My dream.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Did you ever have a dream like winning the lottery or being able to fly and then wake up to discover it was only a dream? I had such a dream last night. I dreamed that the American people had finally concluded that they had been sold out by their leadership and they acted to get justice.

It was decided that every Congressman and Senator in the US had to go. All of these people enriched themselves by handing over the manufacture and distribution of our essential drugs to the Chinese. These politicians had been stabbing us in the back for decades and it was time to get rid of them all, en masse. We went back to the beginning and exposed the past bad actors that were instrumental in crafting the odious conditions that put us in this dilemma-the Bush’s, the Clinton’s and the Obama’s.

These big guns were saved for last. Their fate was to be tortured on national television and summarily executed on the networks. The local and state culprits were rounded up, given trials, then hung in public squares like Mussolini. Every state did the same with all its representatives going all the way back to when China was granted Favorite Nation Trade Status.

I watched from a distance as Maggie Hassan, Jeanne Shaheen and both the Sununu’s were hung by their ankles from a rafter in Manchester NH. An angry crowd armed with rakes and pitchforks tore the culprits to pieces like a pinata. Having been a non-violent person all my life I couldn’t contain myself as I cheered wildly in approval.

It became clear that a lab-created virus had been released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology that was just a stone’s throw from patient zero in China. The people in the US realized that their children, parents and grandparents as well as their friends and neighbors were targeted for biological warfare by a greedy American leadership that had been colluding with the Chinese for decades. These rich US politicians were just as guilty as any of the defendants at Nuremberg.

Then, I woke up still exhilarated by my dream. In time my heart sank as I became aware that my dream was just a dream. I was very, very disappointed.
Interesting ... about twenty years ago, my own congressman ran on the anti-incumbent platform ... "Throw the bums out, including me" ... as the incumbent, he won over 80% of the vote ... since then he doesn't campaign much at all and still regularly carries 60% of the vote ... he uses the same 15 second TV spot every election, him sitting at a bar drinking a beer, "Vote of me will'ya" ...

This typifies the problem, my congressman always votes his district's best interest, why should we not send him back every two years, he's looking out for us better than anyone could hope for ... I think you'll find this is true across this great land ... we may not like Senator McConnell, but Kentucky sure does, so he'll be a senator for as long as he likes ...

I'm not offering a solution, and I feel bad about that ... the main solution would be allowing States to leave the Union whenever they want ... if Texans don't want to allow abortions, then leave, and don't come back ... keep your tax dollars and defend yourself ... re-establish slavery and close your borders ... just don't come back whining to us when the Mexicans invade ...
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It's a scary dream isn't it? If you found out what's actually happening you would be cheering too.

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