Mrs carter has passed

One of my long time friends is a cousin of Roslyn. I think his father was a first cousin so that would make him a second cousin.

He was invited and went to Carter's inauguration despite the fact he did not vote for Jimmy.
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Actually Carter is in third place being the worst President.

1. Potatohead
2. Gay Barry
3. Carter
Carter was sabotaged by CIA. And OPEC
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I think it was Bill Maher but just the other day I heard a comedian joking about Jimmy Carter being the happiest he's ever been because Biden is so bad he's no longer considered the worst president anymore.
Bill Maher is honest sometimes.
That's the only reason I ever watched his show.

I prefer his podcast.
He rarely talks about politics doing that.
So anyone who calls JFK a philanderer should burn in Hell?

How about Joseph Stalin......what a POS that guy was. Killed 25 million of his own people.

Hitler.....murdered 6 million Jews.

Am I going to die a horrible death because I told the truth about someone?
More than likely. Did I stutter?

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