Mrs carter has passed

Compared the POS we have in there now, yep.

But compared to Gerald R Ford, not so much.
compared to Ford, Reagan even Clinton, no he wasn’t the greatest president. To me the difference is he tried to get it right but his policies weren’t great. His foreign policy was weak as I recall and the economy sucked. However I never got the feeling that he didn’t care. I get that from Biden and Hillary all day long. I got that vibe from Obama and Bush Sr. as well although not as bad. Caring counts for something. Carter cared.
compared to Ford, Reagan even Clinton, no he wasn’t the greatest president. To me the difference is he tried to get it right but his policies weren’t great. His foreign policy was weak as I recall and the economy sucked. However I never got the feeling that he didn’t care. I get that from Biden and Hillary all day long. I got that vibe from Obama and Bush Sr. as well although not as bad. Caring counts for something. Carter cared.
Yes....he cared......but he was a bad president.
Why he was a bad president I never understood until my friend told me exactly why.
I was also shocked to find out that his wife went along with just about everything Jimmy did, including the belief in different classes of people.

In the South there's the rich plantation owner and there's the servants.

Servants only speak when spoken to.

As if anybody's death but your own is your business.


compared to Ford, Reagan even Clinton, no he wasn’t the greatest president. To me the difference is he tried to get it right but his policies weren’t great. His foreign policy was weak as I recall and the economy sucked. However I never got the feeling that he didn’t care. I get that from Biden and Hillary all day long. I got that vibe from Obama and Bush Sr. as well although not as bad. Caring counts for something. Carter cared.
As I recall (hazily) there were a mess of American hostages being held in Iran. We had to buy gas on odd/even tag days. Not an easy time to be President.
Well, he was happy as hell after 4yrs of Trump, because he is definitely the worse President this country has ever had.
Yeah...l long for the days of under $2 gas and nasty tweets.

As I recall (hazily) there were a mess of American hostages being held in Iran. We had to buy gas on odd/even tag days. Not an easy time to be President.
Yes....I remember those days.
I also remember who was president when Iran took those hostages....and when the price of gas doubled.

A very large part of that was because nobody feared the Carter White House.

But for some strange reason the very hour that Reagan took the oath of office Iran turned over the hostages.

Because they knew he would blow them to Hell.
As I recall (hazily) there were a mess of American hostages being held in Iran. We had to buy gas on odd/even tag days. Not an easy time to be President.
The hostage Crisis really wasn’t Carter’s fault. The USA backed the Shah instead of the ass backwards crap Iran has now. That’s one reason I disagree with Obama and Biden unfreezing their money. Iran has been calling us the great Satan and screams death to America for almost 50 years. Why would you give them anything? I remember well the 73 energy crisis. We spent hours with my parents waiting in line and pushing the car. The 70’s economy in general sucked. I graduated in 1980. I didn’t have much hope for my future. I remember thinking I was lucky to get a job working in a sweat shop.
Not the worst decade but not the best decade either.
The hostage Crisis really wasn’t Carter’s fault. The USA backed the Shah instead of the ass backwards crap Iran has now. That’s one reason I disagree with Obama and Biden unfreezing their money. Iran has been calling us the great Satan and screams death to America for almost 50 years. Why would you give them anything? I remember well the 73 energy crisis. We spent hours with my parents waiting in line and pushing the car. The 70’s economy in general sucked. I graduated in 1980. I didn’t have much hope for my future. I remember thinking I was lucky to get a job working in a sweat shop.
Not the worst decade but not the best decade either.
I spent the Carter years in the military and in college.....and his lack of support for us caused me to decide not to re-up. Those were the worst years in my life. I was living in CA working for $500/mo before taxes, and later going to college while only earning $4/hr trying to make ends meet.
I spent the Carter years in the military and in college.....and his lack of support for us caused me to decide not to re-up. Those were the worst years in my life. I was living in CA working for $500/mo before taxes, and later going to college while only earning $4/hr trying to make ends meet.
It was rough. I was a teenager in the late 70’s. I remember seeing signs that said Hiring experience required. I had none so getting any job was a win. I baby sat for multiple families until I graduated then got a job in a sweat shop that had to train because nobody here knew how to run a Schiffli.


It was rough. I was a teenager in the late 70’s. I remember seeing signs that said Hiring experience required. I had none so getting any job was a win. I baby sat for multiple families until I graduated then got a job in a sweat shop that had to train because nobody here knew how to run a Schiffli.

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The best job I had was when I was at 5th Group. My worst job was a toss-up working on an assembly line or night guard at an airport.
But I worked for civil service at DPW on the West Coast and here at Ft Campbell KY.
I was 65 and crawling around on rooftops either freezing or sweating my butt off.
Two years ago I retired to take care of my wife.
Working with a Dementia patient is a challenge.
She lived a long and full life…no sadness here, except for those who knew her and miss her.

I don’t. :dunno:
She lived a long and full life…no sadness here, except for those who knew her and miss her.

I don’t. :dunno:

I never understood the wailing and sudden teary eyed caring about someone you never knew. The rush to the casket. The cost, the waste.
They never knew you and could care less if you or your entire family were burned alive by muslim Invaders. Or all killed in a head-on with a wrong way illegal in ARIZ. Fact.

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