the truth about someone?
We paid 50+ years of living, top notch healthcare, security & unlimited travel. At $33T debt, paying a poor performer to continue living as king and queen seems a bad idea? The Deep State is killing the United States with stupidity. //

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